Start from actual combat, focus on logical deduction, and emphasize both offense and defense! Like and follow, you will get useful information every day! On June 29, Luchang Technology analyzed, first pulled back 10%, and then four daily limits! On June 30, Fenda Technology analy

2024/06/2511:02:32 finance 1574

starts from actual combat, focuses on logical deduction, and emphasizes both offense and defense! Like and follow, you will get useful information every day!

html On June 29, the analyzed Lu Chang Technology first pulled back 10%, and then four daily limits! On June 30, the Fenda Technology analyzed reached the daily limit on July 6! On July 1st, among the analyzed, Fortis had the largest increase of 13%! The analyzed Yuanlong Yatu reached the daily limit on the same day! On July 4th, the analyzed Stanley increased by up to 9%! The analyzed Puyang Huicheng rose 14% on July 6!

htmlOn July 7, the analyzed Tongfeng Electronics rose 10%!

htmlOn July 8th, the analyzed grew higher and the new reached its daily limit on the 12th! Analysis of Easy Special , up 9%!

On July 11, the analyzed Olympian Technology , the daily limit on the 14th, a cumulative increase of 20%!

On July 14, the analyzed Shenghong Shares , the daily limit of 20cm! The analyzed Invic increased by 8%!

individual stocks logic sharing

is not a stock recommendation and does not constitute a buying or selling opinion. It is only an analysis of logic. The market is changing rapidly. Please analyze and refer to it yourself!

300339 Runhe Software : software services have built a software full life cycle management capability platform for the financial industry. Last year, there was a surge in speculation about the Hongmeng concept. After that, it adjusted all the way. The stock price adjusted by 70%, and the short-selling sentiment was fully released. Recent news shows that Hongmeng 3.0 will be released at the end of July. According to the past rules of A-share speculation, before the official release, there may be short-term speculation in the related concept stock , so you may wish to follow it. Taking a step back, Runhe itself has fallen so much, and it is currently a shrinking shock at the bottom. Even if Hongmeng Concept is not fermented and hyped, based on its own technical aspects, it is nothing more than a low shock. Of course, this kind of ticket itself belongs to pure theme stock , and is limited to short-term attention.

Start from actual combat, focus on logical deduction, and emphasize both offense and defense! Like and follow, you will get useful information every day! On June 29, Luchang Technology analyzed, first pulled back 10%, and then four daily limits! On June 30, Fenda Technology analy - DayDayNews

600237 Tongfeng Electronics : electronic components , specializing in special small giants, a well-known film capacitor and film material manufacturer in Anhui Province, film capacitor as a new energy vehicle electrification and photovoltaic inverter Core components will continue to benefit from the high prosperity of new energy, and there is also the logic of domestic substitution. The performance level is quite satisfactory, with quarterly revenue flat, profit growth 24%, and PE valuation 52 times. This ticket was also analyzed a few days ago, and then it increased by 10%. In the past two days, there has been a big negative line decline. On the 13th, it once approached the limit of and . Today, it has reached the limit and reversed. The main force of washes the market and uses very fierce methods, which means that it controls the market. The intensity should be quite high, so you may wish to continue to follow it in the short term. Of course, given that today is the daily limit, if it opens sharply higher tomorrow, don't chase the rise and look for adjustment opportunities to pay attention.

Start from actual combat, focus on logical deduction, and emphasize both offense and defense! Like and follow, you will get useful information every day! On June 29, Luchang Technology analyzed, first pulled back 10%, and then four daily limits! On June 30, Fenda Technology analy - DayDayNews

300490 Huazi Technology : Electrical equipment, pumped energy storage, and hydropower station automation control equipment market share ranks first in the country and even the world. The company relies on intelligent control, big data analysis and decision-making system core technologies and cloud service platforms, based on energy management systems , energy storage converters and other key technologies for energy storage systems, providing users with standardized energy storage products and solutions. Compared with electrochemical energy storage, pumped energy storage also has its own advantages and is also a key development direction in the future. Moreover, there are relatively few stocks in pumped energy storage and it is easy to focus on. In terms of performance, it is relatively average, with a slight loss in the first quarter, but revenue increased by 74%, indicating that market share is still increasing and the impact is not significant. From a technical perspective,

shows that the low level is a volatile and rising structure. Funds have built a small box below the half-year line. Today, the volume has exceeded the platform, and the volume has reached a new high for half a year, indicating that there are funds chasing it. After breaking through the half-year line, the next The target may move in line with previous years, so you might as well keep track and pay attention. In addition, this ticket has also attracted a lot of institutional attention. On July 5, 13 institutions investigated it, including public offerings, securities firms, insurance and other asset management institutions. The possibility of other institutions getting involved after the investigation is not ruled out.

Start from actual combat, focus on logical deduction, and emphasize both offense and defense! Like and follow, you will get useful information every day! On June 29, Luchang Technology analyzed, first pulled back 10%, and then four daily limits! On June 30, Fenda Technology analy - DayDayNews

Start from actual combat, focus on logical deduction, and emphasize both offense and defense! Like and follow, you will get useful information every day! On June 29, Luchang Technology analyzed, first pulled back 10%, and then four daily limits! On June 30, Fenda Technology analy - DayDayNews

market analysis

The trend of the market is similar to yesterday. fluctuated in a narrow range throughout the day, unable to go up or down. The closing cross star is also just on the half-year line, indicating that there is indeed resistance and support in the short term. Of course, the reason why the index cannot rise is mainly because there are two forces competing on the market. The growth track is pulling up, while traditional stocks such as banks are dragging down. The two forces form to hedge , and the index Naturally, it can only fluctuate within a narrow range! However, today GEM is obviously stronger. It has two consecutive positive lines, almost recovering the lost ground of the previous three consecutive negative lines. The reason why the GEM is strong is mainly because there are many track stocks in the GEM, and the track The stock market happens to be the main theme of this market! At the

index level, the view remains unchanged, and there are expectations of resistance and rebound in the short term. However, this round of adjustment should not be completely over. After a slight rebound in the short term, it should continue to drop. Friends who like short-term can take advantage of the index's intraday correction to rebound, or take advantage of the index's low opening to rebound. For example, the US stock market on is falling again tonight, although it has little substantive impact on A shares. , but it is still possible to open low! Therefore, if you buy low when making adjustments, it should be relatively prudent. Even if the index continues to fall, there is still some room for maneuver! Looking at

individual stocks, the structural characteristics are obvious. Today’s index is mediocre, but the opportunities for track stocks are crazy. Therefore, at this stage, you can also be light on the index and heavy on individual stocks! Because strictly speaking, starting from the end of June, many stocks adjusted before the index, and naturally stabilized before the index at this time. In terms of direction, we can continue to track track stocks, with deep capital involvement and strong growth expectations, and are expected to perform repeatedly. Of course, some prices have risen too much, so try not to chase them, and be prepared for danger in times of peace. We focus on some targets whose positions are not relatively high. We can attack when we advance, and we can defend when we retreat, and we make expectations for making up for the increase!

Notes for reading the article: The stocks shared by are only to expand your stock selection ideas and serve as a reference for the alternative stock pool. They are only objective and logical analysis, not stock recommendations, and there is no guarantee that every stock will rise! Doing stocks requires a complete process! You still need to consider it yourself!

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