In today's era, various problems arise frequently, and ideas have also changed. In the past, everyone wanted to have more children, thinking that having more children would be very helpful to the entire family. However, these ideas have now changed. Things have changed. Now is no

2024/06/2413:44:32 finance 1853

In today's era, various problems arise frequently, and ideas have also changed. In the past, everyone wanted to have more children, thinking that having more children would be very helpful to the entire family. However, these ideas have now changed. Changes have taken place. Now is no longer the era of having more children and bringing happiness. With the improvement of material life, the life pressure of ordinary people has increased, and people's concept of fertility has also changed. Many people think that it is better to have children and live a miserable life. Damn it, you might as well enjoy life by yourself! Especially in an environment where the epidemic is raging and the economy is in a recession, what will you do to support your child?

In today's era, various problems arise frequently, and ideas have also changed. In the past, everyone wanted to have more children, thinking that having more children would be very helpful to the entire family. However, these ideas have now changed. Things have changed. Now is no - DayDayNews

Therefore, we can see that the birth rate in the entire country has been declining in recent years. If this trend continues, the domestic population will definitely achieve negative growth in the next ten years. Many people see the population. Wouldn’t it be a good thing to think that the population is decreasing? Is it a bad thing? Because there are fewer people, the overall social competition will also be reduced, jobs will be easier to find, and the roads will not be so crowded.

In today's era, various problems arise frequently, and ideas have also changed. In the past, everyone wanted to have more children, thinking that having more children would be very helpful to the entire family. However, these ideas have now changed. Things have changed. Now is no - DayDayNews

Regarding their views, the author personally feels that they are not entirely correct. We must remember the most fundamental point - people are not only creators, but also consumers. All work is to serve others. Without people, work would be useless. Without the need to exist, there will probably be fewer jobs in society as a whole, and many low-end manufacturing jobs will be replaced by intelligence. In this case, it will also be difficult for ordinary people to find jobs.

In addition, once the population declines, it will have a certain impact on the entire industry. As for the industries with the most severe impact, I personally think there are the following three:

In today's era, various problems arise frequently, and ideas have also changed. In the past, everyone wanted to have more children, thinking that having more children would be very helpful to the entire family. However, these ideas have now changed. Things have changed. Now is no - DayDayNews

The first industry affected is real estate. In my personal opinion, the first industry affected is real estate. In fact, the industry with the greatest impact is real estate. The past ten years have been the golden years of real estate. The reason why real estate has been so brilliant is largely due to the demographic dividend. But now the birth population has plummeted, and people buying houses have It will be less. If a family increases its population, it is necessary to buy a house or upgrade a small house to a larger one. Nowadays, the number of births is reduced by several million a year, which is equivalent to a reduction of millions of house transactions. If there are 2 million fewer people a year, the average house will be 500,000. , the real estate transaction volume is 1 trillion less, which is a very scary thing, and it will be difficult to find a successor in the future. The second industry affected by

In today's era, various problems arise frequently, and ideas have also changed. In the past, everyone wanted to have more children, thinking that having more children would be very helpful to the entire family. However, these ideas have now changed. Things have changed. Now is no - DayDayNews

is the confinement center. As the population decreases, the number of pregnant women will gradually decrease. The overall performance of the confinement center will also decline, and the number of people it receives will not be the same as before. Therefore, the overall economic benefit will also be reduced. The third industry affected by

is the maternal and infant industry. In the past, when there were many children, maternal and infant products would be easy to sell, but now there are fewer children born, so the demand for this aspect will also decrease, so this aspect of things It’s not as easy to sell as it used to be.

The above is the author's summary of the industries that will be directly affected. Here, the author hopes that practitioners in directly related industries will make preparations early. In other industries, people in all industries are actually worried about it, because it is unavoidable. No safe haven! Looking to expand overseas markets to offset the shrinking domestic market? is it possible? Is it realistic? In the next 30 years, the biggest gray rhinoceros will be the sharp decline in newborns in China! It could be tragic and everyone would be affected!

In today's era, various problems arise frequently, and ideas have also changed. In the past, everyone wanted to have more children, thinking that having more children would be very helpful to the entire family. However, these ideas have now changed. Things have changed. Now is no - DayDayNews

In short, under the situation of aging and shrinking population, the impact on the economy and society is all-round. No industry can escape it. Almost all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation will be affected. In the short term, there will be a decrease of two to three million in this year. People still don’t realize that at its peak, the population was reduced by 20 million a year, and after the population was reduced by hundreds of millions for ten to twenty years, all aspects of the entire social and economic life were profoundly affected. If we want to solve the population crisis, we must start with the assimilation of ethnic minorities in neighboring countries and embark on the path of expansion of Chinese civilization.

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