Today, the Municipal Social Insurance Service Center was a guest on Yantai Radio and Television Station's "People's Livelihood Hotline" program and introduced a number of social security policies that our city has recently introduced to benefit the people. 1. Phased postponement


Municipal Social Insurance Service Center was a guest

Yantai Radio and Television Station's "People's Livelihood Hotline" program

introduced the recent

multiple social security policies introduced by our city to benefit the people

1, phased postponement of social insurance premiums

1, and the human resources and social security department in early May Together with other relevant departments, a policy was introduced to implement a phased postponement of the unit payment of three social insurance premiums for pension, unemployment, and work-related injury for enterprises in five extremely difficult industries such as catering. In June, the implementation scope of this policy was expanded to the agricultural and sideline food processing industry, etc. For 17 industries, as well as other small, medium and micro enterprises that have temporary difficulties in production and operation in areas seriously affected by the epidemic, the implementation period of the payment suspension has been extended..

Enterprises can apply for deferral of payment based on their own business conditions in the online service hall of the human resources and social security department. Individual industrial and commercial households and various types of flexible employment personnel who participate in the basic pension insurance for enterprise employees as individuals and have difficulty paying in 2022 can voluntarily defer payment, and the unpaid portion in 2022 can be repaid before the end of 2023.

2. Grassroots express delivery outlets have priority in participating in work-related injury insurance

According to data provided by the postal department, there are 81 express delivery companies involved in our city. Our city has opened special accounts for priority participation in work-related injury insurance for all registered outlets and branches., and has obtained postal services. Employees at grassroots express delivery outlets who have the express delivery business license of the management department and have the qualifications of the employer can have priority in participating in work-related injury insurance through this method.

In addition, regarding the adjustment work that corporate retirees are concerned about, social security staff said that the country and province have made it clear that the pensions of corporate retirees will continue to be adjusted in 2022. In the early stage, Yantai City has carried out the calculation of the adjustment work in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the provincial notice, reported the adjustment results, and conducted the adjustment program test. Yantai City strives to be the first to implement it in the province after the document is issued. , and we also ask the majority of corporate retirees to wait patiently.

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