When seeing a doctor, we often encounter patients asking, "Doctor, what is the easiest way to remove chloasma?" Chloasma is the most difficult to treat among all stains. Its appearance not only affects a person's image, but also harms them at all times. Our physical and mental he

When seeing a doctor, we often encounter patients asking, "Doctor, chloasma What is the easiest way to get rid of chloasma?" Today I will answer this "old, big, and difficult" skin problem for you. I hope it can be helpful to you. help.

Chloasma is the most difficult to treat among all spots. Its appearance not only affects the personal image, but also harms our physical and mental health at all times. So, what are the causes of chloasma? How should it be treated from a medical perspective?

Let’s first talk about, what is chloasma?

Chloasma, also known as "liver spot" and "butterfly spot", is a pigmented skin problem common on the face.

are mostly symmetrically distributed on zygomatic bones, , cheeks, forehead and other parts of the body. They are yellow-brown, dark brown or black patches with unclear boundaries and irregular shapes. The surface is smooth, without scales, and there are no obvious symptoms or discomfort. Feel.

is more common in women. High levels of estrogen in the blood is the main reason. Its onset is related to pregnancy, long-term oral contraceptives, and menstrual disorders.

Types of chloasma

Chloasma is divided into two types: pigmented type and vascular type. The first type of pigmented chloasma : The main manifestations of the skin are pigmentation, good skin barrier, the color of the skin lesions does not fade when examined by slide pressure, and the color contrast between the lesion area and the non-lesion area increases under the lamp.

The second type of vascular chloasma : The damaged part of the skin fades when diagnosed with glass slide, and the color contrast between the damaged area and the non-lesioned area under the lamp does not increase significantly. There is a significant red area, and the skin is accompanied by tightness, edema, and itching. Case.

In clinical treatment, 80% of those seeking beauty treatment for chloasma are pigmented and vascularized chloasma.

How to treat chloasma

In the past, the understanding of chloasma was based on the increase in epidermal pigment, so many people would choose to use skin care products such as whitening cream , anti-freckle cream , and anti-freckle essence to dilute chloasma.

But the regret is that because cosmetics are simply applied externally, absorption is limited and the results are very slow. It usually takes a long time to see the effect.

In addition, some women often buy cosmetics containing hormones and heavy metals online, or are recommended by others in their circle of friends. In the end, not only do they fail to remove chloasma, but they cause hormone-dependent dermatitis, severe pigmentation, and even Scar , bring more harm to .

Dermatologist said that compared with skin care products, professional doctors in clinical practice currently use photoelectric methods to treat chloasma.

The principle of photoelectric treatment of chloasma is mainly to use some special photoelectric means that are within the tolerance range of the human body, combined with drugs and sunscreen and moisturizing skin care products to inhibit the activity and proliferation of melanocytes, inhibit the formation of melanin granules and accelerate degradation; start It has the function of shedding and removing melanin at the junction of the dermis and epidermis, speeding up pigment metabolism and thus diluting spots.

There are many types of photoelectrics at present, such as the common Q switch 1064nm laser, picosecond laser, intense pulsed light , non-ablative fractional, fractional radio frequency, etc. According to different conditions of chloasma, doctors will tailor it The most suitable treatment is .

Chloasma treatment effect display

The doctor reminds: half of the beauty after photoelectric treatment comes from the therapeutic effect of photoelectricity, and half comes from the correct care before and after photoelectric treatment.

Therefore, after photoelectric treatment of chloasma, post-care is also very important:

① Go to bed early, get up early and exercise frequently, avoid triggering factors such as sun exposure and use of inferior cosmetics; avoid taking drugs and photosensitizing drugs that cause changes in sex hormone levels.

② To repair the skin barrier, you can use functional skin care products with scientific basis. hyaluronic acid and ceramide have a positive effect on repairing and maintaining the skin barrier.

③ Pay attention to sun protection. It is recommended to use spectrum sunscreen with SPF30 and UVA sun protection index +++ for a long time. On this basis, strengthen sun protection, such as wearing a hat and sun protection mask.

④ Avoid using irritating skin care products.

⑤ Actively treat related chronic diseases that may induce or aggravate chloasma.

Although chloasma is known as a nightmare for thousands of women, it can be eliminated by adhering to correct daily care and choosing professional and formal treatment methods.