I believe you have already figured out the sitting direction of your home, and also know whether the sitting direction of your home is auspicious or unlucky in the 20 years of the Eighth Luck based on whether the color of the sitting direction on the compass is red or black.

Chapter 3 uses the Eight Diagrams of the nine palaces in the mountains,

1, and the twenty-four mountains determine good and bad luck.

I believe that everyone has found out the sitting direction of their home, and also based on whether the color of the sitting direction on the compass is red or black, they know the sitting direction of their home during the 20 years of the Eighth Movement (2004 to 202 Three years) is good or bad. At this time, everyone also began to understand why we did not use east, southeast, etc. to describe the direction, but instead used the names of the Twenty-Four Mountains.

Take the east on the compass as an example. The Zhen Gua representing the east includes the three mountains [Jia Mao Yi]. Among these three mountains, [Mao] and [B] are auspicious, but [A] is a very unlucky one. In the hexagram representing the West, [You] and [Xin] are auspicious, but [Geng] is a very unlucky one.

For example, among the seven fortunes, houses facing east and west are ordered at that time. If the house you live in is facing [Gengshan You direction] or [Yishan Xin direction], this is a very auspicious direction. But if your house is facing [Jiashan Geng Xiang] or [Gengshan Xin Xiang], it is also an east-west house, but it appears to be a sign of great misfortune.

Some people know little about Feng Shui. They only know that among the seven fortunes, east and west are good directions for sitting, but they do not understand that east and west also have good and bad luck.

A friend complained to me why he still had bad luck despite living in a house facing east and west. As a result, I checked with a compass and found that his company and residence were both "Jiashan Gengxiang" and "Gengshan Jiaxiang".

From this point, everyone can understand that the first step in learning Feng Shui is to be familiar with the twenty-four mountains on the compass, and then you can judge the good or bad luck of the home from them, instead of using all directions to judge things.

Before learning Feng Shui, you can simply say north, west, east, west, south, but after learning Feng Shui, you have to use the twenty-four mountains to describe the direction. This is one of them. The secret of three-dimensional geography is also to master twenty-four codes instead of eight codes.

Secondly, everyone must understand that the compass position must be very accurate. If your posture of holding the compass is incorrect, for example, if you regard

[A ​​direction of Gengshan Mountain] as [A direction of Youshan Mao], it will be wrong and all the compass will be lost.

2. Five elements determine good and bad luck

The five elements on the compass are the same as the five elements of the Bazi. Feng Shui and the Bazi originate from the same set of knowledge, that is, the knowledge of the five elements. Traditionally, people like to refer to the five elements as [metal, wood, water, fire, and earth]. From now on, everyone should change to say [metal, water, wood, fire, earth].

The mutual production of the five elements is:

Metal (produces) water, water (produces) wood, wood (produces) fire, fire (produces) earth, earth (produces) metal.

The mutual restraints of the five elements are:

Gold (grams) wood, wood (grams) earth, earth (grams) water, water (grams) fire, fire (grams) metal.

The five elements of the twelve earthly branches are:

[Yin Mao Chen] The three earthly branches belong to wood and represent the east.

[Siwuwei] The three earthly branches belong to fire, representing the south.

[Shen Youshu] The three earthly branches belong to gold, representing the west.

[Haizichou] The three earthly branches belong to water, representing the north.

The five elements of the ten heavenly stems are:

[A and B] belong to wood and represent the east.

[Bingding] belongs to fire and represents the south.

[Wuji] belongs to earth and represents the center.

[Geng Xin] belongs to gold and represents the West.

[Rengui] belongs to water and represents the north.

Beginners can just memorize it slowly! You must understand it, otherwise you will still be unable to learn Feng Shui. Then everyone needs to know the five elements of Bagua. Now everyone understands the five elements of the Twenty-Four Mountains.

[Ziwu Maoyou] on the compass, that is, the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest. Nothing can block the energy of these four auras.

Since ancient times, the emperor's palace must have been built on the meridian. The direction in which the Zhengshen is placed must be the meridian direction of Zishan, because the magnetic field absorbed by the Zhengshen must be the positive pole.

