On the afternoon of July 1, the groundbreaking ceremony for Reignwood Group’s KIS International School and the establishment ceremony of the Reignwood Cultural Foundation’s “Belt and Road” Youth Education Fund were held at the Reignwood ASEAN Health Industrial Park in Bangkok, Th

On the afternoon of July 1, the groundbreaking ceremony of Reignwood Group’s KIS International School and the establishment ceremony of the Reignwood Cultural Foundation’s “Belt and Road” Youth Education Fund were held at the Reignwood ASEAN Health Industrial Park in Bangkok, Thailand. Yan Danhua, executive director of Reignwood Group , welcomed the Chinese and Thai guests on behalf of Reignwood Group and delivered a speech.

The Reignwood ASEAN Health Industrial Park project was "cloud launched" and started construction on May 1, 2020. The project is guided by the concept of culture and health and integrates tourism, senior care and technology to create a comprehensive health industrial park integrating international schools, special vacations, health and wellness, outdoor leisure sports and international cultural exchanges. Thailand’s former Ministry of Education Mr. Pensa, who holds the rank of deputy minister, presided over the construction of Reignwood ASEAN Health Industrial Park.

The completed industrial park covers multiple business formats and is friendly to all ages. It not only has a green and natural "oxygen bar" formed by Chinese transplanted yew forests, advanced medical and fashionable sports facilities and professional service personnel, but also has a Summer Palace " Renshou" It is an "East-West Cultural Exchange Center" that is modeled on "Dian " and inherits intangible cultural heritage, and is a first-class international school in Asia. The KIS International School built in the Reignwood ASEAN Health Industrial Park is designed by , a famous international school designer in Denmark, and constructed by China State Construction Engineering Corporation. The school will adopt the international IB curriculum and provide high standards from kindergarten to university preparatory courses for students around the world. International courses. The school will use advanced science and technology in daily teaching and introduce information technology courses such as AI, intelligent robots, quantum physics , and metaverse technology.

Shen Zhu, Secretary General of Reignwood Cultural Foundation, announced the official launch of the “Belt and Road” Youth Education Fund. The fund was initiated by Mr. Yan Bin, Honorary Chairman of the Reignwood Cultural Foundation, with a total amount of 68 million yuan. It will be used to support youth education, cultural exchanges, and technological innovation in China and countries and regions along the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. Activity. Shen Zhu said that Mr. Yan Bin has donated more than 1.5 billion yuan to the foundation over the years, and the funds have been used for human heritage protection, youth education, international cultural exchanges, etc. Mr. Yan Bin has devoted his efforts and made outstanding contributions, and has won social recognition. Widely praised.

Yan Danhua, executive director of Reignwood Group, said in his speech that Reignwood Group has adhered to the concept of green and healthy development since its establishment 38 years ago and has always insisted on providing consumers with healthier products and a better life experience. In the context of the “One Belt and One Road” construction, Reignwood Group has actively integrated into the new domestic and international dual-circulation development pattern. Guided by the concept of healthy, green and sustainable development and driven by technological innovation, Reignwood Group has created the Reignwood ASEAN Health Industrial Park. This place not only brings together the development achievements of Reignwood html over the past 238 years, but also entrusts the prospect of a healthy future.

Yang Xin, Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Thailand, said that the Reignwood ASEAN Health Industry Demonstration Zone combines the fields of eco-tourism, health and wellness, and international education, which is in line with the "bio-circular-green" economic development vigorously promoted by the Thai government. The concept has created a new business format for Chinese enterprises, and at the same time, it has enriched the fields of investment cooperation between China and Thailand and added new highlights. The foundation of KIS International School and the establishment of the Reignwood Cultural Foundation’s “Belt and Road” Talent Training Fund will also provide stronger support for the training of international talents in both countries and bring more fresh blood to China’s “Belt and Road” construction.

Reignwood Group will set July 1st as the Group Brand Day, during which it will hold a variety of cultural and sports activities. This year, a series of cultural and sports exchange activities such as the "When East Meets West" online concert, Shen Yinmo calligraphy and contemporary masters' joint exhibition, and the Reignwood AI Marathon were held online through Beijing and Bangkok . Fuping County Malanhua Children's Choir's Greek " Olympic Ode " was sung again at the "When East Meets West" concert. They received the first donation from the "Belt and Road" Youth Education Fund, with Rehearsing, performing and developing as a team. The "Reignwood AI Marathon" launched on June 20 attracted 680,000 domestic running enthusiasts to participate online.

html On July 2, Chacha Sitiphan, the mayor of Bangkok, Thailand, and about 1,200 marathon enthusiasts from all walks of life will gather at the Reignwood ASEAN Health Industrial Park to participate in a healthy running event. Beijing Olympic City Development Promotion Association Vice Chairman Jiang Xiaoyu and other celebrities will start the event at the same time online or offline in China with more than a thousand running enthusiasts in Bangkok, including Yan Bin, chairman of Reignwood Group. Run for health and jointly convey the concept of green and healthy development. International Olympic Committee Vice Chairman Yu Zaiqing expressed his appreciation for the healthy running activities organized by Reignwood Group in Beijing and Bangkok through video.