This year's 618 has come to an end, and looking back at the e-commerce sales, it seems generally very lonely and quiet. Under difficult circumstances, there are still opportunities. During the 618 period, the Douyin e-commerce service provider team launched the "livelog trendy go

This year’s 618 Festival has come to an end. Looking back at the e-commerce promotions, overall it seems particularly lonely and quiet. Under difficult circumstances, there are still opportunities. During the 618 period, the Douyin e-commerce service provider team launched the "livelog trendy goods plan", fully leveraging platform resources and providing generous incentives including traffic to help merchants & service providers break through the current business growth problems and achieve volume sales Double burst.

The outstanding performance of Douyin’s 618 Good Things Festival has once again proved that “hobby e-commerce” will be one of the important nuggets for Douyin e-commerce service providers and even all walks of life to achieve business growth. In the Douyin e-commerce ecosystem, how will service providers help merchants find breakthroughs? We interviewed three Douyin e-commerce service providers and sorted out some methodologies from the perspective of content innovation marketing.

618 will end. E-commerce marketers have just begun to explore Douyin e-commerce and explore interesting e-commerce gameplay; learning has also just begun.

or below, enjoy~

Product innovation detonates big promotions

Trendy goods are the core hot spot of interest e-commerce

As a newly emerging e-commerce platform, Douyin e-commerce provides a "new continent" for new generation service providers and new brands. .

According to Shanghai Red Rabbit E-Commerce Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Red Rabbit Interactive) , the RELLET service it serves was only an offline channel before entering Douyin e-commerce this year. In a short period of time after cooperating with Red Rabbit Interactive to expand Douyin e-commerce, it achieved explosive growth.

"We sold so well before that the brand was sold out. Due to the impact of logistics, some of its packaging materials had difficulties in the supply chain. This made us stock up on 618, which was somewhat worrying, and it was considered a happy worry. "During the

618 period (June 11-18), the service provider Red Rabbit Interactive, with extremely limited budget and popularity, fully understood and grasped the gameplay of the "livelog trendy goods plan" launched by the Douyin e-commerce platform. RELLET, which serves as its agent, achieved a GMV increase of 442% year-on-year in the same period in May, an increase of 209% from the previous cycle.

In terms of sales, Berun’s live broadcast room can exceed 80,000 in a single hour during its peak period! How does

do it?

Before the big promotion begins, it is key to make use of the brand's own characteristics to store water for the big promotion. Through the traffic strategy of "online-offline mutual diversion", Red Rabbit Interactive diverted the private traffic accumulated through BeiRun's offline channels to the brand's live broadcast room; at the same time, one month before the start of the big promotion, Red Rabbit Interactive Rabbit Interactive’s online efforts to plant grass and store water with the help of Daren IP have not weakened.

618 During the big promotion period, Red Rabbit Interactive combined with the "livelog trendy goods plan" to attach great importance to the interest attraction of "trending goods" at the gameplay level. Through innovative content marketing and insights into consumer interests, on the one hand, it improved the product portfolio. To increase the added value, on the one hand, in terms of creating an atmosphere in the live broadcast room, we can maximize the sense of bringing goods during a major sale.

During the live broadcast, the anchor used interest-oriented words and the incentive mechanism of welfare mechanisms such as eye-catching physical lucky bags to increase the traffic indicators of the live broadcast room, such as stay, interaction, followers, and orders. To the historical peak of operation, natural traffic increased by 100%.

Of course, Red Rabbit Interactive reminds that it is also important to take good care of the rights and interests of offline channels.

What they do is that fans of the Berun live broadcast room can redeem brand gifts by going to the store offline based on their online consumption records. This action not only boosts the 618 live broadcast room, but also improves the store arrival rate of offline channels, which has practical effects.

In addition to new players, old players who are deeply involved in e-commerce marketing have also expanded into Douyin e-commerce early along with the changes in traffic heat.

Wuhu Zhanke E-commerce Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhanke), which has long been serving the national brand Huili , has specially established an "interest e-commerce department". This team focuses on Douyin e-commerce. This year is the second time the team has participated in the Douyin 618 Goods Festival.What kind of performance has it achieved for Huili's expansion in Douyin e-commerce? The year-on-year growth rate of

GMV is approximately: 252.2%. The number of fans in a single live broadcast increased by 300%.

"In addition to performance growth, with the help of students from Douyin's e-commerce service provider "livelog trendy goods plan", we have an understanding of "deeply digging into user preferences and creating exclusive content to match user preferences" as well as content innovation marketing methodology. Precipitation is the biggest gain of this year’s 618. "

Beiming is Zhanke's live broadcast operations director. After last year's 618 promotion, he has practical insights into how to play "interest stimulation" in the Douyin e-commerce ecosystem.

During this year’s 618 promotion, he led his team to conduct an in-depth analysis of various data from the official live broadcast room of Jai Alai, captured the interests and preferences of various user groups of Jai Alai, and conducted in-depth discussions with the Douyin e-commerce service provider operation team to clarify The strategy of “starting with product innovation and conducting content innovation marketing” was adopted.

