Cover News Reporter Guo Kexin On July 3, the "White Paper on Chinese Women's Underwear" (hereinafter referred to as the "White Paper") was released in Chongqing. It is understood that the white paper was first published by Urban Beauty, a professional underwear company with the l

2024/05/2300:34:32 finance 1003

cover news reporter Guo Kexin

html On July 3, the "White Paper on Chinese Women's Underwear" (hereinafter referred to as the White Paper) was released in Chongqing. It is understood that the white paper was first published by Urban Beauty , a professional underwear company with the leading sales volume in the country, in cooperation with the China Textile Business Association Underwear Committee, Apparel, and Qianzhan Industry Research Institute. The white paper analyzes the issues that consumers are concerned about in a professional and simple way, and is paired with scientific and detailed underwear purchasing and dressing guides. It can be said that the birth of the white paper has set a benchmark for the industry.

There is huge room for market development. Urban Beauty is expected to grow by 40-50% in the southwest region in the next three years.

White paper research shows that there is a gap between Chinese women's underwear consumption habits and European and American countries, and there is huge room for market growth. In the future, as the Chinese market matures and women's values ​​change, China's women's underwear market will experience explosive growth. China's women's underwear market size is 176.9 billion yuan in 2021, and is expected to grow to 495.3 billion yuan by 2030. At present, compared with developed countries, China's women's underwear market competition is insufficient, the industry development is not fully mature, and the concentration of underwear brands is relatively low. The market is in urgent need of professional underwear brands that meet the different needs of women. This also creates opportunities for leading brands, which will lead market development with competitive advantages in all aspects in the future.

Cover News Reporter Guo Kexin On July 3, the

Urban Beauty chose to release the white paper in Chongqing this time because it also attaches great importance to the southwest market. Mr. Zheng Yaonan, chairman of Urban Beauty Group, mentioned in an interview with cover news reporter that he is very optimistic about China's women's underwear market. Regarding the development of southwest China, it is also a good opportunity for Urban Beauty. In the next three years, the development in the southwest region will not only increase the scale, but also increase the brand awareness, reputation and share. It is hoped that there will be a 40-50% growth in the southwest in the next three years.

's first white paper leads the healthy development of the industry

As China's women's underwear market is still in a period of growth and development, the demand for industry standards is increasing day by day. The release of the white paper provides professional guidance to the majority of female consumers and plays a leading role in the healthy development of the industry. The

Cover News Reporter Guo Kexin On July 3, the

white paper shows that as women's values ​​change and self-awareness increases, they not only pay attention to the comfort and health of underwear, but also emphasize functionality; while women focus on comfort and style in underwear. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 200 subcategories of women's underwear . However, blind selection is the biggest problem for women’s underwear consumers. The white paper points out that women’s blind selection of underwear can bring a variety of diseases to the body, causing body deformation and a series of psychological trauma. Therefore, professional underwear brand guidance is imperative.

Cover News Reporter Guo Kexin On July 3, the

Mr. Zheng Yaonan, chairman of Urban Beauty Group, said: "After the release of this white paper, we will do a lot of salons, lectures, shopping guide training, etc., hoping to allow more women to understand and learn about professional underwear." Urban Beauty this time The release of the white paper has successfully aroused the awareness of health among women, deeply focused on the relationship between underwear and health, and triggered consumers to re-examine and understand professional underwear.

Famous actor Tang Yixin , famous writer Li Xiaoyi , talk show actor Siwen and others called for attention to women's health and self-worth realization.

Cover News Reporter Guo Kexin On July 3, the

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