On June 30, Hong Kong stock SenseTime-W plummeted in early trading. As of press time, it fell more than 46% to HK$3.13, and the stock price hit a record low. In response to the plummeting share price of Hong Kong stock SenseTime-W, SenseTime responded to China Business News today

6 30, Hong Kong stocks SenseTime-W plummeted in early trading. As of press time, it fell more than 46% to HK$3.13, and the stock price hit a record low.

In response to the plummeting share price of Hong Kong stock SenseTime-W, SenseTime Technology responded today China Business News said that today is the time for the company’s stock to be lifted. The company also issued an announcement early in the morning. SenseTime Technology executives and certain management made voluntary With the lock-up commitment, the management is confident in the long-term value and prospects of the Group.

On the morning of June 30, SenseTime issued an announcement that Xu Li, Wang Xiaogang, Xu Bing and certain management members of the group voluntarily promised with the company as the beneficiary that they would not sell the company in 2016 before December 29, 2022. The Class B shares involved in the pre-IPO restricted stock units adopted on November 1, and vested options under the company’s pre-IPO employee incentive plan (as amended) adopted on November 1, 2016 were exercised The Class B shares involved. As at the date of this announcement, the total number of relevant Class B shares subject to the voluntary lock-up commitment is 2,002,221,879 Class B shares (accounting for approximately 5.98% of the total issued shares), and these Class B shares are currently held through SenseTalent Management Limited .