I found that those temples with 乩婩 are all facing the Ding side of Guishan, and Gui represents the Yin spirit. This kind of temple sitting on the mountain cannot attract the righteous gods, but only the Yin gods. Also sitting north to south, Danzi Mountain and Guishan Mountain produce the difference between extremely auspicious and extremely unlucky.

Every room is affected by the four auras of Zi, Wu, Mao and You.A house, from the front door to the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, are all affected by the four auras. Chinese people like to live in courtyard houses because they can absorb the five elements of the four auras evenly. Basically, a house with "four positive aspects" can be called a house with good Feng Shui. Once you find out the five elements you need and what you don't like, you can find the mountain direction that matches your five elements according to your five elements' needs. For example, there are currently two houses for you to choose from, one with Mao Mountain and Mao Mountain, and one with Mao Mountain and You, and you need wood, so there is no doubt that you must choose Mao Mountain with You position in the direction of wood.

Choosing Good and Unlucky Days When you know the mountain direction of your home, you need to know when the house is weakest and when it is the strongest, that is to say, you have to calculate the qi of this house. Therefore, the direction of the mountain is space, that is, the head of the mountain, and time is the regulation of qi.

It is easy to find out the good and bad times for a house. For example, if the house is in the Zi direction of Wushan Mountain, the diagonal directions represent oppositions, so [Wu] and [Zi] conflict with each other. If the house you live in is located in [noon], it means that every year, month, and day of the year will conflict with this house. If you want to move or break ground, you cannot choose the [child] day, and you should not move into a house that conflicts with the child on the [child] day. Therefore, one of the biggest effects of the mountain direction of your home is that the good or bad luck of the date you set in the future will be based on the mountain direction of your home. Even if that day is an auspicious day for victory, if the yen ( celestial stems and earthly branches ) of that day are in opposition to the home, that day is an unfavorable day and should not be used. Still taking Wushan as an example, Wu and Zi conflict, so [Zi] is an unlucky day. But Wu and [Yin Shu] form a triple combination, and Wu also combines with [Wei], so [Yin Shu Wei] is an auspicious day and auspicious time.

It is very effective to use this method to determine good or bad luck, because the day is closely related to the mountain direction. This is a theory based on practical experience.

There are many miscellaneous evils in China, that is, there are many different theories. If every theory is adopted, it will become evil every day and cannot be used every day.

Therefore, everyone has to choose the best method to calculate and use. This method of determining good or bad luck based on the direction of the mountain is called [Five Elements] and is the most widely used method.

As we all know, the opposition of the twelve earthly branches means that the opposite direction means the opposite direction. There are six combinations in total, which are called six oppositions. The hedging of the heavenly stems is the hedging of those who are punished. For example, if water overcomes fire, Rengui is the opposite of Bingding. Metal defeats wood, so Gengxin is the hedge of A and B.

3, Siling Mountain Jue

In the application of Feng Shui, there is a very important formula. Beginners of Feng Shui like to use this formula, which is [left Qinglong, right white tiger, front Zhuque , back Xuanwu . ] This is the most primitive but most practical formula, called [Si Ling Shan Jue]. This formula is derived from the twenty-eight constellations in the sky, and is a method of celestial layout.

The so-called blue dragon on the left and white tiger on the right means that when we look forward from the mountain, there are mountains on the left and right, just like a person stretching out two arms to embrace the space in front. The green dragon on the left represents masculinity and masculinity. The green dragon is strong and powerful, representing noble people and possessing the power of suppression. The white tiger on the right represents femininity and represents women. The white tiger is strong and prosperous, which represents the feminine power of defense.

If the home is to the left or right, resulting in a short blue dragon and a long white tiger, or a long green dragon and a short white tiger, it means that the power of yin and yang is not harmonious, and the power of men and women is uneven. If the white tiger is too strong, it means disaster, and the green dragon and white tiger must be Balance can be called good Feng Shui.

