People often say: "food, clothing, housing and transportation". Housing plays an extremely important role in people's daily production and life. The ancients paid great attention to the environment of housing. Therefore, there are also various common sayings about the feng shui o

2024/05/1000:16:32 fengshui 1261

People often say: "food, clothing, housing and transportation". Housing plays an extremely important role in people's daily production and life. The ancients paid great attention to the environment of the housing. Therefore, there are also various common sayings about the feng shui of living in Yangzhai. Common sayings are a reflection of life. Many of these common sayings are not groundless, but have a certain truth. In essence, many of them explore the subtle relationship between man and nature, man and the environment, and ultimately pursue the harmony and unity between man and nature. Reach the state of unity between man and nature.

People often say:

In ancient times, there were many sayings about residential Feng Shui. One of the widely circulated sayings is that "blessed people live in blessed places, and blessed lands live in blessed people." Does it mean that blessed people support blessed places? Or a blessed place to support blessed people? This is a common question. The so-called blessed land refers to what people often call - "Feng Shui Treasure Land". If your house shows the following three major signs, it is considered to have found a Feng Shui Treasure Land. Congratulations on living in the right place. What are the three major signs of

? See below to see if your home has it.

First, the house feels comfortable to live in. There are different evaluation criteria for the consideration of living environment. One of the evaluation criteria is whether it is comfortable to live in. The impact of the living environment on the heart is very subtle and complex. It is the result of a mixture of various environmental factors. At the same time, this is also an indescribable feeling. No matter how good a house is, if you feel uncomfortable living in it, it will have more or less bad effects over time. You can only know whether the shoes fit your feet by wearing them, and the same is true for a house. It is good Feng Shui to make yourself feel comfortable when you live in it.

People often say:

Second, whether the aura of the living environment is strong. The ancients proposed the concept of "Qi", but it is difficult to translate this concept into foreign languages. In Yangzhai Feng Shui, Qi is very important, and measuring whether a house has a strong aura can also be reflected in the subtle changes in various phenological conditions. . For example, most plants in nature wither in autumn. If the plants in a house wither later than similar plants in the outside world, it proves that the growth cycle of the plants is longer and the house is alive. For example, people believe that creatures in nature are spiritual. If a house can summon creatures from nature, such as swallows building nests, cats and dogs fleeing to their homes, etc., the house is also considered to be alive. These are considered to reflect the aura of the house. .

People often say:

Third, whether the neighbors around the house are harmonious. "The right time, place and people", people and people play an important role. Whether the living environment is good or bad also depends on whether the neighbors are harmonious and can get along well. After all, as the saying goes: "Far relatives are not as good as near neighbors." No matter how good the relatives are, they are far away. Water cannot dissolve the fire that is near. Sometimes, at a critical moment, the mutual help between neighbors is particularly important. To say the least, neighbors are the only way for people to pass by every day. If you don’t look up and see you when you look down, if the relationship between neighbors Not getting along well will make people feel bad inside.

and above are the three criteria for measuring the quality of a house. If you feel comfortable living in the house, the aura of the house is strong, and the relationship between neighbors is harmonious, then congratulations, you live in the right place. Of course, there are many ways to judge the quality of a house. Which ones do you think are the most critical? Welcome to comment and exchange.

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