There are only four days left until the National Insurance Publicity Day. This is my sixth publicity day in the insurance industry. I often read some complaints on the Internet. Insurance has indeed hurt the simple feelings of some customers in the past sales, product design, and

There are only 4 days until National Insurance Publicity Day . This is my 6th publicity day in the insurance industry. I often read some complaints on the Internet. Insurance has indeed hurt the simple feelings of some customers in the past sales, product design, and after-sales service processes. In this process, some people gradually realize the unique role of insurance in risk management, financial planning, etc., while others fall into negative perceptions and cannot extricate themselves. It has been slow to accept commercial insurance.

Currently, commercial insurance has developed into an important part of social security. No matter how we look at it, it is moving forward with the pace of social development, and premium income is increasing year by year. As the saying goes, it is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. Why not let go of your prejudices and see each other sincerely?

Today, let’s listen to the voice of the country and industry from the perspective of general direction and publicity. The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Insurance Industry Association, in order to increase insurance publicity and let more people understand insurance, have held July every year since 2013. The 8th is designated as Insurance Publicity Day. This year is already the 10th publicity day.

The promotional theme for 2022 is: Forge ahead on a new journey, and insurance will protect your stable happiness.

We have completely eliminated poverty in 2020. As the saying goes, it is easy to conquer a country but difficult to defend it. The role of insurance is to protect. How to protect the fruits of our victory, insurance plays an irreplaceable role.

Let’s take this opportunity to review the slogans of the previous 9 sessions and experience the development of the insurance industry in the past 10 years.

Theme of the first session (2013): Listening from the heart, interacting with you and me

The theme of the second session (2014): Love is boundless, responsibility is in line

The theme of the third session (2015): One-click insurance, Unlimited care

The fourth (2016) theme: @Insurance, everything is simpler

The fifth (2017) theme: Stay away from poverty, start with a guarantee

The sixth (2018) theme: Guardian Beauty, starts with a guarantee

The theme of the seventh session (2019): Patriotism and love for the family, starts with a guarantee

The theme of the eighth session (2020): Walking together, we are together

The ninth session (2021 Year) Theme: Never forget the original intention , protect the beauty