The space embraced in front of the house is called Zhuque, also known as Mingtang. Mingtang refers to the sunken space in front of the house. It is best for the bright hall to have a house and water. If the front of the house is all facing the water, it will make people want to retire. If all the houses are visible, it is easy to become a workaholic. The front end of the Mingtang must be blocked. Only this kind of arrangement can be called a position to hide the wind and gather energy. Without barriers, the aura cannot condense and flow in the Mingtang, which means that wealth cannot move around in the Mingtang. Therefore, in order to hide the wind and gather energy, there must be a shield.

The place where the back of the house rests is called Xuanwu. Any Feng Shui layout must have the above characteristics to be called good Feng Shui.

To this day, the houses with the best Feng Shui, that is, the houses where the richest people live, must have this layout.Although this theory is very old, it is still applicable today. However, since most people in modern society live in high-rise buildings, it is not easy to live in a house with this layout, so this theory is becoming increasingly popular. Forget.

I have seen this pattern in Discovery Bay . There is a yacht club there, and there are many yachts parked next to a long embankment. This type is Guanlan. It turns out that the way the yacht is moored also has its own meaning. If the bow of the yacht is inward, it means entering the Mingtang. In Feng Shui, it is called Chaoguan, which means that it can attract others to visit and worship like an emperor. This is a good Feng Shui. But if the bow of the moored ship faces outwards, and there are signs of betrayal and separation, this is not a good Feng Shui.

What is mentioned above is Luantou science, that is, physiognomy. As I said before, the appearance must match the reason, that is, you need to find out which house is most prosperous in that year or during that time. I will immediately teach you how to use the Nine Stars to fly down, so that you can understand the principles of Feng Shui calculation.

4, I Ching Nine Palaces

When learning Feng Shui, you must first understand the Bagua, because the Bagua is the basic rule for fortune telling and regulating the flow of energy. This one is the nine-square grid of the Yi Jing. We have determined the eight directions of east, west, south, north, southeast, southwest, southwest, and northwest. They are respectively composed of the eight hexagrams of the Yi Jing, which are [Zhen Xun Li Kun Dui] Gan Kang Gen] to represent. The Nine Palaces of Yi Gua tell us a major secret, that is, each direction represents a family member. There is another more important secret in the Nine Palaces of Yi Gua, which is that each grid represents the flying and falling of a star.

Everyone sees the numbers from (1) to (9) in the nine-square grid. These are the names of the nine stars in the sky, which are [one white star, two black stars, three green stars, four green stars, five yellow stars, six white stars, seven Red Star, Eight White Star, Nine Purple Star. ] These nine stars fly according to a fixed trajectory. If you find out which direction these nine stars fly to, you will know the good or bad luck of that direction.

5. The position of the Yi hexagram determines good and bad luck.

Feng Shui uses the eight hexagrams of the Book of Changes to represent the distribution positions of eight types of family members in an environment. This type is Luantou science.

For example, in the Bagua, the Eastern hexagram Zhen represents the eldest son. This means that in a room, or even in a park, the Eastern furnishings directly affect the eldest son. This also means that when any flying star flies over the east, the eldest son will be affected.

Let me give you an example. When I looked at Feng Shui once, I found that the sharp white crystal was placed in the east. From this, I inferred that the eldest son in the family would encounter operations, injections, or even traffic accidents. The homeowner vehemently denied it at the time. A few days later, the client called me and told me that my eldest son, who was living abroad, was addicted to drugs and was injecting himself at home every day.

Let me give another example. I once went to the UK to consult on Feng Shui for a client. He suffered from headaches, but repeated treatments failed. When I went to his home and took a look, I found that there was a beam on the northwest side representing the male owner. The beam was piled with bricks, which meant that there were many stones on the top of the male owner's head. No wonder this man had headaches all year round. After returning to Hong Kong, I received a call from him, thanking me for curing this stubborn disease for him.

Feng Shui can sometimes be very simple! The above is to determine which space will affect which person based on the distribution of space. Bagua is divided into five elements, which directly control human body organs and functions. The layout of the space directly affects the five elements of the area, and directly affects the good and bad effects of the people in the area.

6, eight major family members

Bagua respectively represent the following eight types of members:

(1) The east is Zhen Gua, which represents the eldest son, and the five elements belong to wood. Wood controls the liver, gallbladder, hands and feet.

