In the morning, a friend called me and said that a fellow villager fished a turtle out of the river. He happened to meet him and asked me if I wanted to keep it. I quickly agreed. He said he would give the fellow villager some money, and I said you take it. Come here and I'll giv

In the year 2022, the eighth day of the fifth lunar month according to the ancient calendar, today is the day of Ear Grain! Ear seeds are not only a busy time for farming, but also herald the hope of sowing and the joy of harvest. Plant at the right time and reap the benefits of your hard work!

In the morning, a friend called me and said that a fellow villager fished a turtle out of the river. He happened to meet him and asked me if I wanted to keep it. I quickly agreed. He said that he would give the fellow villager some money. I said you Bring it over and I'll give it to you as much as it costs, otherwise, I'll go home and stew it! He brought it back, and I searched online and asked my friends. Keeping turtles in the office is also beneficial to Feng Shui! It's roughly as follows. Write it down and everyone can refer to it.

Chinese people like to raise turtles, and they have a long history. The ancients once regarded turtles as objects of worship, and now people also regard them as mascots that can turn bad luck into good luck! In ancient legends, the four spirits, unicorn, , phoenix, dragon and turtle, are auspicious animals and are symbols of good luck, benevolence and longevity. However, the first three spirits are all fictitious totems that do not exist in the real world and can only They are reserved for the exclusive use of imperial power, and ordinary people can only keep a distance from them. However, only turtles exist in reality, and ordinary people can also reach them! It is said that the lines on the tortoise's carapace also represent the heavenly stems and the earthly branches . The tortoise is long-lived and can witness the rise and fall of hundreds of years. Some masters recommend raising tortoises in the office, which can bring wealth to the company, strengthen fire luck, and drive away the evil spirits of yin! As for the placement, it is also particular. It is best to place it in the direction of the fire, or in a place that requires positive energy, such as near the door!

So what are the requirements for raising turtles in the office?

No. 1: The turtle blocks the evil!

turtle shell is in an isolated shape, which has the meaning of resolving evil spirits and resisting direct attacks! If there is a feng shui beam in your office that is suppressing evil spirits, feng shui turtle is the best tool to resolve it; if you encounter difficulties at work, such as being squeezed out by villains or your boss does not appreciate you, you can keep one on your desk. If you have a turtle, you will be helped by noble people and appreciated by your boss, and your work will go smoothly. In addition to keeping one in the office, you can also keep one in the living room at home, which can complement each other and play a greater role!

Second: Turtle changes bad luck!

Turtles that move around are called Huishao turtles in Feng Shui. When family members or office employees have poor luck, or their five elements are deficient, it is recommended to raise turtles at home or in the office and let the turtles move around. On the one hand, with the help of the turtle shell It blocks evil spirits and drives away bad luck. On the other hand, it can strengthen fire luck and drive away the evil spirits of yin!

Third: Who can raise a turtle!

From the zodiac point of view, Feng Shui believes that zodiac signs are rabbit , dragon, dog and tortoise, so people with these three zodiac signs are not suitable for raising tortoises. Moreover, women should not keep turtles because their attributes are fire. However, because they are cold-blooded animals and need to have a pool, they can easily increase the dampness in the office. Women are very taboo about being in a damp environment. This will be extremely detrimental to their health, so they are not suitable for keeping turtles!

Fourth: The direction of raising turtles!

Turtles have a long life and can witness the rise and fall of hundreds of years. Keeping them in the office can bring wealth to the company, strengthen fire luck, and drive away the negative evil spirits. Turtles are spiritual things. Turtles kept in fish tanks should be kept in specific locations. , it is best to place it in the direction where fire is needed, or in a place where positive energy is needed, such as near the door.

is very good. The theory of Feng Shui is not superstitious! It is also the inheritance of ancient Chinese civilization! When the awns are planted, I occasionally get a magical turtle! On the occasion of the college entrance examination, I hope all the students will get their wish by being named on the gold list!