Project construction is the "ballast stone" for stable operation and growth. Grasping projects means grasping the economy, development and future. On July 9, Xinyi City's "Comparison of Learning and Catching Up" observation activities for major industrial projects in the first ha

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project is the "ballast stone" for stable operation and growth. Grasping the project means grasping the economy, development and future. On July 9, Xinyi City 's "Comparison and Catching Up" observation event of major industrial projects in the first half of the year was held. 22 major industrial projects in 16 towns (streets) in Xinyi City were reviewed intensively, exchanged experiences and practices, and vigorously Create a strong atmosphere of learning, catching up, and competing for development. Chen Tangqing, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, emphasized that we must resolutely implement the major requirements of "preventing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy, and ensuring safe development", always adhere to the concept of "project is king", and insist that "everything revolves around the project, and everything is done around the project", Strengthen confidence in development, continue to overcome difficulties, optimize the business environment with a stronger sense of responsibility and urgency, increase project attraction, concentrate on promoting the "100-day attack" action, and consolidate the construction of "Xuzhou Industrial No. 1" with the construction of major industrial projects "One County" cornerstone. Li Sheng, Wang Junying, Zheng Wei and other leaders of the city's four teams participated in the event.

html In July, the land of Zhongwu was full of enthusiasm for the high-quality development of and . From east to west, from south to north, every major industrial project construction site is full of tower cranes, roaring machines, and splashing welding flowers... Everywhere is a fiery scene of workers scrambling for time and rushing to schedule. In one day, everyone observed 22 major industrial projects on site. Everywhere they went, there were bright spots and wonderful things.

On the same day, the two projects of Soli environmental protection equipment and Liyu high-end green degradable packaging materials in the Chengbei New District Industrial Park of Zhongwu Street were in full production. "What other difficulties are there in project construction?" "Which production technology and process are used?" "What is the annual output value?" After learning about the development of the company in detail, Chen Tangqing pointed out that Zhongwu Street is in a superior location and hopes that the company will strengthen its confidence in development and further strengthen its development. Increase R&D efforts, expand production, strengthen interaction and cooperation between the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and form a more complete industrial structure; Zhongwu Street must activate effective factors, allocate efficient resources, innovate long-term mechanisms, and effectively build Zhongwu Street into a hub for industrial cluster development Highlands.

The cotton spinning industry is a traditional industry and a pillar industry in Hegou. Facing the impact of factors such as the COVID-19 epidemic and market changes, in order to improve the industry's ability to resist risks, this year, Hegou Town took the initiative to expand its leading industry type from "cotton spinning" to "cotton spinning + high-end precision manufacturing". In Jinjia high-end textile production In the workshop, the fully automatic production line operates efficiently. Chen Tangqing walked and looked around to learn about the situation, "How many production lines are there currently?" "How much does it cost to invest in a production line?" "What are the product categories?" When he learned that the company currently has 9 fully automatic production lines, and the production level represents international advanced At the meeting, Chen Tangqing was very happy. He pointed out that Hegou Town should actively cooperate with the Xinfengming textile project and focus on attracting a group of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain such as cotton spinning raw materials and clothing processing to achieve an order-of-magnitude increase in the scale of cotton spinning production. At the same time, it is necessary to promote the expansion and quality improvement of existing cotton spinning enterprises, achieve large-scale production of higher-density textile products, realize high-quality, automated and digital textile production, and create a high-end cotton spinning industry cluster.

The glass industry is the leading industry in Chessboard Town. The Kangte neutral borosilicate multi-color medicinal and edible glass products project serves as a model for the transformation and upgrading of the town's glass industry. Through the use of new materials, new technologies and new processes, it effectively promotes glass The industry saves energy and reduces consumption, increases the added value of products, and drives the upgrading of the checkerboard glass industry. At the project site, there was a dazzling array of glass products. Chen Tangqing picked up the products and looked at them to learn more about the production technology and processes. Chen Tangqing pointed out that Qipan Town should aim at becoming a strong industrial town, identify leading industries with advantages, and form a glass industry cluster. We must do everything possible to promote the green, energy-saving, and high-quality development of the glass industry, fully stimulate the vitality of enterprises, enhance development momentum, enhance comprehensive competitiveness, and promote faster and better development of the glass industry.