Specifically speaking of "people-goods-field", Zhanke focused on starting from "goods" and worked with Huaili to create "exclusive models for pet fans" in advance for the Douyin 618 Good Things Festival. Beiming said that the interest e-commerce department he is responsible for will organize an internal team of painters to create and develop patterns based on the platform characteristics of Douyin e-commerce personalized matching, and after analyzing the interest segmentation characteristics of the Hui Alai user group, and create and develop basic Hui Alai models. Products undergo trendy upgrades.

These limited-edition trendy goods for fans in the live broadcast room, which are only sold in the official flagship store of Huaili e-commerce on Douyin, have become the growth engine of Huaili’s 618 promotion.

started from it, and the subsequent short video creation, live broadcast room interaction stimulation and other content naturally have a clear direction. According to Beiming, during the entire 618 promotion period, the three major engines of "customized exclusive trendy shoes + short video interest stimulation + live broadcast room interest guidance" were in full operation, and the 18 live broadcast rooms were fully powered to achieve 25% of the performance. increase.

Moreover, Zhanke also drove the operational expansion of other categories such as Forrest shoes , sneakers, dad shoes for Hui Li in the live broadcast room. These expansions not only helped Hui Li reach a wider audience, but also achieved brand thickness. of deepening.

The overall performance of Zhanke and Huai Li visualized the "interest driving force" on the Douyin e-commerce platform, and also gave examples of the strategic connotation of "trend good things" guided by the "livelog trendy good things plan" gameplay——

Trends and good things are essentially about using an innovative perspective to look at propositions in various dimensions such as brands, products and content. The starting point of innovation is “interest”.

In addition to Beirun and Huili, Uncle Pin also discussed with Jiannanchun’s service provider Microbrew E-Commerce (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Microbrew) on the idea of ​​​​douyin e-commerce to play the 618 promotion of the wine category. The conclusion is -

Mature brands with high customer unit prices need to focus on stimulating interest and carry out innovative content marketing of "hot new product sales + hot product pallet creation", so as to leverage the traffic siphon from big promotions to have a positive impact on Douyin. Users with relevant interests can plant and pull weeds.

On June 18th this year, Microbrew pre-prepared the "Jiannanchun Manchester City Championship Commemorative Wine" for Jiannanchun in limited quantities and sold it on Douyin e-commerce. All advertisements revealed on June 10 revolve around this high-end limited edition wine jointly launched by Jiannanchun and Manchester City Football Club . At 8 o'clock in the evening on the 10th, two wine experts, "Wu Xie in Wine" and "Ding Jiu Nian", arrived at the Jiannanchun brand live broadcast room. Focusing on the first new product, they continued to output product scarcity, innovation, collection and other additional features. value.

's "Jiannanchun Manchester City Champions Memorial Wine", which was first launched online, used its 52° heat value to arouse the desire of many drinkers in the live broadcast room to place orders. 6,000 orders were sold out during the 8-hour live broadcast. A single live broadcast generated 4.15 million, breaking the brand’s self-broadcast record and setting a single-game record for alcohol brand self-broadcasts.

Tang Lei, CEO of Microbrew Live, said that a big surprise for interest e-commerce is that -

revolves around the interest connection between "goods" and "people". The theme and content of "Detonate" and full-link content innovation will maximize the "interest matching" value of Douyin e-commerce, effectively achieve "finding people with goods", and strive for the greatest effectiveness for the brand traffic pool. flow.

Take Jiannanchun as an example, in addition to the launch of popular new products, Microbrew also created the "618 Hot Products Pallet" based on the value-added interests of drink users. On the content side, when a precise user enters the live broadcast room inspired by the interest of the short video, he may place an order due to the dual stimulation of the greater added value of the popular goods and the welfare policy of the "livelog trendy goods plan" Pay.

Finally, at the end of 618, Microbrew submitted a very eye-catching report card to Jiannanchun: the GMV of a single live broadcast was 4.15 million, breaking the brand’s self-broadcast record; self-broadcast sales accounted for 100%, and the brand’s self-broadcast increased by 580% month-on-month. %, the 618 brand self-broadcasting in the beverage industry ranked first; the popularity of new members was 336,000, and the beverage and nourishing industry ranked first during 618, leading the second place of with a popularity value of 217,000.

Looking back at the above case stories, we can see that Red Rabbit Interactive, Zhanke, and Microbrew have all achieved strong business growth for the brand owners with the blessing of the "livelog trendy goodies plan". The emergence of these cases has more concretely verified the logic of “finding people with goods” embodied by Douyin e-commerce.

Nowadays, consumers are gradually tending to consume rationally, and consumption budgets are gradually shrinking in daily expenses. Under this kind of macro pressure, Douyin e-commerce is built based on the guidance of innovative content marketing. This complete but precise and efficient scene from planting to pulling weeds is an ideal environment for companies and brands from all walks of life to conduct business. It is urgently needed for growth breakthrough attempts.

