[Experience Sharing] Muchen: What does body mean? What does body mean? Hi, I am Mu Chen, one of the members of the 100-member mentoring team of my company. I regularly share practical knowledge in the bodybuilding industry. I especially like a sentence in Murakami Haruki's "Marat

[Experience Sharing] Muchen: What does body mean? What does body mean?

hi, I am Muchen, one of the members of the 100-person mentorship group. I regularly share useful knowledge about the body industry.

I particularly like a sentence from Haruki Murakami "Life Marathon": Life is like this: you can naturally persist in things you like, but you can't last in things you don't like.

Love of life is the commonality of all things. We have and only one emotion towards life, and that is love.

If you ask "What is the most representative of femininity?" the answer is neither the dress nor the appearance of the face, but whether her body is elegant and stretched, and whether her body is healthy and beautiful.

Although Queen Leticia of Spain comes from a middle-class family, because of her tall and straight posture, stretched posture, and full of aristocratic elegance in every gesture, she can be called a walking body shape textbook, and she is not alone next to supermodel Bruni. Inferior, even worse, and the photo of the two of them from behind is even more classic.

In recent years, more and more women seem to be trapped in a pua dilemma. While "appearance anxiety" is involved, they are also deeply immersed in "body anxiety". Compared with the attractive appearance given by nature, what they work hard to achieve the day after tomorrow Body shape has become an issue for most women.

seems to have heard countless complaints from the little sisters around me: There are so many women with good figures in the world, why can’t there be just one more of me?

Don’t fall into the vicious circle created by yourself. Perhaps, you are only attracted by yourself and the Internet. Influence?!

"White and thin" is gradually regarded as the epitome of beauty in Hong Kong. If you can wear smaller clothes and have a slimmer figure, you may be able to meet the love of your heart and meet Prince Charming.

The Ju-style atmosphere created by Ju Jingyi in the TV series promotes the progress of the plot with a soft feeling of love.

Ping Xi, Yang Chaoyue, who debuted in "Invention 101", also has fair skin, a handsome face, and a slender figure, which fits the characteristics of being "slim since childhood" and is loved by young people.

External cultivation, internal cultivation of the heart

Cultivating the mind is equally important as spiritual practice

Only the body and mind are united

In order to show the beauty from within

Body, shape, manner, aesthetics tutoring class

Welcome home

Author: Mu Chen, body, shape Appearance and aesthetics instructor. Focusing on body training and temperament improvement, it has helped 100,000+ women transform perfectly.

[Experience Sharing] Muchen: What does body mean? What does body mean?