(2) In the southeast is the Xun (Yinxin) hexagram, which represents the eldest daughter and the five elements belong to wood. Wood controls the liver, gallbladder, hands and feet.

(3) The south is the hexagram Li, which represents the middle woman, and the five elements belong to fire. Fire rules the head, heart and blood.

(4) In the southwest is Kun Gua, which represents mother, and the five elements belong to earth. Earth controls a person's spleen and stomach, and in fact, since the mother is responsible for cooking, the mother is indeed in charge of the family's stomach.

(5) In the west, the hexagram Dui (pair of sounds) represents a young girl, and the five elements belong to gold. Metal governs the lungs, throat, nose and tongue.

(6) In the northwest is the hexagram Qian, which represents the father, and the five elements belong to gold. Metal governs the lungs, throat, nose, tongue and large intestine.

(7) The north is Kan Gua , which represents the middle man and the five elements belong to water. Water governs the human kidneys, intestines, bladder and ears.

(eight) In the northeast is Gen (near pronunciation) hexagram, which represents the young son, and the five elements belong to earth. Earth governs the human spleen and stomach.

7. The application of space feng shui

How to integrate the distribution and decoration of space into life?

First, you need to divide your home into nine palaces and write the gossip in them. If you are a housewife, and you circle the Kun position (southwest), that one is where you belong. If there is a missing corner in a house, it means that there is a problem with the family member in that direction.

For example, if a house lacks the southwest direction, it means that the house lacks the mother, or is not good for the mother. If a house lacks the east direction, it means that the owner of this house can only have a daughter, or the son has liver and gallbladder disease, or even has his hands and feet disabled. Therefore, a square house must have better feng shui than a house with missing corners.

Secondly, everyone should know that the five elements of Feng Shui have the greatest impact on human body organs. All objects have five elements, and people's physical conditions are also controlled by the five elements. The arrangement of objects affects the magnetic field of space, thereby affecting people's health and luck.

For example: If you place a cactus in the east of your home, your eldest son must often suffer from bone pain. If you are a young girl and you often have a hoarse voice or have problems with your nose and throat, if you look to the west, you will definitely find something strange there. For example, if a stove is placed, the fire will be too strong and you will have problems with your lungs and throat.

I once did a Feng Shui survey for a family. Based on the problems the family had, I concluded that there must be rabbits placed in the bathroom. The owner of the house denied it as usual. Finally, they really found a toy rabbit in a dark corner, and the amazing thing was that the family had no children. They could only assume that it was left behind by the decoration workers.

To further master the correct Feng Shui decoration, you must know the five elements that you and your family need and avoid. To put it simply, the five elements of a person's birth are affected by the seasons. If you were born in summer, your five elements tend to be hotter, so you want water and avoid fire. To put it another way, if you were born in winter, you would like fire and avoid water. If you were born in spring, because spring is the season when wood is strong, and there is too much wood, gold is needed to cut it down, so people born in spring want gold and avoid wood. Autumn is the season when trees wither. People born in autumn want wood and avoid gold.

Therefore, people born in spring want gold, people born in summer want water, people born in autumn want wood, and people born in winter want fire. However, this theory is only general and can only be used as a reference for everyone. To truly understand your own Five Elements needs, you need to go through professional horoscope calculation. There are still subtle mysteries in it, so you have to identify and get started! In modern households, in addition to fires in stoves, televisions, computers and other electrical appliances that are frequently turned on are sources of extremely strong fires. If the family members represented by these directions do not need fire, you need to find ways to reduce the fire nature of that location.

Another example is that the Kan position in the north belongs to water, which represents the middle man. If the middle man in your family suffers from otitis media , you will immediately know that there is a problem with the water level in the Kan position. When you arrange the appropriate items, you can make up for the missing five elements. If you are the father of the family and you need the five elements of water, you should place the fish tank in the dry direction, that is, in the northwest. The display in this direction will only benefit you and not harm others. So everyone wants to decorate it for all family members in the same room, and the method is very simple. For example:

If the wife wants to be popular, she will put a bright light in the southwest, which represents the housewife.

