The function of jewelry is to embellish, brighten and sublimate the whole. Often when you put on clothes that are too ordinary and simple, you can’t see any sense of fashion. But with some jewelry to embellish it, the overall sense of fashion and temperament are improved by sever

The function of

jewelry is to embellish, brighten and sublimate the whole. Often when you put on clothes that are too ordinary and simple, you can’t see any sense of fashion. But with some jewelry to embellish it, the overall sense of fashion and temperament are improved by several degrees, which is completely different from the ordinary ones before. . Older women, if you are 50+, how should you wear jewelry to have the right embellishment effect? First of all, you must avoid these "3 types" of jewelry, and be sure not to step on the minefield.

Good-looking jewelry can improve the overall image, temperament and taste, but wrong jewelry that is not suitable for you will only look cheap and low-end. If you are an older woman, you must wear jewelry with high-end and nobility as the starting point. Stop wearing cheap and low-grade jewelry. The more you wear it, the more points you will lose.

1. The "3 big" wearing misconceptions of cheap and low-grade 50+ are here

✘ Large size = frivolous

Jewelry that is too large will be inconvenient to wear, increase burden, and in terms of appearance, it will also make people feel too much Exaggerated, without temperament and taste. The bigger the jewelry, the better. It is not the big that shows the value. The jewelry that is too big will make people feel unstable.

✘Exaggerated styling = unsuitable for your temperament

Jewelry for those over 50 years old should pay more attention to the grand appearance and high-end materials. Exaggerated styling is more suitable for stage effects. Moreover, the temperament of women over 50 is noble and elegant. It does not mean that jewelry becomes frivolous and rustic, which is seriously inconsistent with their own temperament.

✘Bright colors that are too eye-catching = bad taste

Beautiful colors will appear too saturated. On the one hand, colorful things are difficult to control and are very picky about temperament and skin color. On the other hand, they will appear too eye-catching, over bright and complex accessories. The less tasteful it seems, and it is easy to become frivolous because of too bright colors.

2. Wearing jewelry to look high-end and tasteful, you need to do this:

Tips 1. About the appearance of jewelry

❶ Reduce the size and pay attention to refinement

Change the concept that the bigger you look, the more wealthy you look. Small jewelry reflects its exquisiteness and pays attention to Mainly for the embellishment effect of jewelry, it does not need to be particularly large to show class. Pay attention to the exquisiteness of jewelry. Even if it is small in size, it has a very big bonus when worn on the body.

❷Pay attention to embellishment and refuse to be exaggerated.

Don’t choose jewelry with complex shapes and unique personalities. It is not versatile and not friendly enough to the temperament of middle-aged women. It is recommended to choose jewelry with a relatively simple appearance, as long as it can embellish the facial features and clothing, and do not choose an exaggerated appearance design.

❸Bright colors in a small area to avoid glare

You can choose bright colors appropriately, but do not pile up multiple colors. One color system is enough, and reject colors. Moreover, the area of ​​the bright color should not be too large. As a detailed part of the jewelry, it only serves to embellish and brighten it, and it should not be too dazzling.

Tips 2. Pay attention to the material of jewelry

★ Selection direction: Look for the temperament of 50+ women

50+ women are more suitable for high-end, grand, wealthy and elegant styles. It is best to match the materials of jewelry to support the temperament. .

★ Suitable jewelry material:

① Unique taste of gemstones

The color of gemstones is very rich, but its luster is transparent and clear, and there will be no cheap glare. Gemstones can reflect a person's unique taste and are suitable for women who have a unique vision and also like rich colors.

② Jade that nourishes people and shows charm

Jade material is transparent and nourishing, with infinite luster and charm. It is very suitable for women over 50 years old. Especially women with round figures and a sense of richness will look more wealthy and elegant when wearing thicker jade jewelry.

③ Gold that maintains value and is durable

Considering the sense of value preservation, gold is definitely the first choice.The golden luster can be seen at a glance, and the aura of wealth can be seen, and the older you get, the better you can control gold after your temperament and charm have settled.

Moreover, gold is a classic jewelry that will never go out of style. If you are pursuing value preservation and durability, older women can first consider gold jewelry.

Tips 3. As a sublimation force, match the style of clothing

clothing styles suitable for women over 50 include:

style ①: minimalist and calm

prefers minimalist style, which is to show the stability and low-key temperament. If you follow this style, recommends wearing accessories with relatively low-key colors and styles. But you must pay attention to the gloss, and use the changing gloss of details to attract attention, rather than rely on style and bright colors to show a woman's sense of luxury.

style ②: Elegant and atmospheric

has an elegant atmosphere, and its gestures and movements show a grand demeanor, which is also very suitable for the style of middle-aged women. This style of is suitable for wearing diamond jewelry with a sense of timeless elegance, or accessories made of gemstones with unique taste and temperament , which can reflect this elegant and elegant style.

style ③: rich and noble

When talking about richness, you can think of the feeling of "expensive". Middle-aged women with a slightly chubby figure are very suitable for taking this noble and charming route. It is recommended that women who take this route choose accessories made of jade, jade or gold, which can support the grandeur of their body shape and style.

Tips 4. Improve the deficiencies in your lines

Wearing jewelry can not only decorate and look good, but also emphasize the three-dimensional sense of the facial features, or weaken the shortcomings of the facial features or other parts of the body, which has the effect of maximizing strengths and avoiding weaknesses.

① If your face is short and round, you can choose a pendant with a longer chain.

A necklace with a longer chain. If you add a pendant, it will extend the line of the neck. Looking upward can also extend the proportion of the facial features and the length of the face. Short faces and round faces The dullness of the face will be weakened.

② For face shapes with sharp edges and corners, earrings with rounded shapes are recommended.

For faces with sharp edges and corners, such as rhombus or square faces, you should avoid more three-dimensional jewelry and choose earrings with a rounder shape to weaken the edges. The embellishment effect of earrings is the most obvious, so you can choose earrings with a more curved shape to improve a face that is too square.

③ Choose small earrings and necklaces for three-dimensional facial features

Three-dimensional facial features appear to be deep, stylish and recognizable, so you should not let overly exaggerated accessories cover up your own advantages. Earrings and accessories are the ones that most affect the face shape and facial features. It is recommended to choose earrings and necklaces that are as small as possible. They will not cover up the three-dimensional sense of the facial features. The small size will highlight the advantages of the facial features.

50+ women must avoid three major misunderstandings when wearing jewelry, otherwise it will easily look cheap and classless. To be a high-end woman who is well-dressed and well-dressed, you must also wear jewelry with great care in order to make yourself more charming.