There is no doubt that government consumption vouchers play a role in stimulating consumption. During the "Dragon Boat Festival" holiday, our city issued the first round of consumer coupons, which effectively boosted residents' enthusiasm for consumption and released consumption

The role of government consumption coupons in stimulating consumption is undoubted. During the "Dragon Boat Festival" holiday, our city issued the first round of consumer coupons, which effectively boosted residents' enthusiasm for consumption and released consumption vitality.

held a press conference

On June 2, our city held a press conference for the "Jinqing Consumption·Enjoy the Cloud" government consumption voucher issuance event, announcing that in 2022, the city and county finances will jointly invest 46.5 million yuan in the city. Government consumption vouchers will be issued in batches through the China UnionPay "Cloud QuickPass APP" platform within the scope, focusing on areas such as retail, catering, bulk consumer goods, etc., targeting enterprises above the designated size and enterprises that are cultivating to enter the system, to stimulate non-rigid consumption demand, especially increased support for consumer goods such as automobiles, home appliances, and refined oil products, which have obvious driving effects.

Pingcheng District issued the first round of government consumption coupons

On June 3, our city issued the first round of government consumption coupons in Pingcheng District, 25,550 pieces, amounting to 1.5 million yuan. Residents showed a positive attitude towards receiving government consumption vouchers, and the vouchers were sold out as soon as they went online. Data from the Municipal Commerce Bureau shows that 1,780 consumer vouchers were written off on the first day of issuance, with a write-off amount of 170,095.69 yuan, driving consumption by 1,372,719.59 yuan; in the first round of government consumption vouchers, a total of 10,468 write-offs were written off, with a write-off amount of 818,282.57 yuan, stimulating consumption. The amount is 5,810,075.97 yuan. This will drive the digital transformation of physical merchants in Pingcheng District and the integrated development of online and offline services, further enhance the supporting and driving role of the service industry in the city's economic growth, promote the stabilization and improvement of consumption in the city, and promote the high-quality development of the city's economy. positive effects.

Qin Shangsong, director of the Municipal Commerce Bureau, said in an interview with reporters that in the first half of this year, all parts of the country have vigorously issued consumer coupons. This is because the national consumption situation is facing greater growth challenges, and the consumer market has supply shocks, demand contraction and expectations. The triple pressure has weakened, and the growth of household consumption has slowed down. Issuing consumer vouchers under such circumstances can effectively leverage residents' willingness to consume and transform consumers' original consumption needs into actual purchasing power. Practice has proved that this is also an important measure to promote the rapid recovery of consumption in the short term.

"Under the current situation, it is not easy for the Pingcheng District Government to arrange 10 million yuan in financial funds to issue government consumption coupons. Both businesses and consumers should cherish this policy dividend." Bian, deputy director of the Pingcheng District Commerce Bureau Guoquan told reporters that on May 21, Pingcheng District formulated and issued the "Notice of the Pingcheng District People's Government of Datong City on the Implementation of Eighteen Measures to Assist Enterprises in Relief", the first of which is to "distribute a total of 10 million yuan Digital consumption coupons carry out consumption promotion activities in the automobile, fuel and other retail industries, leading to the formation of consumption hot spots. "Compared with traditional consumption coupons, the core advantage of digital consumption coupons this time is accuracy and transparency. Bian Guoquan introduced that the coupon recipients and merchants are all real-name, the coupon use and settlement are very clear and transparent, the use of funds is safe and fair, and technical means such as Internet technology and location positioning are used to ensure that every penny is spent on the platform. The urban area's upper limit is on unified enterprises.

Datong Economic Development Zone issued government consumer vouchers

While the first round of government consumer voucher issuance has brought significant results, other districts and counties are also stepping up plans to issue consumer vouchers. On June 16, Datong Economic and Technological Development Zone announced the issuance of digital consumption coupons in Datong Economic and Technological Development Zone in 2022. The biggest highlight is that 5 million yuan will be used to issue automobile consumption coupons, which will be divided into three levels of subsidies. The planned subsidy is 800 yuan. vehicle. Zhang Lei, chief of the Commerce Section of the Ministry of Economic and Security of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, said that this time the Economic and Technological Development Zone plans to issue 3,300 500,000 yuan accommodation and catering coupons, 1,900 500,000 yuan general retail coupons, and automobile coupons with a total amount of 5 million yuan. , the release period is from June 16 to October 7, general consumption coupons for accommodation, catering, and retail are released at 10 a.m. every day, and the coupons are valid on the same day. Car consumption coupons are issued every Thursday at 10 am and expire at 22:00 on Thursday of the following week.

Jin Yunsheng, sales manager of Datong Yanzhiwo Automobile Service Co., Ltd., is very confident in the role of automobile government consumption vouchers in stimulating consumption.He told reporters that in previous years, June was the off-season for the automobile market. This year, stimulated by consumer coupons, the store's customer flow increased every day. From June 16 to now, several interested customers have come to inquire about how to collect and use consumer coupons. matters. Government subsidies plus the preferential policy of purchase tax being halved have attracted many citizens to come to choose cars. Their stores have also applied to the company to provide the most favorable prices to consumers. At the same time, they have also launched various preferential policies. A multi-pronged approach will be taken to stimulate automobile consumption.

The issuance of government consumption coupons has obvious effects on promoting short-term consumption and restoring consumer confidence. It can also increase short-term income of merchants through indirect subsidies to merchants, easing the operating pressure of merchants during the economic downturn. At the same time, consumer vouchers have a certain multiplier effect, and industries that have been greatly affected by the epidemic are expected to see a marginal improvement.