Girl groups seem to be a big trend every summer, maybe because of the various talent shows! The idols on the stage are star-studded, and many ordinary people off the stage are also trying to copy the various outfits of the idols, which has brought about the popularity of girl gro

It seems that girl groups are a big trend every summer, maybe because of the various talent shows! The idols on the stage are star-studded, and many ordinary people off the stage are also trying to copy the various outfits of the idols, which has brought about the popularity of girl group style outfits.

But to be fair, girl group style is easy to look cheap. The idols in the center of the stage are wearing short and tight clothes embellished with chain metal, and their beauty is only fixed in every jump. When they leave the stage, they are in a car crash scene! Instead of chasing the girl group style, it is better to try the recently popular aristocratic style. Elegance and temperament are what ordinary girls deserve more.

Speaking of lady style, what do you think of? Major luxury brands are on the catwalk, and celebrities have their daughters... In fact, the aristocratic style does not have to be suspended high, nor is it out of reach, and is not just about blindly piling up with money. The aristocratic style mentioned here is life-oriented. , approachable.

Question 1: What is “expensive” about the style of a lady?

The characteristics of ladylike style include mainly using basic styles, emphasizing clean lines, not condescending but a little alienated and cold. If you want to ask what makes a lady so elegant, it is probably because is picky about texture, has her own view of beauty, , and sticks to herself, and does not aim to please others!

Whether it is expensive or not is a major principle in dressing in ladylike style. The expensiveness of is not in the price, but in the exquisite and durable texture, and the calmness and calmness when wearing it. Once the single product is carefully selected, the temperament can be easily exaggerated, and it is much simpler to enhance the aura.

For girls who need to create a mature temperament and trendy girls who are lost in the trends of each season, the girly style is valuable. You don’t need to be a Chanel girl or Dior girl to have a sense of luxury. You only need to use the basic styles that are readily available. You can do !

Question 2: How to dress like a lady?

[1] Consideration should be given to color selection and matching.

Flowers are not necessarily good. Only by choosing and matching colors properly can you wear a noble style, especially when creating a ladylike style that is mainly based on basic styles.

① Press the color, and the temperament will be doubled

Low-key and long aftertaste, which is a major feature of the noble lady style color matching. In a nutshell, the best colors to use for ladylike style must be low-saturation colors. Advantages of

: small skin color limitations, calm temperament, and high practicality.

Sure-win colors: navy blue, beige, white, gray, dirty orange

Collocation: beige suspenders × beige suit pants

The beige series has the most gentle temperament, and when combined with knitted fabrics, it is extremely elegant. Wearing the same color can quickly make you look elegant, even if you wear a suspender belt, it will not make you look fashionable.

applicable scenarios: restaurant dates, commuting to work.

② Moderate color is not a bad idea

If you like bright purples and reds, it’s OK. Just remember to avoid fluorescent colors and reduce saturation. Colors with a certain grayscale are best. It is best not to use two colors at the same time, otherwise the collision will be too strong and it will not look noble.

Skin exposure is very important when using colors. When the color accounts for a large proportion, it is not recommended to wear clothes that are too wrapping. Appropriate skin exposure can reduce the suppression of the color on the figure. For example, it is best to choose a square collar for a red dress and leave more than one-third of the leg space.

tips: The ratio of color & dark color is 1:1.

③ Say no to the sense of fragmentation

Mixing more than three colors is messy and fragmented. The color matching for luxury should be smooth and unified. Evenly distributed on the upper and lower body, or one main and one auxiliary, low saturation + high saturation.

[2] Materials should be clear

Key points ①: Don’t be too loose.

The density of the fabric greatly affects the texture. To wear it with a sense of elegance, you must first stay away from any materials that are too loose.

The greater the density, the stronger the sense of nobility. For example, when Bailu wears a cotton T-shirt, chiffon dress and a satin dress, the textures are completely different. The smooth and fine satin material is more noble.Clothes with too strong texture can easily destroy the smoothness of the outfit. For example, a shirt with embroidery lines will have great matching limitations.

Recommendation: suit, cotton shirt

Points ②: Material coordination

How can a soft top save the lack of texture? Pair it with some stiff pants! The stretch and softness of the top will be coordinated by the pants.

Especially when wearing the same color, you should choose clothes with different materials to match.

Key points ③: Appropriate use of noble-feeling fabrics

Fabrics with noble attributes can make a noble woman have twice the result with half the effort. But it can also wander between the two extremes of tackiness and extravagance, so use it with caution.

◆Real silk

Real silk items are shiny, have a silky texture, and have a rich sense of nobility. But incorporating design is important. Silk shirts with round necks and short sleeves look too homely, and they are not tolerant of problems such as short and thick necks and broad shoulders.

When wearing silk, choose a shirt with a stand-up collar, preferably with mid-sleeves. Being naturally noble and low-key is more advanced!

Pairing 1: Silk ribbon shirt × black jeans

Silk + ribbon is really the ultimate elegant style. Paired with jeans, it is casual and natural, noble but not artificial.

tip: Silk fabric is difficult to control, so try to choose light colors.

applicable scenarios: daily commuting.

Pairing 2: pure cotton shirt + silk skirt

Colorful silk skirt is high-end and bright, and it is not easy to roll over, because the colors are concentrated far away from the face, naturally the face does not look dirty and it is not easy to look fat. Based on the principle of moderation, matching shirts of different materials will give you an even more high-end look.

If you are a girl with an excellent figure, wear a silk suspender skirt boldly to show off your body curves.


The chiffon fabric is not see-through. The silky and dense texture is still very elegant. A chiffon top instead of a cotton shirt can create a more feminine look.

tip: You still have to remember to coordinate the matching, and use bottoms with a slightly stiffer fabric to match the chiffon top.

applicable scenarios: outings and shopping.

[3] Refuse to mix designs

The ladylike style worn by basic models should be a bit alienated and cold, which is also an important source of high-end sense. To maintain this sense of coolness, mixing elements is a taboo.

When matching, homogeneous elements or unique elements should not be stacked. You can add a little ups and downs to the basic style, such as the asymmetry in the hem of a basic dress, but the stacking of multiple elements makes the outfit look like it has 18 bends in it, and it doesn’t feel high-end!

Principle: Clean silhouette + sense of stretch

Without a waist, there will be no curves, and there will be no sense of nobility. So when wearing girly style, remember to lift your waistline.

An item that is too tight will bring a sense of restraint, making you appear not comfortable enough, and will not give you a sense of elegance. Therefore, items such as cycling pants should not appear in ladylike outfits.

The most suitable state should be that it can be freely retracted and released, loose and tight, emphasizing the waistline and relaxing other parts. Take the belly button as the boundary, and the one higher than the belly button can optimize the body proportions!

From mediocrity to high-end, the noble lady style can be achieved by subtracting the color, quality and elements of basic styles. If you also need to create a high-end sense and temperament, start from the above aspects!