An excellent business environment is a catalyst for major industrial projects to come to fruition. Gaoliu Town Zhongtai intelligent power transmission, distribution and control equipment and Zhenglianfa modified engineering new material projects both started construction in May this year and have been officially put into production. At the project site, machines are roaring and workers are busy and busy, trying their best to grab time, progress and orders. The prospect of development is about to emerge.Chen Tangqing learned in detail about the project progress, industrial supporting facilities, etc., and fully affirmed the considerate, warm and comfortable business environment of HTML in Gaoliu Town. He pointed out that the business environment is not only "soft power" but also "hard support". We must work together with enterprises to solve difficult problems in the process of project promotion and blocking problems in the transformation and development of enterprises, so as to make enterprises more heartwarming. , peace of mind, boost development confidence, and truly exchange the "hard work index" of cadres for the "development index" of the enterprise.

Think while walking, understand by observing, and act by reasoning. The observation group also visited Xin'an Street, Tangdian Street, Wayao Town, Caoqiao Town, Gangtou Town, Yaowan Town, Malingshan Town, Xindian Town, On-site observation at in Shaodian Town, in Shiji Town, in Shuangtang Town, in Ahu Town, etc. Everyone watched, learned, commented and discussed together, witnessing the good trend of Xinyi City launching projects and seeking development, and personally felt the vitality and passion of comparing learning, catching up, and striving to move forward. During the observation of

, Chen Tangqing emphasized that in order for Xinyi to climb the slope of transformation and upgrading and overcome the hurdle of kinetic energy conversion, it must firmly grasp the project construction. Large projects are an important carrier for accelerating investment and optimizing industrial structure. Xinyi City must effectively improve its ideological understanding, quickly set off a "100-day attack" craze, and make every effort to promote the construction of key projects to achieve new results. We must adhere to the new development concept as the guide, follow the requirements of "preventing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy, and ensuring safe development", firmly establish the concept of "no matter how late today is, it is early, and no matter how early tomorrow is, it is late" and go all out Seize the day and night, sort out the stuck points, difficulties, and blocking points that restrict the advancement of the project, make lists, establish accounts, clarify responsibilities, and track and promote problem resolution. It is necessary to adhere to the front-line work method, adhere to the above-mentioned rate, and go to the production and project construction sites of enterprises to find and solve problems, so as to promote early resolution of problems and rapid progress of projects. It is necessary to actively cultivate and strengthen market entities, vigorously implement measures such as the "Head Goose Plan", "Eagle Plan" and "Nest-building Warm Nest Plan", continue to promote the expansion of enterprises, improve quality and efficiency, and gradually form large enterprises that stand tall and stand tall. As the pillar, there is an industrial development pattern supported by the overwhelming small trees and forests of small, medium and micro enterprises, achieving new breakthroughs in economic development. To continue to optimize the business environment, project service departments and relevant personnel should provide more new and hard-hitting recruits for enterprises. Things that need to be done should be done "without leaving the night" and "done immediately". Difficult things should be done by all means. Overcome difficulties to ensure that project reserves are scientific and sufficient, project construction is in full swing, and project benefits are fully released. It is necessary to strengthen the passion of "striving for the first and the only", daring to venture, dare to try, and dare to take on responsibilities. Each sector must find the right pacesetters, benchmark and find differences, strive to catch up, and constantly strive to achieve leaps and bounds in the process of learning and catching up. Ensure the completion of various targets and tasks throughout the year and strive to build "Xuzhou's No. 1 Industrial County"

(Source: Xinyi Municipal People's Government website) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please email Xinbao to reply within 24 hours.]