Washing your hair like this after dyeing your hair is tantamount to harming yourself! Teach you to do this, keep away from damaging your hair

Many people choose to dye their hair at home in order to save money, especially the older uncles and aunts, who always feel that dyeing their hair at the barber shop once is enough to dye at home for a year, and they will dye their hair at home.

has a detailed problem that has always plagued these elderly people, that is, they don't know whether they should wash their hair with water or shampoo after dyeing. Elderly people feel that shampoo is too wasteful, so just rinse with clean water, which can clean the scalp and save money on shampoo. So after dyeing my hair at home, should I use water or shampoo? How to do shampoo?

In fact, this problem does not need to be too entangled. No matter you use water or shampoo to clean, just rinse it off. Under normal circumstances, it will be slower to wash with water. In many cases, it is recommended to use shampoo to gently rub, which can wash away the color of the surface of the hair and allow it to be better oxidized. The dyed scales are opened. At this time, use the conditioner, it can be absorbed very well.

Dyeing and shampooing should pay more attention to this, you can rest assured to dye your hair

1, do not wash your hair immediately after dyeing

do not wash your hair immediately after dyeing your hair, so that the dyeing of the hair will fall off, resulting in color difference, and then wash your hair 3 days after dyeing your hair , Rinse once after finishing the hair dyeing, which can effectively rinse off the surface color and affect the color effect. When cleaning every 3 days after dyeing, the oil on the scalp can effectively avoid the damage caused by the hair dye.

2, choose mild shampoo

after dyeing your hair, avoid using strong cleansing shampoo, because excessive cleaning will allow harmful substances from the hair dye to enter the scalp and cause physical damage. Therefore, when choosing shampoos, we should be as gentle as possible. For example, shampoos with netizens are naturally mild and non-irritating. They can effectively control the scalp secretion, balance the water and oil of the scalp, converge the scalp, lock the scalp moisture, and make the scalp moist health.

3. Use warm water to rinse

as much as possible when rinsing, which can effectively avoid the loss of pigment. After penetration, apply shampoo to clean the scalp.

4. If you have any discomfort, immediately wash

after dyeing your hair, you may experience tingling, red itching and other allergies. This needs to be cleaned immediately to avoid serious situations. If the situation is serious, we should seek medical treatment in time to avoid serious Skin disorders.