Henan Daily Client Reporter Zhao Ana, Anyang City’s “Ten Thousand People Help Ten Thousand Enterprises” Enterprise Relief Policy Tour came to Anyang High-tech Zone. The picture shows the high-angle shot of the propaganda site to further improve the policy level of enterprise assi

Henan Daily client reporter Zhao Ana

Anyang City "Ten Thousand People Help Ten Thousand Enterprises" Enterprise Relief Policy Tour Visited Anyang City High-tech Zone, the picture shows the high-angle shot of the presentation site

In order to further enhance the policy of enterprise assistance cadres at all levels level and ability to serve enterprises, and make every effort to promote the implementation of "Ten Thousand People Help Ten Thousand Enterprises". On the morning of July 15, Anyang City's "Ten Thousand People Help Ten Thousand Enterprises" enterprise relief policy tour came to Anyang High-tech Zone.

This promotional event adopted an "online + offline" model. 45 industrial enterprises above designated size, 25 high-tech enterprises, 10 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises in the jurisdiction, and more than 40 enterprise assistance cadres participated in the offline meeting. At the same time, The lecture was also live broadcast simultaneously through the Internet platform. Anyang High-tech Entrepreneurship Service Center was responsible for the live broadcast guarantee. A total of more than 10,000 people watched the event online that day.

It is understood that the event invited relevant persons in charge of enterprise-related functional departments such as the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, and the District Taxation Bureau to highlight the key points, key points, and hot spots based on the actual needs of the enterprise, and to interpret and deepen the latest tax reduction and exemption policies. Enterprise technological transformation, support for the development of " specialization, special new ", and increase of enterprise research and development subsidies will be promoted. Sun Yanfang, deputy director of the

High-tech Zone Management Committee, said that the enterprise relief policy promotion activities are designed to help enterprises understand various enterprise-friendly policies and effectively enjoy the policy dividends. It also allows enterprise assistance cadres to improve their business knowledge and service level, effectively help enterprises solve difficulties, congestion and pain points, and build a strong bridge between the government and enterprises.

"This presentation has allowed us to learn more about the supporting policies for 'specialized, special and innovative' enterprises. Next, we must deeply interpret relevant policy documents, strive to enjoy policy dividends, and empower the development of enterprises. At the same time, we also hope that such The activities can be carried out more in the future to benefit more companies," said Deng Mingli, manager of Henan Licheng Environmental Protection Company.