Today is July 2, 2022. Youluo Finance shares a piece of good news with all car owners and friends: Due to the sharp decline in international crude oil prices in the past half month, this round of domestic refined oil price adjustments may usher in the first oil price adjustment t

Good news for car owners: On July 2, the national prices of No. 92 and No. 95 gasoline will be adjusted. Domestic oil prices may be adjusted for two consecutive drops.

Today is July 2, 2022. Youluo Finance shares a piece of good news for all car owners: due to the sharp decline in international crude oil prices in the past half month, this round of domestic refined oil price adjustments may usher in the first two consecutive oil price adjustments this year. The price of diesel and gasoline dropped by about 75 yuan per ton. After the oil price adjustment on July 12, the price of No. 92 gasoline per liter in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Liaoning and other regions returned to the era of 8 yuan. .

Oil price performance this week.

The international crude oil market ended its trading session for the week on the morning of July 2, Beijing time. As the price of Brent crude oil futures rose sharply by 2.25% during the US market trading session, crude oil prices stopped falling and rebounded this week, with an increase of 2.18%. Brent crude oil prices closed at US$111.48 per barrel, breaking through and standing above the important technical resistance level of US$110. International oil prices showed signs of re-entering an upward trend.

U.S. crude oil futures prices rose 2.55% today. Oil prices rose slightly by 0.78% this week, ending two consecutive weeks of sharp declines.

Domestic crude oil futures prices closed up 1.19%.

Good news for car owners: July 12th may be the second consecutive drop in gas prices!

This year’s 13th round of refined oil price adjustment window will open at 24:00 on July 12. Although crude oil prices have risen sharply today, crude oil prices have generally fallen sharply in the past half month. One of the reference indicators for domestic oil price adjustment The price of Brent crude oil has dropped sharply by 8.89% compared to the closing price on June 13. The National Development and Reform Commission predicts that the direction of this round of oil price adjustment is " oil price reduction ". The national diesel and gasoline prices will drop by about 75 yuan/ton. There is information The financial equivalent of the retail oil price at gas stations is that the price of diesel and gasoline has dropped by about 0.06 yuan per liter.

Youlao Finance would like to remind all drivers and car owners that the domestic oil price adjustment refers to the average rise and fall of crude oil prices in the international market over 10 working days. The specific oil price adjustment results on July 12 need to be monitored for more than a week in the future. International crude oil price trends, if crude oil prices continue to rise, our domestic oil price adjustment direction may become a stranded price adjustment, or even a new round of oil price increases.

This is the "simultaneous increase and simultaneous decrease" mechanism for domestic oil prices to be in line with international oil prices stipulated in the " Petroleum Price Management Measures ". There is a saying in Finance and Economics that summarizes: "If crude oil goes up, so do I; if crude oil goes down, so do I." .

Today’s oil price analysis from Youlao Finance (July 2, 2022).

Youfa Finance has noticed that Wall Street investment bank analysts continue to vigorously tout the surge in oil prices. JPMorgan Chase analysts warn that if the United States and Europe prompt Russian oil to implement retaliatory production cuts, global oil prices may soar to US$380 per barrel.

JPMorgan Chase believes that Russia has the ability to reduce its average daily crude oil production by 5 million barrels without excessively damaging the economy, which will seriously affect the world's oil supply and demand, and the results may be catastrophic for the world.

A cut of 3 million barrels per day in Russian supply would push London crude prices to $190.

In the worst case scenario, if Russia cuts production by 5 million barrels per day, it may mean that international crude oil prices will soar to $380.

Some sources of finance believe that what analysts at JPMorgan Chase are describing is an extreme situation, because the possibility of Russia's oil production being significantly reduced by an average of 5 million barrels per day due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is extremely slim.

From the perspective of technical analysis, there is a high possibility that oil prices will rise next week. Brent crude oil prices are expected to rise at resistance levels of US$120 and US$125, and support levels for oil price declines at the half-year line of US$106 and US$100.

pay attention to Youlao Finance and grasp the latest oil price adjustment information.

Please see the attached table (with picture) for the price information of No. 0 diesel, No. 92 gasoline, and No. 95 gasoline released today, July 2, after the latest national oil price adjustment.

Today's Jilin oil price information: Today's No. 92 gasoline price in Changchun on July 2, 2022 is 9.03 yuan/liter, today's Changchun No. 95 gasoline price is 9.74 yuan/liter, and today's Changchun No. 0 diesel price is 8.68 yuan/liter. .

Today's Jiangxi oil price information: July 2, 2022 Nanchang Today's No. 92 gasoline price limit is 9.02 yuan/liter, today's Nanchang No. 95 gasoline price limit is 9.68 yuan/liter, today Nanchang No. 0 diesel price limit is 8.82 yuan /Lift.

Today's oil price information in Guangxi: July 2, 2022 Nanning Today's No. 92 gasoline price is 9.12 yuan/liter, today's Nanning No. 95 gasoline price is 9.85 yuan/liter, and today's Nanning No. 0 diesel price is 8.82 yuan/liter.

Finance and Economics: This round of oil price adjustment will be carried out at 24:00 on July 12. It is expected that the price of diesel and gasoline will drop by 75 yuan/ton. Our car owners may experience two consecutive drops in oil prices for the first time this year!