How to survive in the market and select high-quality targets from thousands of stocks requires firstly an understanding of the fundamentals of the stock, and secondly a detailed analysis of the technical aspects. "Stock God" Buffett said that if you only If one indicator can be u

Preserve capital, guard your heart, seek breakthroughs, think a little every day, do it and cherish it [Rose]

There is a very interesting saying when it comes to drinking: Since ancient times, the sages have been lonely, only the drinkers leave their names; How to survive in the market, and To be able to select high-quality targets from thousands of stocks, firstly, one must have an understanding of the fundamentals of the stock, and secondly, one must conduct a detailed analysis of the technical aspects. "Stock God" Buffett said that if you can only use one indicator When it comes to stock selection, he only looks at return on net assets , that is, ROE. He believes that a company that can maintain a return on net assets of more than 20% for many consecutive years is a very good company. In the A stock market there is a classic saying from old investors: Bear market conditions: Drink and take medicine ! Why do you drink and take medicine during a bear market? Is there any expectation of crossing the bull and bear market? Today we will mainly talk about the wine-making sector, and the pharmaceutical sector will be covered next time. How can make everyone drunk and me sober? This is inseparable from daily continuous observation and analysis. Keep up with the market rhythm, understand the market sentiment, and respects the market rules.

When people think of liquor, they usually think of Moutai, followed by a series of high-end liquors such as Wuliangye . Why can Moutai stabilize Wuliangye? How does the scarcity of high-end liquor come about? How is the industry competition landscape evolving? Why are high-end liquor and luxury goods similar? Who are the core players? Enter today's topic with a series of questions.

Family Portrait comes with a set

Product characteristics determine value

Although Maotai and Wuliangye are both liquors, they belong to different varieties. Maotai is the representative of sauce-flavor liquor , and Wuliangye is the representative of strong-flavor liquor . Although there is only one word difference between , the doorway inside is huge.

In addition to different raw materials, Maotai-flavor liquor and Luzhou-flavor liquor have different production processes, and of course the taste is also different. Maotai can always occupy the position of the top liquor brand, not because Maotai-flavor liquor is better than strong-flavor liquor. After all, radish and cabbage have their own preferences, and many consumers like each type. The final deciding factor is that Maotai-flavor liquor is easier to preserve and becomes more valuable the longer it is stored. Maotai-flavor wine pays attention to an aging time. The longer the aging time, the more mature it is and the higher its value. Of course, high-concentration strong-flavor liquor can also be stored, but it is generally believed that the quality of strong-flavor liquor reaches its best taste after three to five years of storage. On the other hand, the quality of Maotai-flavor liquor increases year by year. So in terms of collection value, Moutai beats Wuliangye .

High-end liquor = luxury goods

High-end liquor, like luxury goods, is supported by brands. Has super high gross profit margin. Although everyone knows that the cost of luxury goods is very low, they are still willing to pay high prices to buy them at home. This is because of the brand. They all have these two things: historical accumulation and scarcity .

The accumulation of history is the ticket to high-end liquor . For example, Moutai is the originator of Daqu Maotai-flavor liquor and has a history of more than 800 years. The history of Wuliangye is said to go all the way back to the Tang Dynasty. In short, the products of each of the companies in the current liquor industry have a history. The competitive landscape is very solid and no new players can enter. In this big circuit, most of the profits are divided up by a few leading players.

Things are rare and expensive . This scarcity may not necessarily be a true lack of supply, but can also be said to be the company's own product strategy. Moutai has made good use of the characteristic of "scarcity". The core Maotai-flavor wine production area in the world is only Kweichow Moutai town, located on the 7.5 square kilometers of land along the Chishui River basin. The most authentic Maotai-flavor wine must use red sorghum produced locally in Maotai Town as raw material.

Maotai Town, the hometown of the soul of wine

When wine meets a close friend, a thousand cups are too little , let’s give a summary. The liquor market is huge, the track is high-quality, the competitive landscape is solid, and the leading companies are as stable as Mount Tai's moat. As long as the price is relatively low, I really don't panic when I hold liquor stocks.

High-quality liquor varieties are as follows:

The first echelon, the performance growth rate is high

The second echelon, the performance growth rate is fast

⚠️ Note: No matter how good the logic is, you have to combine the market rising and falling trends to choose to intervene and follow. Timing of exit. Do not blindly chase the rise, and trade calmly based on your own trading system. The above content is only based on static analysis, not dynamic trading guidance. It is for reference and learning purposes only. It is not used as a basis for buying and selling. Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market!

No matter what stock selection method you use, you must pay attention to the latest K-line trend. You should not be a picker. If it has already risen on the day, do not chase it. You would rather miss it on the day than make a mistake. Preserving the principal is the most important. ; The stock continues to strengthen. To look at the following points: First, look at the [trend]
K line pattern should change obviously, and the moving average should be arranged in a long position (break through the key moving average, such as standing firm on the 20 moving average or breaking through the Bollinger middle track, breaking through the BBI line, etc. or on the 5th, 10th, and 20th moving average long arrangement);

The second is to see [volume energy]
has enlarged the "Dragon Vein Line" (trading volume 120 moving average);

The third is to see [funds]
whether the chips are concentrated,
has the participation of mainstream funds, and the chips are highly locked; Funds determine the trend and space of stocks. With the intervention of large funds, it is easier to detonate ;

The fourth is to look at [quality] The company's quality fundamentals are good, profitability is strong, and it is better to be the best in the industry segment.

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