My husband wanted money, so he placed a refrigerator and an air conditioner in the northwest.

If the eldest son wants wood, he can place a bookcase in the east.

If you have four sons, the first is the eldest son, the second and third are the middle sons, and the fourth is the youngest son.

The position you belong to is an independent representative of your personal position, and the arrangement of that position will only affect you.

The above is the application of Jiugong Bagua on Luantou. Since the layout of this kind of space cannot be calculated, beginners of Feng Shui can try to survey this type of Feng Shui first.

8, Nine Palaces Flying Stars Method

I am now teaching you the method of Nine Stars Flying Down, which is also called the nine-nine-eighty-one-step measuring ruler.This is a very important theory in the entire Feng Shui theory. If you don’t understand this theory, you will never find the secret of space. The secret of space can be found in the ruler that measures the sky.

Everyone must memorize the method of flying stars in the eighty-one-step celestial ruler. The flying sequence is as shown below, that is, starting from step (1) in the middle, flying to step (2) lower to the right, then flying to step (3), and flying all the way to step (9).

After flying to the (9th) position, the star will fly back to the (1st) position, and then restart the flying sequence from (1) to (9th).

The above is the order of the flying stars in the Nine Palaces, which measures the state of the stars in the sky.

You can also raise your palms. When the index finger, middle finger and ring finger are placed side by side, nine grids will appear. After you have memorized the order of the flying stars, you don't need to write them with a pen. You can press your thumb on the middle square of your middle finger, and then fly from the first one in the center to the ninth square in the order of the picture above.

This method is called the Pai Shan method. In ancient times, the so-called one-finger calculation was to use the Pai Shan palm method to calculate the movements of the stars.

In Houtian Bagua, if the central grid is (five), according to the order of the flying stars in the picture above, it will become as shown in the picture above: This kind of nine-star distribution with the word (five) flying into the middle palace is called Houtian Bagua, because Hetu Luoshu uses the number (five) as the password of the universe.

We often use the Eight Diagrams of the day after tomorrow as a basis to calculate various Feng Shui directions and the distribution of flying stars.

You can try to write the numbers from (1) to (9) in the middle palace. Based on the above order of flying stars, you can get nine different flying star order diagrams with (1) to (9) as the middle palace.

9. The application of Qi and Feng Shui

I believe that everyone has become familiar with the order of flying stars in the Nine Palaces.

Take the year 2003 as an example. In this year, six white stars flew into the middle palace, so we came to the conclusion that (six) was the number of the nine stars flying in the middle palace.

From the above flying chart, we can know that (2) and (3) fly into the north and southwest, that is, [two black stars] fly into Kanfang, which represents the middle man, and [five yellow stars] fly into the housewife. Kun Fang.

This means that in 2003, both men and housewives will be affected by these two stars, making them prone to evil spirits and illness.

What is the meaning of the stars from (1) to (9)? Before you understand the meaning of each star, you must first know what "Three Yuans and Nine Lucks" are.

10, Three Yuans and Nine Lucks

Those who study Feng Shui must know [Three Yuans and Nine Lucks]. In the calendar, every sixty years is called "Yuan", the upper Yuan is in charge of sixty years, the middle Yuan is in charge of sixty years, and the lower Yuan is in charge of sixty years. "Three Yuan" is a total of one hundred and eighty years.

puts the nine stars in the Ninth Palace into these one hundred and eighty years, and each star controls twenty years.

The twenty years ruled by one white star are called "First Luck"; the twenty years ruled by two black stars are called "Second Luck"; the twenty years ruled by three green stars are called "Third Luck"; the twenty years ruled by four green stars are called "Third Luck". Ten years are called "Four Lucks"; twenty years ruled by five yellow stars are called "Five Lucks"; twenty years ruled by six white stars are called "Six Lucks"; twenty years ruled by seven red stars are called "Seven Lucks" ; The twenty years governed by the Eight White Stars are called the "Eight Lucks"; the twenty years governed by the Nine Purple Stars are called the "Nine Lucks".

When the [Nine Luck], that is, one hundred and eighty years, ends, a white star will control the [First Luck] again, and this cycle continues to calculate the earth's time and space.

