As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's birth date, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master.

2024/05/1708:06:33 fengshui 1009

Feng Shui can be said to be a mysterious art with a long history. It can be seen in movies and in life. I believe many people are skeptical about Feng Shui like me, but there are still Feng Shui masters in today's society.

As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's birth date, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master. - DayDayNews

So how did Feng Shui become accepted by everyone? Is it really that accurate? Today we will talk about Cai Boli , a leader in Hong Kong’s Feng Shui industry. And his most famous moment is the "2 million" incident with Li Ka-shing .

The path of a Feng Shui master

As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's date of birth, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master. To this day, Feng Shui masters can still be seen in our lives.

As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's birth date, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master. - DayDayNews

Cai Boli was born in Guangdong. Due to the influence of his grandfather (his grandfather astronomy and calendar scientist ), although he did not believe in these ghosts and monsters at a young age, he naturally understood it after following his father for "many years of fighting".

then inherited his father's legacy and began to work hard in the Feng Shui industry in Hong Kong. With his superb technology, he quickly became famous in the Feng Shui circle.. But what made him "famous in one battle" was his relationship with Li Ka-shing.

In one sentence, Li Ka-shing happily gave him 2 million?

The time came to 2006, when the cemetery of Li Ka-shing's lover Zhuang Yueming was destroyed.

As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's birth date, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master. - DayDayNews

For a time, Li Ka-shing could not accept the reality and was heartbroken. He decided to find another Feng Shui treasure for his beloved wife, and found Cai Boli, a celebrity in the Feng Shui circle at that time. Cai Boli seemed to have left early to prepare for Li Ka-shing's request, so he went to Li Ka-shing's residence alone. Unexpectedly, Li Ka-shing was shocked as soon as Cai Boli opened his mouth. Not only because of the price he proposed, but also because he said...

"Your late wife died miserably." This made Li Ka-shing, who was sitting on the chair, stand up with a "whoosh". It is a big mystery to know the cause of Zhuang Yueming's death at that time. Even though there were many speculations from the outside world, Li Ka-shing rejected these answers. Even the police proposed an autopsy, but Li Ka-shing rejected it, saying that his wife had passed away and he did not want her to suffer anymore.

As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's birth date, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master. - DayDayNews

However, he did claim to the outside world that his beloved wife died of a heart attack. Therefore, the cause of Zhuang Yueming's death has always been a big mystery in Hong Kong. And Cai Boli must have known the reason for saying this.

So Li Ka-shing seemed very surprised. Even when faced with Cai Boli's sky-high remuneration of "2 million", he readily agreed. Cai Boli also quickly set out to deal with this matter.

It was under Cai Boli's personal guidance that Zhuang Yueming's tomb was successfully restored. but the process is very complicated. It is said that Cai Boli asked Li Ka-shing for the birth dates of everyone in his family, and after three days and nights of calculation, he made progress.

As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's birth date, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master. - DayDayNews

Obviously the result satisfied Li Ka-shing. Later, Cai Boli became Li Ka-shing’s feng shui master. No matter what happened in business or life, he would consult Cai Boli.

And Cai Boli can do everything Li Ka-shing tells him beautifully every time, which not only attracts Li Ka-shing's admiration.

The unknown secret of Feng Shui master, after reading it, people praised again and again

With Li Ka-shing's incident, Cai Boli became a leading figure in Hong Kong's Feng Shui industry. There is an old saying in China, " means that the richer people are, the more they pay attention to."

As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's birth date, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master. - DayDayNews

This caused some of the leading figures in the Hong Kong industry to come to him for Feng Shui advice. But the cost is always a big expense. What is unexpected is that Cai Boli actually did such a thing.

Since the Li Ka-shing incident, Cai Boli has had his own foundation, and he has also invested most of the Feng Shui money in his foundation for charity.

This caused people around to praise it again and again. He is said to not only be able to count, but also rely on his own strength to help those in need.

As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's birth date, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master. - DayDayNews

Not only that, Cai Boli did not forget himself because his status was getting higher and higher. learned that when some large conferences were held in Hong Kong, Mr. Cai would patiently give them some advice. Even the colors of the buses were drawn up by him. This shows how high Cai Boli’s status is in Hong Kong.

After becoming famous, Cai Boli also wrote books on Feng Shui. Even the various versions of "Tongsheng" circulating on the market are his works.

Not only that, the price he sells is also very close to the people. This allows anyone interested in Feng Shui to learn useful knowledge.

As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's birth date, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master. - DayDayNews

There is reliable information that Cai Boli also played a role in promoting the promotion of our country's traditional culture. It has repeatedly funded the construction and improvement of my country's cultural heritage sites.

A generation of Feng Shui masters have fallen.

Mr. Cai Boli passed away in 2018. . According to Cai Boli's daughter Cai Xinghua, her father explained everything before his death and passed away peacefully. After the outside media learned of the news, they felt even more sorry for the old man.

As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's birth date, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master. - DayDayNews

As for Mr. Cai’s funeral, Li Ka-shing, who has been a close friend for decades, will naturally not be absent. Hundreds of well-known figures in Hong Kong came to see Mr. Cai off. Being respected by so many Hong Kong tycoons and wealthy people further proves that Cai Boli is a very good Feng Shui master.

Cai Boli used his life to explain to us what it means to be conscientious. While he devoted most of his life to his career, he also did not forget his contribution to charity. It is also true that Mr. Cai has been dead for many years, but his deeds are still passed down to this day. It can be seen that its influence is also extraordinary.

Although Mr. Cai has passed away for a long time, the legends and mysteries about Feng Shui still affect us . Even though everyone has mixed opinions about Feng Shui, we have to admit that Feng Shui is an important part of our country's traditional culture.

As the saying goes, Feng Shui attaches great importance to a person's birth date, and Feng Shui masters can often determine your destiny based on your birth date. Many people like to pay others to tell fortunes, which has also created the profession of Feng Shui master. - DayDayNews

We should also look at it from a developmental and inclusive perspective. Even though the Feng Shui theory is still subject to some controversy, the fact that the Feng Shui theory can be spread to this day is enough to show that the Feng Shui theory can give people a certain amount of spiritual comfort.

However, as an ordinary person, I hope that everyone will have a "rather believe in it than believe in it" attitude towards Feng Shui, and not be too gullible in Feng Shui, which will make our lives without fighting spirit. and confidence.

Sometimes, Feng Shui theory only gives us a certain amount of comfort, but does not bring us a guiding light on the way forward. In contrast, we must believe in science and believe that destiny can be created with our own hands.

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