Recently, the term "reconciliation with Su Yan" has become popular on the Internet. Older women should also join the wave of "reconciliation" craze! For older people, it is more suitable to reconcile with age. Do you know that the prerequisite for reconciliation with age is to pe

The term "reconciliation with Su Yan" has become popular on the Internet recently, so older women should also join the wave of "reconciliation" craze! For older people, it is more suitable to reconcile with age.

Do you know that the prerequisite for reconciliation with age is to persist in becoming beautiful? When you are elegant enough and temperamental enough, you will still be a flower even when you are 80 years old!

[Guide to Temperament for the Elderly] If you still want to be beautiful when you are older, it is most important to find out the key.

How to improve your temperament when you are older? Look at the temperament key points of "ageless beauties"

To become beautiful and maintain elegance, you have to learn from the most prestigious ageless goddesses in the fashion industry. Yu Feihong and Zhao Yazhi are good representatives.

Although the dressing styles are different, it is obvious from the two of them that the key to maintaining elegance is: elegant manners, exquisite makeup and hair, appropriate jewelry embellishments, and decent clothing, are all indispensable. Do you now know which four areas you should spend your money on?

[Quick tips for improving temperament] Guide to developing good looks: Spend money on these 4 aspects

One aspect: high-end temperament from the inside out

Elegant posture will never go out of style in a lifetime, little-known secrets of temperament

Appearance The state is This is the aspect that many people tend to overlook, but it is also the aspect that the goddess of elegance values ​​most. Do you know the difference between you and the goddess? You can tell by looking at your demeanor.

The hunchback with breasts and lack of temperament makes you look old. imitate the goddess to open your shoulders and neck, straighten your shoulders and back, and behave generously and confidently. Even if you have gray hair, you will not lose your elegance!

How to develop elegant manners? The key is here

So how do ordinary middle-aged and elderly people develop an elegant posture? When standing daily, learn to keep your shoulders, hips and calves in the same straight line, you will be able to look tall and straight, as beautiful as pines and cypresses.

When walking in life, using your hips to exert force will make you more elegant and elegant. Try not to hold your breasts and hunch over when doing other actions~

Two aspects of makeup and hair: the younger you live, the "frozen age" password

The importance of makeup and hair, you will know by looking at the comparison

For older women, middle-aged and elderly women Makeup is different from that of young people. There is no need to smooth the face and have no blemishes such as spots. clean skin is the most important.

Never deny the importance of makeup to women. It can be seen that before putting on makeup, the whole person looks extremely haggard; but on the right side, just a piece of lipstick can make people feel energetic. It is so amazing!

Key points for makeup and hair: The hairstyle is fluffy and natural, and the makeup is clean and decent.

For makeup, you only need to appropriately brighten the skin color, outline clean eyebrows or use lipstick to enhance the complexion. For lipstick, just choose a nude tone or a normal red. Try not to choose other unusual color lipsticks or blood-red ones that look like eating a child!

Hair style does not need to be too exaggerated, keeping it natural and decent is the best condition. Middle-aged and elderly people are more suitable for medium-long or short hair. Cutting layers at the end of the hair will avoid feeling greasy and tired.

Three aspects of jewelry: the "finishing touch" of temperament

People with taste are wearing jewelry, so don't fall behind

Secondly, try to spend your money on buying a few sets of daily and high-quality jewelry.After all, our life is not only about daily necessities, but we also need to spend time loving ourselves~

It’s not enough to be old and not have a few sets of quality jewelry. What's more, simple jewelry can enhance the high-end feel of basic clothing. It has a high usage rate and is very refined and noble. Why not?

How do middle-aged and elderly people use jewelry to enhance their look? Read this tutorial

①. Jewelry selection: Choose high-quality jewelry with luster

There are many types of jewelry, but it is undoubtedly better to choose jewelry with light colors or luster such as jade and diamonds.

