Recently, the Guangzhou Branch of the People's Bank of China released an administrative penalty information disclosure form showing that Guangdong Huika Business and China Securities Payment were fined 240,000 and 3.75 million respectively for violating relevant regulations.

Recently, The Guangzhou Branch of the People's Bank of China released an administrative penalty information disclosure form, which showed that Guangdong Huika Business and China Securities Federation Payment were fined 240,000 and 3.75 million respectively for violating relevant regulations.

The administrative penalty decision (Guangzhou Yinfengzi [2022] No. 10-11) shows that Guangdong Huika Business Services Co., Ltd. provided payment services for false transactions; failed to accurately identify transaction information; and provided payments for institutions operating payment businesses without a license The service was warned and fined RMB 240,000, and Yang Yi (then president of the Strategic Development Committee of Guangdong Huika Business Services Co., Ltd.) was fined RMB 500,000.

Guangdong Huika Business was established in 2010. In 2013, it obtained the " Payment Business License " issued by the People's Bank of China . Its business type is bank card acquiring and its business scope is Guangdong Province.

The administrative penalty decision (Guangzhou Yinfangzi [2022] No. 16-17) shows that China Securities Payment Co., Ltd. violated the following financial laws and regulations: 1. Violation of payment and settlement management regulations; 2. Violation of anti-money laundering management regulations; 3. Violation of financial consumer rights and interests protection management regulations. The Guangzhou Branch of the People's Bank of China decided to issue a warning and a fine of RMB 3.75 million. Wu Ming (then chairman and general manager of China Securities Payment Co., Ltd.) was fined RMB 137,500. According to the official website of

Securities Union Payment, Securities Union Payment Co., Ltd. was established in January 2011. In August of the same year, it obtained the Internet payment license issued by the People's Bank of China, and successfully obtained the renewal of the payment license in August 2016. In 2013, it was approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission to carry out fund sales payment settlement business . In 2015, it was approved by the People's Bank of China to carry out cross-border RMB online payment business.

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