On July 6, 1998, Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok International Airport was officially opened and has since developed into the world's largest cargo airport. On August 28, 1998, affected by the Asian financial crisis, the Hong Kong stock market fluctuated. With the support of the central g


On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returned to the motherland, and the five-star red flag and the Bauhinia regional flag were rising.


On July 6, 1998, Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok International Airport was officially opened and has since developed into the world's largest cargo airport.


On August 28, 1998, affected by the Asian financial crisis, the Hong Kong stock market fluctuated. With the support of the central government , the Hong Kong government fought back against international speculators. The Monetary Authority invested huge amounts of money in the stock and futures markets and successfully fended off speculators through the crisis.


On January 15, 1999, the first-generation Home Return Permit was launched to facilitate Hong Kong residents traveling to and from the mainland.


On May 8, 2003, after the SARS epidemic broke out in Hong Kong, the central government promptly provided medical supplies. Since then, Hong Kong has allowed mainland tourists to travel freely, and the number of tourists visiting Hong Kong has increased significantly.


On June 29, 2003, the central government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region signed CEPA, injecting impetus into the Hong Kong economy.


On November 18, 2003, Hong Kong opened personal RMB business to facilitate Hong Kong people's travel to the mainland.


On January 1, 2004, CEPA began to be implemented to accelerate the convenient flow of capital, goods, personnel and other elements between the mainland and Hong Kong.


On September 12, 2005, Hong Kong Disneyland opened.


On January 4, 2007, Margaret Chan, who had served as the Director of Health of the Hong Kong SAR Government, officially took office as the Director-General of the World Health Organization . For the first time, a Chinese person has held the top position in the United Nations agency.


On July 1, 2007, in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, giant pandas "Lele" and "Yingying" were presented to Hong Kong to meet the citizens.


On May 12, 2008, less than seven days after the Wenchuan earthquake, all walks of life in Hong Kong donated HK$1 billion to the disaster area. The Hong Kong SAR immediately dispatched rescue teams and medical teams to the disaster area.


On August 9, 2008, the Beijing Olympic equestrian competition was held in Hong Kong.


On October 1, 2009, fireworks bloomed in Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.


On July 17, 2010, the Minimum Wage Ordinance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was passed.


On November 17, 2014, Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect was officially launched, realizing the two-way opening of the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets.


On December 5, 2016, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect was officially launched, injecting positive energy into domestic and foreign financial markets.


On July 8, 2017, the Liaoning aircraft carrier fleet was opened to Hong Kong citizens.


On September 23, 2018, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link was opened for operation.


On October 24, 2018, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge was officially opened to traffic. It only takes half an hour to drive from Hong Kong to Zhuhai.


In June 2019, a storm broke out in Hong Kong over the amendment bill, and radical violent crimes seriously trampled on the rule of law and social order. Since then, the central government has taken decisive action and the Hong Kong SAR has fully implemented the national security law and the new electoral system.


On June 30, 2020, the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress voted to pass the "Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region."


In February 2021, the free trade and investment agreement signed between Hong Kong and the ten ASEAN countries came into full effect.


On July 1, 2021, during the July 1st flag-raising ceremony in Hong Kong, the flag guard team used Chinese step drills for the first time.


In February 2022, the central government fully supported Hong Kong in fighting the new coronavirus epidemic, and a team of mainland experts and medical staff went to Hong Kong. We opened water supply routes and launched innovative railway trains to support Hong Kong. In less than a month, six makeshift hospitals were built in Hong Kong, adding about 20,000 beds.

5 wonderful moments, which ones have left a deep impression on you?

source | CCTV News