The jade earrings worn by goddess Zhao Yazhi and the diamond earrings and brooches worn by He Chaoqiong are good references.

②. Matching jewelry: combine simple and traditional styles, don’t be greedy for too much

Not only choosing jewelry, wearing jewelry is also a knowledge. If you don’t want to become a “nouveau riche”, you have to learn how to combine simple and traditional styles of jewelry and clothing.

For complicated clothing, use simple and elegant jewelry to neutralize it; for simple and plain clothing, use jewelry with a slight sense of design or more ornateness to enhance the sense of sophistication.

Four aspects of dressing: elegance that no one can take away

The core rules of dressing for middle-aged and elderly people: simple and clean, elegance is better than fancy and childish

A clean and simple way of dressing will never go out of style anywhere. On the contrary, when you reach middle age, some clothes that are too colorful and too cute and childish in design will hinder your temperament.

This design is very basic and high-quality. The black mid-length dress is very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. Paired with a pair of nude high heels, it looks elegant and shows long legs.

As you get older, you must know a few dressing principles

(Principle 1) Do not use more than three colors. Use solid colors and the same color to be more noble.

Older women see the fancy clothes on the left with more than three colors. When the time comes, just run further away. Because it really looks old and extraordinarily rustic!

Regardless of matching or selection, try not to exceed three colors. Choose more solid colors or match them with the same color system to look cleaner and more textured.

(Principle ②) Refuse to be tight-fitting or expose too much skin. Slightly loose straight-line clothing brings a sense of luxury

Of course, middle-aged and elderly people are not suitable for clothing that is too revealing or too sexy. The reason is obvious: Tight-fitting clothing is more likely to expose loose muscles and an out-of-shape figure; exposing a large area of ​​skin is not only inappropriate, but also exposes wrinkles on the body.

Try to dress with loose straight lines like the one on the right. It can not only modify the body shape, but also bring a sense of high-end. Use the depth of color or the combination of light and dark on to make it even more outstanding ~

(Principle 3) Stay away from garishness Suitable and elegant, calm style + dressing according to the occasion is the best expression of accomplishment.

In terms of dressing, being able to choose the right outfit according to different occasions is also a kind of accomplishment. Let’s see if you are qualified?

You can dress more casually in daily life, and choose pure cotton or clothing with casual elements to layer.In formal occasions such as the workplace or meetings, you should be more conservative. Shirts, suits, skirts or suits can make you look more professional and reliable~

[Ultimate Beauty Guide] "Extra points" to improve your temperament and age, as you get older You can also become a goddess

Bonus point 1: Get a high-quality mid-length umbrella skirt that can be worn on any occasion

The umbrella skirt that does not exceed the shoulder width covers the flesh and can make you look slimmer. It is timeless at any age, so you can rest assured. Give it your temperament!

The soft and waxy light khaki color can also reduce age and improve the temperament. Paired with the same color or light-colored high heels, it can also lengthen the legs ~

Bonus point two: middle-aged and elderly people often use white to brighten and reduce age

Don’t forget White looks monotonous, but when used in matching, the effect of brightening and reducing age is simply not good!

White can be used to break the dullness in colored or dark clothing, and can also be placed closest to the face to brighten the skin tone.

Bonus points three: The combination of glossy earrings and simple watches is the most classy.

If you don’t know how to match accessories, then follow the example of the grandma above: get a small and shiny earrings, which will reveal the most exquisite neck line. .

also arranges a simple solid color watch, which looks equally good with a dress. It is as high-end as any style!

[Ending message] Don’t say that being older is not as good as being young, cultivate good looks from “4 aspects”

We can’t stop the passage of time, so let’s live a more exciting life! Instead of spending a lot of money on maintenance, spend money on ideas.

Spend money to cultivate your manners, find suitable makeup and hair, own several sets of high-quality jewelry and decent clothes , and you will be an elegant goddess who is not inferior to any star~