Hydraulic needles are also called "hydroluminous microneedle", but both hydroluminous needles and hydroluminous microneedle are just terms coined by machine manufacturers and marketers. Shuiguang needle is neither "water" nor "light". Its real scientific name is intradermal injec

Water-light needles are also called "water-light micro-needles", but both water-light needles and water-light micro-needles are just terms created by machine manufacturers and marketers. Shuiguang needle is neither "water" nor "light". Its real scientific name is intradermal injection . To put it bluntly, it is intradermal injection, which is a relatively common medical technology. Hydra acupuncture uses negative pressure needles to inject hyaluronic acid (hyaluronic acid), botulinum toxin and other cosmetic injections into the dermal layer of the skin to achieve different cosmetic effects.

Many people want to get the injection, but they have many questions!

1. Once I had the water-glow injection, I couldn’t stop. I was worried that if I stopped, I would become ugly!

The main component of the water light injection is hyaluronic acid , which is mainly used to replenish moisture and lock in water. There is no dependence. The light injection cannot remain in the skin for a long time, otherwise it will be slowly absorbed by the body. It will be enough in about a week, and the skin condition will get better and better. After about 3 weeks, the effects will wear off. It's understandable that your face will get uglier if you stop, and this may be a psychological effect. It's understandable that there will be a psychological gap between people whose good skin conditions fade away slowly, but it's not the people mentioned above that make you dependent on it.

2. Why do I have no effect after applying it so many times?

Everyone’s skin condition is different, and the effect of one application of moisturizer will also be different. For normal skin, the effect can be seen in one course of water treatment (3 times). If the foundation is poor, it may take 4-5 applications. If you have other skin problems besides moisturizing, such as oiliness, enlarged pores, and dark yellow skin. Maybe the base water is not ideal, so some other nutrients need to be added.

3. How long does it take to inject water light injection?

After washing your face, apply numbing ointment for 30 to 40 minutes, it may take about 10 minutes to fill the whole face with water, and then apply a calming mask, and it will be over in about an hour.

4. Will the water light injection hurt?

Before the water light injection, an anesthetic will be given. The pain will vary from person to person. Some people feel bitten by ants , while some people feel no pain. Of course, this also depends on the injection method you choose. Relatively speaking, hand beating is more harmful than machine beating.

5. Can everyone get water-light injection?

Of course not, coagulation disorder ! The skin is in a sensitive period. Not recommended for use during menstruation, lactation, and pregnancy. In addition, the use of active melasma, oral anticoagulants and minors is not recommended after sun exposure.

6. Is it better to type by machine or by hand?

is not good or bad, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it mainly depends on personal choice. Doctors generally recommend a combination of hand and machine massage.

7. My hand can’t bear it. The damage is too serious. Can the machine hit it evenly?

The anesthetic is in place, so it’s okay.

8. Will the skin become more and more sensitive after injection?

No, it has improved.

9. Will injecting water-light needles leave traces on the face?

General medical institutions will not have this problem when injecting water-light needles.

10. Can my face be treated with hydration injection after facelift surgery?


11. Will there be edema or bruises after the injection?

Edema and bruises are also related to personal constitution, there will be some differences, they will be eliminated within a week, don’t worry too much!

12. What should I pay attention to after hydrophotosurgery?

On the day of injection, there may be bumps and scratches on the face. These are normal phenomena and usually disappear within 2-3 days. After is injected with in the morning, you can wash your face at night, and after you are injected with in the afternoon, you can wash your face the next day. The past few days, I’ve been using a medical mask every day to promote repair. Don't eat spicy food and don't drink alcohol. Pay attention to sun protection when going out, wear a hat or hold an umbrella.