The calculation of three elements is earth movement, which is a calculation method for regulating qi of the universe and earth.

The earth went through seven movements in the past 1983-2003, that is, starting from 2004, the earth entered the eight movements in twenty years. The Eighth Luck has passed, and starting from 2024, the earth will enter the Ninth Luck.

The calculation of these years is based on the number of movements of Jupiter and Saturn. It is a calculation method of astrology.

11. When the Eighth Luck is currently occurring, the eight white stars in charge of the Eighth Luck are called [the Eighth Luck Star]. During these twenty years, the direction that the Babai Star flies to is called the order at that time. If you can follow the flight of the Babai Star and absorb the magnetic field of this great fortune star, you will naturally be able to get the order at the time and be rich. .

When the Ninth Movement in the Future is in the Eighth Movement, the Nine Purple Star in charge of the Ninth Movement is called the "Future Star".

The future star represents the auspicious star, which means that in the twenty years of the eight fortunes, the nine purple stars can bring good fortune wherever they go. In addition, the number nine represents good luck.

The Seven Luck Stars of Returning When the Seventh Luck retreats and is taken over by the Eighth Luck, the Seventh Luck Star and the previous stars are called "Returning Luck Stars", also known as "Lost Order Stars". This means that from the first white star to the seven red stars, they are both good and bad, or extremely bad stars. Where these stars are flying, it is necessary to use Feng Shui decorations to turn away the evil stars. Among the eight fortunes, the numbers from two to seven represent the loss of order.

12. Nine stars determine good and bad luck

When everyone understands the meaning of [Winning Star] and [Losing Star], we can grasp the good and bad luck of each star.

p One star is called [One White Greedy Wolf Star], and the five elements belong to water. A white star represents official promotion, fame, first prize, official luck and wealth when receiving orders. When the order is lost, this star will be a peach blossom disaster, which will lead to loss of property and family, and even sexual diseases, terminal illness, and exile in a foreign land.

p The two stars are called [Two Black Giant Stars], and the five elements belong to earth. Two black stars represent disease symbols. This star is not a symbol of illness when receiving orders, it represents a respected position and the ability to achieve hegemony. But when this star is out of order, it is a very unlucky star, causing damage to property and family. It represents death, terminal illness, loss of money and misfortunes. It is ranked as the most unlucky star along with the five yellow stars. This star also represents attracting evil spirits.

p The three stars are called [Three Blue Stars], and the five elements belong to wood. The three green stars represent right and wrong. When this star is in command, it means that you will become famous for your words, and you will be an Italian lawyer, judge, and other talented people. But when this star is out of order, it represents right and wrong, loss of wealth and punishment.

p The four stars are called [Four Green Wenqu Stars], also called [ Wenqu Stars ], and the five elements belong to wood. When Wenquxing is in command, it represents culture, art, talent, and quick writing. But when the order is lost, the peach blossom star will inevitably suffer the disaster of drunkenness and sex.

p The five stars are called [Five Yellow Lian Zhen Stars], and the five elements belong to earth. Lian Zhenxing When the order is obtained, the representative is in the middle position and is extremely majestic, like the emperor who is the most noble and noble. But when this star loses its order, it is called Wuhuang evil spirit, also known as Zhengguan evil spirit, which represents death, terminal illness, bloody disaster, family destruction and death. This star will also attract evil spirits.

p The six stars are called [Liubai Wuqu Star], and the five elements belong to gold. Liubai is a partial wealth star, and together with Yibai and Babai, they are called the three major wealth stars. When Liubai is in command, Ding and Wealth will be prosperous. When Liubai is in disgrace, it will be a lost fortune star and the family may be ruined.

p The seven stars are called [Qi Chi Po Jun Star], and the five elements belong to gold. When the Seven Red Stars are in luck, people who work with eloquence, including singers, orators, fortune tellers, etc., will benefit greatly from communications. But when the Seven Red Stars are out of luck, they represent arguments, swords, and world wars. It also represents fire danger, and physical breathing and lung problems.

