I often hear elderly people talk about how particular things were done when building houses in rural areas. For example, when opening the door, there cannot be a river, there cannot be a tree, it cannot face a three-way road, etc. Therefore, the older generation often asks people

I often hear elderly people talk about how particular things were done when building houses in rural areas. For example, when opening the door, there cannot be a river, there cannot be a tree, it cannot face a three-way road, etc. Therefore, the older generation often asks people to take a look at Feng Shui before building a house. These customs have been passed down and are still used when building houses in many areas. Is there really any scientific reason? Let’s take a look together.

If you have three things in front of your door, you will be poor if you are idle.

This is a saying often said by the old people. It is to show that you cannot have three things in front of your home, otherwise the family will be idle and even with nothing but walls.

. Do not face trees at the door.

According to the old man, facing a big tree at the door will attract plague. In other words, if the front door of the house faces a big tree, the owner of the house will easily get sick and his health will be threatened. The explanation is as follows: A big tree will divide the airflow into two, making the airflow to the home uncoordinated, thus affecting the owner's Yang Qi. If Yang Qi is insufficient , it will be easy to get sick.

However, now it seems that many people may not believe it, but if there is a big tree in front of the house, it is inconvenient to travel; and it is also prone to danger during thunder and rain. In addition, fallen leaves are easy to enter the home, and frequent cleaning can make people upset; the most important thing is that they block the view, which can easily make people feel depressed and depressed, and can seriously affect people's physical and mental health.

From this point of view, what the ancients said has some truth. You may not feel anything at first, but as time goes by, you will gradually feel a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not face large trees in front of your home, and do not plant large trees in front of your door. Of course, small trees will not affect the greening.

2. The door cannot face a fork in the road.

In rural areas, many people will avoid facing a "fork in the road" at the door. They both mean losing money. The explanation is as follows: Forked roads will affect people's decision-making and judgment, and it is easy to lose money. A screen or wall needs to be set up in front of the door.

Now it seems that the road in front of the door is convenient for traveling, but forks, T-shaped roads, and crossroads are not so good. It is indeed easy to cause traffic accidents, and passing vehicles will be noisy at night, affecting people's sleep, and the quality of sleep will be reduced, affecting If you are healthy, you will be distracted when doing things, which is not conducive to making money.

Nowadays, people don’t want to build or buy a house next to the road. It is really noisy at night, which can easily cause neurasthenia and is really bad for health.

3. Don’t face a tiger at the door.

In the past, when people built houses in rural areas, they liked to place an animal statue at the door, which meant "guarding the house." But the tiger will not be chosen. Why? It is understood that tigers are often known for their cruelty, giving people a vicious look, which can easily shut out good luck and thus affect the luck of the family.

Some people may say that lions are also very cruel. Why can lions be placed at the door? It is reported that due to the influence of previous Buddhist culture, the lion is an auspicious animal that can bring good luck to people. Moreover, the tiger is yang and the lion is yin. One controls the inside and the other controls the outside.

It seems now that if a tiger is placed at the door of your home, the first reaction of people around you is that this family is ruthless and they should stay away from it in the future, so it is easy to be unpopular and isolated. Over time, you will easily become lonely, and your mood will change, and bad phenomena will occur.

In short, the ancients were particular about building houses, which seems to have some scientific truth in modern times. Although we don’t believe in Feng Shui, we still have to believe in the principles. After all, these words passed down by the ancients were accumulated through practical experience. There was no scientific explanation at that time, but it may be explained now, so it is better to believe it than to believe it.

However, as for us, we must have our own judgment and avoid pitfalls if we can. Of course, we should not deliberately believe some baseless things. Learn more scientific knowledge and learn as you go. Knowledge of is power .

By the way, do you think building a house should be so particular?