On June 28, the 2022 Milan HVAC, Smart Home and Bathroom Exhibition in Italy grandly opened at the New Milan Convention and Exhibition Hall in Italy. As one of the top ten leading brands in the air source heat pump industry, Heat Cube and its subsidiary ES made a shining debut.

On June 28, the 2022 Milan HVAC, Smart Home and Bathroom Exhibition in Italy grandly opened at the New Milan Convention and Exhibition Hall in Italy. As one of the top ten leading brands in the air source heat pump industry, Heat Cube and its subsidiary ES made a shining debut.

The HVAC Show in Milan, Italy, is held every two years and is the top exhibition in the industry. For the air source heat pump industry, the Milan HVAC Show is undoubtedly a biennial carnival moment. The exhibition area of ​​this exhibition reached 350,000 square meters, the number of visitors reached 155,000, and the number of exhibitors and participating brands reached more than 2,000. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the 2020 Milan HVAC Show was postponed. After four years of eager anticipation, Heat Cube once again appeared on the stage of the Milan HVAC Show, bringing new products such as commercial and supermarket machines, and demonstrating the production and production of major brand heat pump companies. The super strength of research and development has attracted many overseas customers to stop and negotiate.

Thermal Cube Floor Heating Machine, a high-tech product exported to Germany

While air energy was still on the rise, Thermal Cube has been in Europe for nineteen years. Despite the changes in the international market, Hot Cube is still favored by the European market for its excellent product performance. Since its establishment, the company has reached strategic cooperation with leading foreign heating brands such as ES Group and Park Davis Group, constantly exploring the European market, and exporting its products to the Nordic regions with high humidity and cold. Over the past 19 years, the Heat Cube floor heating machine has won high praise from German consumers for its ultra-high energy-saving effect and stable performance. Its cumulative export volume has exceeded one million, and its sales scope covers all 46 countries and regions in Europe.

In recent years, as the Chinese government has promoted carbon neutrality and as a basic national policy, and the domestic heating demand continues to increase, the thermal cube floor heating machine has ushered in a policy window period. To this end, based on China's national conditions and usage habits, Hot Cube will introduce floor heating products that have been exported to Germany for 19 years to China. Thermal Cube floor heating machine adopts the core DC frequency conversion technology, with a thermal efficiency as high as 425%. The product not only has a low initial installation cost, but also a very cost-effective use cost. With good thermal insulation, a 100-square-meter family of four only needs The electricity bill is about 500 yuan. At present, we have fully launched it in Hunan, Guizhou, Henan and other markets, and have won the recognition of many consumers.

In line with the global trend of carbon neutrality, Hot Cube starts the intelligent manufacturing engine

Since 2019, the global economy has been sluggish under the shadow of the new crown epidemic, but the heat pump floor heating market has achieved new breakthroughs in growth against the trend. At the meeting, Hot Cube's relevant executives in charge of overseas markets said in an interview that as the company continues to optimize and dig deep into overseas market channels, devotes resources to cultivating key target customers, and establishes closer strategic partnerships with heavyweight European and American customers, Coupled with 19 years of industry precipitation and accumulation, and in compliance with the general trend of global carbon neutrality, the overseas market of Hot Cube has achieved a good momentum of sustainable growth in recent years. In the first half of this year, the shipment volume of Hot Cube in foreign markets soared, with shipment volume tripling year-on-year.

At the same time, the Chinese government proposed last year an action plan to peak carbon emissions before 2030 and specific measures to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. Under the influence of this policy background, the domestic market for hot cubes has also continued to grow. situation, the production capacity of hot cube will become the bottleneck of enterprise development. In order to expand the production capacity of the company's heat pump floor heating machines, Thermal Cube has invested 250 million yuan in the Shunde Intelligent Manufacturing Center, which is under construction in the Digital Intelligence Industrial Park of Shilong Industrial Zone, Lunjiao, Shunde. It is expected to be completed and put into operation in 2024, with an annual output value of 2 billion yuan. More than 2,000 floor heating machines are rolled off the assembly line every day, meeting the strong demand for floor heating products in domestic and foreign markets.

Heat Cube has been adhering to the mission of transforming the world's heating methods for ten years. It is committed to the development of heat pump floor heating products, actively responds to the requirements of the global dual-carbon policy, and continues to be committed to promoting the development of the heat pump floor heating industry and the development of clean energy. We will not sway from the path of green, low-carbon, high-quality development. I believe that this exhibition will also provide a very good platform for the promotion of thermal cube floor heating machines and a great help in achieving global carbon neutrality.