p The eight stars are called [Eight White Left Auxiliary Stars], and the five elements belong to earth. When the Eight White Star is in order, it is the Taibai Fortune Star, which can bring fame and wealth. Tianzhai Kefa is the first auspicious star among the nine stars. When this star loses its order, it means loss of wealth and justice, plague is prevalent, and wealth is lost in an instant.

p The nine stars are called [Nine Purple Right Stars], and the five elements belong to fire. The Nine Purple Star is the first-level joy star and love star in season, representing peach blossom popularity and Tianyi noble , Italian real estate and construction. But when this star is out of order, it will be a peach blossom calamity star, causing damage to people and money. It also indicates fire, explosion, heart disease, eye disease, bleeding, etc.

13. The handover of the World Games

Starting in 2004, Hong Kong officially entered the Eighth Games.

Looking back on the seven fortunes of the past twenty years, due to the order of the Seven Red Stars at that time, singing, media, divination and other industries related to oral materials have flourished.

Before 1984, singers could only hold concerts on stage, and their income was limited. After 1984, all singers held concerts in arenas with tens of thousands of people. Their income increased and they gained both fame and fortune. Those who relied on their oral skills and singing all made a lot of money.

With the decline of the Seventh Luck, starting from 2004, the singing career began to decline. Concerts may have to be costly, and being a singer cannot be as powerful as in the past.

The Qi Chi Po Jun star itself is a star that is both auspicious and evil. Because it is ordered in the Seventh Luck, the evil part is temporarily hidden.Since the year 2000, the seventh and eighth fortunes have alternated, and the swords, swords, shadows, death and chaos contained in the seven red stars have gradually emerged.

My Feng Shui prediction in 2000 has already stated that war and respiratory and lung diseases will definitely break out at the end of the Seventh Luck. The year 2003 was the last year of the Seventh Luck. The world war and SARS epidemic in this year completely fulfilled the dangers that the Seven Red Stars had accumulated over the past twenty years and broke out all at once.

When entering the eighth movement, the eighth movement is wood, which is good for cultural undertakings, and the ninth movement in the future is fire, which is good for computers, electronic technology and other products.

This means that in the next twenty years, we can no longer rely solely on word of mouth, but need to use "hands" to get orders at the time, handwritten articles, and online information to develop various businesses. This is the characteristic of the Eighth Movement. The now popular Foot massage , massage is also the work of the hands.

The eight white stars belong to earth, which means that real estate, cosmetics, beauty and body-related industries will prosper. Since the Nine Purple Luck will be the Great Peach Blossom Star in the future, this also means that pornography will continue to be popular.

The Eight White Star is a first-class wealth star, which also represents a phenomenon in society, that is, the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. Developing requires financial resources. When you have wealth, you can use your wealth to absorb generous returns. These two decades were a paradise for the rich, but the middle and lower classes were still struggling to survive.

14. Mastering Qi management

The principle of Feng Shui is that there are five elements in each direction. If you want water, you don’t have to sleep in the north to get water, because there are also Qi regulations in each direction, such as human metabolism, which rises and falls. If the position where you sleep is in bad luck, you may have to find another position to absorb another type of water. For example, you may need to sleep in the Chen position to absorb the Gui water, or sleep in the Jinwang position to attract the Jin water. This is a change in Feng Shui.

Therefore, Feng Shui must be counted. No direction is always 100%, just like no one is always healthy.

Feng Shui is to calculate each direction. When you use that direction, you will know whether it is good or bad, whether it is bad or prosperous. When you calculate the nine stars, you can find out what luck is going on in a certain location.

For example, the south represents fire. Is this fire a poisonous fire or a beneficial fire? When fire meets earth, it will be discouraged. If the eight white stars fly into the south that year, it will release the power of fire from the south. Even if you sleep in the south, you will not be able to absorb the five elements of fire.

What I am teaching you now is the method of flying nine stars every year. Of course, you can use the flying method to find the direction every month, every day, or even every hour, but my practical experience is that the year star is the most advantageous for calculating the direction, and it is not as effective at other times.

Feng Shui says it is the secret of the universe. If you do not participate in it and keep your mind clear, you can master the secret. But if you participate in it, you will often be limited due to personal cause and effect.