On June 30, Fenjiu Party Committee Secretary and Chairman Yuan Qingmao held an exchange and discussion with Moutai Group Party Committee Secretary and Chairman Ding Xiongjun and his delegation.

On June 30, Fenjiu Party Committee Secretary and Chairman Yuan Qingmao held an exchange discussion with Moutai Group Party Committee Secretary and Chairman Ding Xiongjun. Ji Keliang, former chairman of Moutai Group, Li Baofang, former party secretary and chairman of Moutai Group, president of Shanxi Food Industry Association, former party secretary and chairman of Fenjiu Li Qiuxi, deputy secretary, vice chairman and general manager of Fenjiu Party Committee Tan Zhongba, Deputy Secretary-General of China Liquor Association Du Xiaowei, Fenjiu Group and shareholding leaders Li Zhenhuan, Gao Zhiwu, Yang Bo, Liu Weihua, Yang Jianfeng, Wang Huai, Gao Ming, Zhang Chunsheng, Li Chenggang, assistant leaders, members of the Party Committee of Maotai Group, Deputy general manager Gao Shan, chief engineer Wang Li, Maotai Liquor Co., Ltd. leaders Wang Xiaowei, Jiang Yan, assistant to the general manager, Fenyang Municipal Party Committee Secretary Li Zhengkui, deputy mayor Wang Baoqi, Xinghua Village Party Committee Secretary Xu Wendong Attend discussions. Heads of relevant departments of Fenjiu Group, Moutai Group, and Fenyang City attended the discussion.

Yuan Qingmao welcomed the arrival of Ding Xiongjun and his delegation. Moutai is the well-deserved leading company in the liquor industry. Fenjiu will learn from Moutai’s advanced experience and apply it to Fenjiu’s overall planning and work advancement, and implement it into the practice of all-round promotion of Fenjiu ’s high-quality development .

▲Fenjiu Party Committee Secretary and Chairman Yuan Qingmao

Yuan Qingmao said that Currently, mutual promotion, inclusive cooperation among the liquor industry has become the general trend. As the leaders of Maotai-flavor and light-flavor liquors, Moutai and Fenjiu must strengthen the "five leaderships" with longer-term strategies and more effective measures, so that the power of the liquor industry will grow stronger.

1. Grasp the general trend of the times and work together to lead the way. The general trend of industry development is high-quality development. It is necessary to listen to the voice of the times and adhere to "consumer-centered" to drive the future trend of liquor consumption; it is necessary to improve system standards, proactively integrate with international standards, firmly grasp the pulse of the times, and promote the high-quality development of the liquor industry.

2. Adhere to craftsmanship and work together to lead quality. At present, keeping integrity and innovation is the consensus of the entire liquor industry, and the organic unity of traditional craftsmanship and modern equipment has become the mainstream of the times. Famous Chinese liquor companies have joined hands to empower liquor with technology and use digital innovation and scientific spirit to promote a new revolution in the liquor industry.

3. Insist on in-depth exploration and activation, and work together to provide cultural guidance. In the future, both parties should take promoting Chinese liquor culture as their own responsibility, strengthen cultural alliance, build a long-term effective cultural value carrier and consumer communication mechanism, further refine and practice the core concepts of China's liquor industry in the new era, and build a new culture of Chinese famous liquors The value expression system creates a new situation in liquor culture.

Fourth, tighten the bonds of cooperation and work together to lead competition and cooperation. The current industry atmosphere of "competition and cooperation" is getting stronger and stronger, and the development situation is getting better and better. Both Fenjiu and Moutai have strong potential for international development. Both parties must seize the opportunity of Chinese culture going global, tell the world about Chinese liquor culture and quality, and constantly open up new frontiers in the Chinese liquor market.

5. Demonstrate industry responsibility and work together to lead the category. Fenjiu and Moutai, as representatives of fragrance and sauce, should set standards based on the concept of sharing beauty, build individuality with the concept of each having its own beauty, lead the category culture to express unique values, emotions, and times, and promote and drive fragrance and The Maotai-flavor category and even the entire liquor industry develop healthily and sustainably.