Trendy content activates consumer interest

Boosts Douyin e-commerce node marketing to accurately reach

The above three cases cover the three highly differentiated tracks of beauty, shoes and clothing, and beverage industries. Although the industries and generations they are in are very different, there is one core commonality in the core strategy of playing Douyin 618 promotion and winning strong business growth for brands, namely -

is based on the "livelog trendy goods plan" Based on the gameplay logic, innovative content marketing is carried out, thereby unlocking the precise reach of Douyin e-commerce in the whole link of "product-consumer-interest-based content & scene creation" - responding to users through trendy goods and good content. It is expected that users will respond to content innovation with the most practical orders.

In order to help brand service providers at all levels explode in growth during the 618 promotion, the Douyin e-commerce service provider team has set up five major tracks for the "livelog trendy goods plan" and provided traffic incentives, Qianchuan red envelopes, and multi-channel publicity. Chance. In addition to the above three service providers, various high-quality service providers on the platform, under the encouragement and guidance of this plan, have effectively achieved a growth spurt for the platform and brand.

So, what is the platform-level gameplay guidance launched by the Douyin e-commerce service provider team for the node promotion of "livelog trendy goods plan"?

First of all, "livelog" was initiated by the Douyin e-commerce service provider team. It is an exclusive track set up for brand service providers and is an annual major long-term event. Live represents live broadcast, and -log evolved from Vlog and is associated with short video content. Secondly, "Trendy Good Things" echoes the theme of Douyin's 618 Good Things Festival, aiming to provide users with more trendy, high-quality and value-for-money goodies.

"livelog" + "trendy goods", taken together, create an immersive content marketing concept for Douyin e-commerce live streaming around the multiple values ​​of "people-goods-place" of Douyin e-commerce. In essence, it is to attract the attention and participation of high-quality people by creating consumption scenes and bring sales conversion to the brand.

Everything comes from interest, and everything comes back to interest.

E-commerce has developed to this day. With the continuous improvement of Douyin’s e-commerce system and the development of the decentralized interest-based e-commerce model, more and more brands have used this as a long-term operation position and achieved new growth. In particular, with the help of Douyin e-commerce node marketing, brands can make more good products visible, new products can break through the market faster, and many sub-categories have also emerged based on hot events, holiday themes and seasonal changes.

Uncle Pin believes that the efficient connection between product content and user interests is one of the most obvious differentiated advantages of Douyin e-commerce. Service providers and brand merchants entering Douyin e-commerce can efficiently find their own users through innovative content based on interests, stimulate potential consumer demand, and realize two-way travel.

, behind the strong content demand of Douyin users is a huge amount of interest and desire waiting to be satisfied. These broad interests and desires provide unlimited innovation possibilities for service providers and brands, and every industry, category, and brand has room for continuous exploration.

2, as Douyin e-commerce continues to optimize itself, the overall marketing strategy of the "FACT business matrix" has become increasingly mature. Douyin e-commerce will continue to provide service providers and brands with a long-term methodology for operating "full-area interest e-commerce". The

client has a massive demand for content that it is interested in deriving. On the platform side, the platform continues to launch innovative guidance for the FACT matrix gameplay; thus, through content innovation of "new, trendy, and good things", various trendy products will quickly reach consumers' interests. This deserves to be unlocked by more service providers and brands with the Douyin e-commerce platform:

Service providers and brands can flexibly allocate operational resources in the four major operating positions of FACT based on different business goals, so that users can be attracted by the immersive content experience. Interested users, whether they are looking for goods from people or people looking for goods, consumers are learning about brands and products through content, thereby promoting purchasing decisions and helping brands achieve efficient and sustainable growth in total business volume.


Looking at the entire strategy of this Douyin 618 Good Things Festival, Uncle Pin believes that the value of the long-term activity of "livelog trendy good things plan" is that it integrates resources through the platform to allow distribution in different industries and regions. Service providers have achieved efficiency improvements at the level of content innovation marketing and node promotions.

Merchants have worked hard in the direction of co-branding, originality, and taking advantage of the situation. Through short videos, live broadcasts, challenges, etc., they have cleverly monetized the traffic value and topicality brought by popular elements, accelerating the realization of node marketing goals. On the consumer side, relying on the interest matching mechanism, consumers can find products that suit their interests through high-quality content in the vast ocean of brands.

Douyin e-commerce itself is a natural business position that combines quality and performance. On this platform, the result is that your investment in promotion and operation can be quickly responded to. The node marketing that Douyin e-commerce continues to launch is like an accelerator.

When the wheel of efficiency turns, Douyin’s e-commerce platform advantages will continue to expand, similar to the "livelog trendy goods plan" that focuses on industry brands, and simultaneously expands to industrial and regional brands, such as synchronization during 618 this year The launch of the "Yujian Good Goods Origin Business Card PK Competition" aims to create more origin business cards. As a result, the force generated will make the rotation speed larger and larger, and more resources can be absorbed.

This year, it is the second 618 of Douyin e-commerce, and it deserves continued attention in the future.