The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, "Small summer and big heat, steam at the top and cook at the bottom." Not only is the weather hot, it is also the most humid and sultry time of the year. Pay

2024/05/1610:10:32 food 1297

The fifth solar term of summer - Xiaoshu is coming soon, and the hot summer has officially begun.

There is a folk proverb "Small summer and big heat, steaming at the top and boiling at the bottom" . Not only is the weather hot, it is also the most humid and sultry time of the year. Pay special attention to your diet, follow the seasons, and replenish water.

Entering the Xiaoshu solar term, there is a folk custom of eating three treasures and doing one thing, so there is the old saying "Eat three treasures in Xiaoshu, and there will be no worries in Sanfu", "Do one thing in Xiaoshu, and wealth will flow home." ". How to eat The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, treasure? 1How to do something? is very particular.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

Eat 3 treasures

One treasure: eel

There is a folk saying "Small Heat eel competes with ginseng" because in the Slight Heat season, eel is the most plump time.

According to "Compendium of Materia Medica" records, eel is sweet and warm in nature and flavor, and has the effect of nourishing the middle and replenishing the blood. The humidity in summer is heavy. For people with heavy humidity, eel has the effect of "treating winter diseases in summer".

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

Recommended recipe: [Stir-fried eel]

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, . Sprinkle salt on the eel to wash off the mucus, pour in flour and knead repeatedly. Clean and cut it into sections with a flower knife to prepare . Score the green and red peppers with a straight knife and cut into sections. Also prepare some onions, ginger and garlic for later use.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, . Marinate the eel segments to taste, add salt, chicken powder, pepper, cooking wine, oyster sauce, then add some green onions and ginger slices, mix well, and marinate for about ten minutes. If you want to cook eel quickly and keep the meat fresh and tender, grease is the best way.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, . Heat wide oil in a pot until the oil temperature rises to 50% hot. First fry the garlic until golden brown, then quickly fry the green and red peppers in oil. For slippery eel, the oil temperature should be higher. Heat 60% of the oil in the pan to quickly set the skin.

is poured out in ten seconds. The texture at this time is rubber band, tender meat, fresh and sweet.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, . Leave some base oil in the pot, put the onion and ginger in, and fry over low heat until fragrant. Put in a handful of tempeh , sip in 50 cents of cooking wine , scoop in two spoons of water, add oyster sauce, dark soy sauce for color, chicken powder, pepper, and a little sugar to enhance the freshness.

Simmer over low heat for three to five minutes until the meat is fully flavored, and finally add the garlic and green and red peppers. Remove the juice over high heat.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

Look at these cooked eel segments, they are shiny and moist. The entrance is first filled with a rich aroma of sauce, followed by the delicious aroma of the meat itself. The skin is crispy and the meat is smooth. You can't stop eating it.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

The second treasure: lotus root

"Eating lotus root during Xiaoshu" has become a folk custom. Lotus root is a seasonal ingredient in summer, which can clear away heat and relieve heat.

"If you pick them tender in June and July, they will be crispy and delicious when eaten raw." June and July are the time when fresh lotus roots are on the market. At this time, the lotus roots are large and have a crisp texture. Delicious cold or stir-fried.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

Recommended recipe: [Jiangmi Lotus Root]

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, . Prepare a few sections of lotus root and peel off the skin. If you like to eat something soft and waxy, choose the seven-hole . After peeling, clean it. Smash one of the ends with the back of a knife, and the broken lotus root can seal the mouth on one side.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, . When making glutinous rice with lotus root, this kind of long-grain glutinous rice is generally used. Rinse it with clean water, sprinkle in a handful of sugar and mix well, then pour it into the lotus root. Be sure not to pour it too hard.

Leave some small gaps to facilitate the circulation of steam and prevent the glutinous rice from being unevenly cooked. After all the

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, . is filled, hit it with the back of a knife to seal the mouth. Prevent the glutinous rice from overflowing and affecting its appearance. In the pressure cooker, put a bowl of rock sugar and half a bowl of red yeast rice . Red yeast rice can make the lotus root more ruddy .

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

Pour half a pot of boiling water and put the lotus roots in it. Add a spoonful of honey, cover the pot and press for 40 minutes.After 40 minutes, sweet, soft and glutinous glutinous rice filled with lotus roots will be ready.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

Let cool slightly and cut into slices. The glutinous rice is sweet and you will never tire of eating it.

Three Treasures: Mung Bean Sprouts

Mung Bean Sprouts are usually insignificant supporting roles, but around around Xiaoshu , they turn into "protagonists" .

Mung bean sprouts are very nutritious and contain rich vitamin C, dietary fiber, riboflavin. can not only add a refreshing touch to the summer dining table , but also reduce the burden on the body.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

Recommended recipe: [Stir-fried mung bean sprouts]

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, . First cut some ginger slices, green onion segments, and dried chili pepper segments. Green and red peppers are seeded and cut into thin strips, which are mainly used here for color matching. Put it together with the mung bean sprouts and rinse them with clean water. try to pick out the tofu skin so as not to affect the appearance .

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, . For stir-fried dishes, the bowl ingredients must be prepared in advance.

Add one spoon of salt, one spoon of MSG, four spoons of sugar, half a spoon of chicken powder, and four spoons of white vinegar to the bowl, stir well and set aside. Stir-fried mung bean sprouts are sour and spicy.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb, . Heat oil in a pot, add onions, ginger, and dried chili peppers, turn to low heat and stir-fry. When stir-frying mung bean sprouts, the chili peppers must be fully fried to create a spicy flavor. After frying the peppers until they turn dark in color, cook a bowl of ingredients along the edge of the pot.

Then add green and red pepper shreds and mung bean sprouts, stir-fry over high heat for 20 seconds. After the bean sprouts are broken, pour in water starch and sesame oil, continue to stir-fry a few times, remove from the pan and put on a plate.

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

Xiaoshu 3 treasures are all good ingredients to relieve the heat. Similarly, is also indispensable for doing 1 thing . Do you know which thing it is?

Do one thing during the summer heat, and wealth will flow home

Our country has a long history and culture, and the traditional customs of each season are also different. During the Xiaoshu solar term, many places in my country have the custom of "youfu".

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

It is also every summer, the first day of . Every household should go out to play with the elderly and children at home, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature.

Because the word "volt" has the same pronunciation with the word "福" , "游volt" , which is "youfu", takes the meaning of "blessed" .

The fifth solar term of summer - Slight Heat is coming, and the hot summer has officially begun. There is a folk proverb,

"Three treasures to eat during Xiaoshu" , eel , honey lotus root , mung bean sprouts , are all foods that are very suitable for cooling off in the dog days of summer. They can clear away heat, drive away cold and heat, and are very effective in dealing with hot weather. Don't forget to " do 1 thing", wealth will go home.

(First Food Editor: Happy)

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