Yuan Qingmao said, "If you know the right way, you can share the same interests thousands of miles apart, they are as solid as glue and paint, and as strong as gold and stone."Fenjiu attaches great importance to the beautiful friendship it has established with Moutai, and hopes that the two parties will have more exchange opportunities and build more platforms in the future, work together, help each other, and jointly build a bright future for China's liquor industry.

▲ Ding Xiongjun, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of Moutai Group

Ding Xiongjun said that In recent years, Fenjiu has developed strongly and its operating performance has improved by leaps and bounds, setting an example for liquor companies and injecting strong power and confidence into the entire liquor industry. He pointed out that Maotai and Fenjiu are inseparable. From a macro perspective, both parties represent revitalized history, represent Chinese wine culture, represent national industries, and both set examples of reverence for ecology; from an economic perspective, both parties are Chinese Even the world's famous liquor companies are the leading companies in the liquor industry. They are all state-owned enterprises and listed companies, and they bear corresponding social responsibilities. This exchange is not only to deepen and consolidate the friendship between the two parties, but also to learn from Fenjiu’s successful development model and management experience.

Ding Xiongjun said that promotes the high-quality development of the enterprise itself and Chinese liquor. Both parties should continue to make efforts in three aspects:

First, follow the way of fine wine and jointly create a "beautiful" classic. Although Moutai and Fenjiu are produced in different places, have different craftsmanship, and have different flavors, they have "the same cultural roots and the same inheritance." They are both philosophical classics, ecological classics, quality classics, and cultural classics. Both parties should transform the rich cultural resources of wine into development potential, tell the story of Chinese liquor, and work together to create more "beautiful" classics of China's famous liquor and national industrial brands.

2. Follow the trend of the times and jointly build a "beautiful" pattern. Currently, from the policy perspective, the new industry order is being reshaped; from the supply side, a new industry pattern is taking shape; from the consumer perspective, new consumption in the industry is being upgraded. Both parties should follow the trend of the times, grasp the laws of development, set an example and take practical actions in setting quality standards, safety and environmental protection work, and leading consumption trends, so as to jointly lead and promote the high-quality development of China's liquor industry.

3. Gather and join forces to create a "beautiful" ecology. At present, the concept of "each has its own beauty, and the beauty is shared" and the development of "competition and cooperation" have gradually become the consensus of industry development. It is precisely because of the openness, tolerance, and all-inclusive mind and tolerance of famous liquor companies that the Chinese liquor industry has developed Today is "as bright as stars and famous wines". It is hoped that Moutai and Fenjiu can achieve the ultimate goal of the relationship of "each appreciating the beauty and sharing the beauty" and jointly promote the high-quality development of China's liquor industry.

▲Tan Zhongbao, general manager of Fenjiu

▲Gao Shan, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of Moutai Group

At the symposium, Tan Zhongbao and Gao Shan introduced the basic situation of their respective companies. Ji Keliang, Li Baofang, and Li Qiuxi respectively reviewed the profound friendship that Fenjiu and Moutai have forged over the years. Everyone agreed that Fenjiu and Moutai are the most representative Chinese liquor companies, veritable benchmarks in the industry, and have had a profound impact on the Chinese liquor industry. It is hoped that both parties can further deepen communication and exchanges, set an example for China's liquor industry to be world-minded, have excellent quality, and be honest and innovative, and inject new vitality into the high-quality development of Chinese liquor.

Before the symposium, Ding Xiongjun and his delegation went to China Fenjiu City, the Second Garment Factory, the Fenjiu Brewing Workshop, and the Fenjiu Museum. They learned in detail about the long brewing history and unique brewing techniques of Fenjiu, personally experienced the Fenjiu packaging skills, and tasted Pure freshly brewed Fen Liquor, and on-site exchanges on corporate culture construction, craft inheritance, etc.

Source: Fenjiu Rong Media Center