With the comprehensive deepening of the intelligent and digital era, insurance users' demand for services is undergoing changes in many aspects: they have higher requirements for online service experience, and they also pay more attention to the warmth and humanization of service

With the comprehensive deepening of the intelligent and digital era, insurance users' demand for services is undergoing changes in many aspects: they have higher requirements for online service experience, and they also pay more attention to the warmth and humanization of services.

Ping An Insurance has been deeply involved in the field of technology for many years, using leading technology to empower products and services. By creating online smart services, it provides customers with convenient and efficient insurance consultation, insurance application, and renewal services, allowing customers to experience the ultimate experience of Internet insurance services. , at the same time, Ping An Insurance also believes that no matter how high-dimensional intelligent services are, it cannot replace human warmth. While rapidly improving online services, it also conducts multi-faceted professional training for offline teams, and technology upgrades are carried out simultaneously.

Think twice before buying insurance, and think twice before surrendering insurance.

However, if you buy insurance, you will naturally surrender. Ms. Lu, a citizen of Chengdu, purchased an annuity portfolio insurance and a critical illness lifelong insurance from Ping An Life Insurance Company.

The insured amount of each insurance is 200,000 yuan, and the total insured amount is 400,000 yuan. At a family gathering, Ms. Lu believed a relative's lobbying that "insurance is useless" and went to the insurance company to apply for surrender in October 2015, intending to withdraw one of the insurance policies. After carefully understanding Ms. Lu’s request for surrender, Ping An Insurance’s agent analyzed the pros and cons and suggested that she think about it for a month before giving a reply.

html One day something unexpected happens. Shortly after applying for surrender, Ms. Lu was diagnosed with left thyroid adenoma during a physical examination organized by the company, which required high surgical and hospitalization expenses. Fortunately, Ms. Lu did not apply for surrender. On December 16, 2015, the insurance company received Ms. Lu's claim application and quickly paid Ms. Lu 400,000 yuan in critical illness insurance compensation according to the claims process. Thinking of the critical illness insurance that she almost canceled, the original 400,000 yuan of coverage was probably reduced to 200,000 yuan, Ms. Lu was very grateful to the agent of Ping An Insurance.

Be wary of agent surrenders, Ping An Do a good job in insurance services

"Policy surrender, as long as the insurance is bought in China, if you don't want to continue paying, or stop paying! We can refund it! You can refund the amount you paid. How much is coming! Welcome to connect with all major powerful channels!"

Such a statement has been circulated among many consumers, capturing the psychology of insurance consumers who "deeply hate" misleading sales and difficult claims settlement. In recent years, the black industry of "agency surrender" has been Frequent activities across the country, and even the gradual shift from scattered agents to corporate operations, have seriously interfered with the normal order of the insurance industry and ultimately damaged the legitimate rights and interests of insurance consumers. In order to curb the spread of the illegal phenomenon of agency surrender, Ping An Insurance agents clearly explain to consumers the different characteristics of different insurance products in terms of clause design, income distribution, expense deduction, etc. before purchasing insurance, especially for those with financial management. attributes of insurance products. The back-end customer service and claims settlement are also coordinated simultaneously and efficiently, focusing on every link where policy surrender may occur and resolving risks in a timely manner. At the same time, Ping An uses insurance technology to manage risks more intelligently. On the premise of protecting the rights and interests of consumers and standardizing insurance sales behavior, new technologies should be used to provide more traceability means for insurance sales, so that there is no loophole for agent surrenders, and the culprits of agent surrenders can be completely cut off.

In fact, insurance surrender should be treated with caution and try not to surrender unless necessary. The purpose of buying insurance is to provide a guarantee for our future life. When an accident occurs, an insurance can allow the family to receive considerable financial compensation, greatly enhancing the confidence to fight risks. Therefore, whether or not to surrender the policy must be carefully considered and the decision made after assessing the pros and cons in all aspects.