Global inflation is increasing. In May, the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 8.6% year-on-year, setting a 40-year high. The core inflation rate excluding food and energy has increased by more than 6% year-on-year for two consecutive months; the CPI of many emerging ec

2024/05/1613:40:33 finance 1304

Global inflation is increasing. In May, the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 8.6% year-on-year, setting a 40-year high. The core inflation rate excluding food and energy has increased by more than 6% year-on-year for two consecutive months; the CPI of many emerging economies has increased by more than 10%. %, even reaching more than 50% in a few countries. In June, the euro zone inflation rate was 8.6% on an annual basis, another record high.

Global inflation is increasing. In May, the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 8.6% year-on-year, setting a 40-year high. The core inflation rate excluding food and energy has increased by more than 6% year-on-year for two consecutive months; the CPI of many emerging ec - DayDayNews

1. Factors of rising inflation

China is currently facing greater inflationary pressure, as follows:

1. The supply chain is blocked. Affected by the economic sanctions imposed by beautiful countries on other countries and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the global supply chain has been blocked, resulting in product shortages.

2, global commodities and energy prices are rising. Russia and Ukraine are the world's major exporters of food and bulk commodities. Affected by the conflict, the prices of oil, natural gas and other bulk commodities have risen rapidly.

3, imported inflationary pressure increases. Affected by the above factors, the prices of imported products in my country have risen sharply, and domestic imported inflation pressure has increased.

4, loose monetary environment. In order to protect employment and stabilize the economy and the broader market , domestic interest rates are currently at a low level and the money supply is relatively sufficient.

Global inflation is increasing. In May, the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 8.6% year-on-year, setting a 40-year high. The core inflation rate excluding food and energy has increased by more than 6% year-on-year for two consecutive months; the CPI of many emerging ec - DayDayNews

2. Currently focusing on the sector

Recently there are rumors that the National Development and Reform Commission will interview large pig companies next week and require them not to hoard in groups and drive up prices. It also shows that the country is facing greater inflationary pressure. So, which sectors should we focus on at this stage?

1, resource section. The oil, natural gas, non-ferrous metals, steel and coal industries, as the upstream industries of the industrial chain, will benefit from rising prices.

2, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery section. "Food is the most important thing for the people." As a defensive industry, rising prices will significantly improve the performance of relevant listed companies.

3, consumer goods industry. At present, the epidemic situation is stabilizing, and local governments are issuing consumer coupons, which will promote the recovery of the consumer goods industry.

4, other industries. Rising prices will also benefit tourism, catering, accommodation and other industries.

Global inflation is increasing. In May, the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 8.6% year-on-year, setting a 40-year high. The core inflation rate excluding food and energy has increased by more than 6% year-on-year for two consecutive months; the CPI of many emerging ec - DayDayNews

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