Wearing a skirt is very cool in seasons when you are prone to sweating, but the style of the skirt itself can actually be applied to every season. Qin Lan manages her figure very strictly. You can’t see any bulge in a knitted skirt, and she looks very sexy with a silhouette jacke

Women can choose any style they like on the basis that the style meets their body requirements. As long as they try more, they can get some unexpected surprises. This time, the editor of

has sorted out some skirt styles of Qin Lan, the goddess who is very online. Qin Lan’s matching skills are relatively mature in .

The dress she chose is not limited by her appearance and temperament at all. Let's take a look with the editor. Recommended styles of

skirts -

  • Slim-fitting tube top striped knitted short skirt

Qin Lan has a very strict figure management. There is no bulge in the knitted skirt, and she looks very sexy with the silhouette jacket. Although Qin Lan likes all kinds of skirts, the styles of skirts she chooses are very different. For example, a slim-fitting skirt is a more sexy style.

Slim-fitting short skirts are also a style that is very suitable for summer. Women can try knitted material when choosing slim-fitting skirts. Knitted skirts are softer and more casual in appearance.

From the material point of view, it can indeed present a feeling of with rich details, and the texture of the knitted skirt is also very suitable for summer . This style is not only breathable and light.

It also has a very natural and clear wrapping feeling for the figure. In daily life, women can choose a knitted skirt with a more casual style, such as a horizontal striped contrasting skirt with a tube top, which is a style with a hot girl temperament.

Horizontal stripes can better highlight the gentle temperament of women than vertical stripes, while the tube top design can add some low-key sexy and sweet feelings to the skirt.

Skirts like this are also very convenient to match. If women want to wear alone with , they can directly match it with a pair of leather boots or sneakers. If they want to wear with layered on top, they can also choose some styles that are more suitable. coat.

  • Deep V sleeveless sequined long skirt

Skirts with sequined elements can always attract attention. Such skirts are more high-profile and are also very suitable for matching sexy styles .

Women can try to wear a sequined skirt with a deep V and waisted design. This style is actually and relatively simple , but the gorgeous visual effects and straightforward body display give an effect that is abnormal. Rich in , women who like a refreshing look can also directly try the sleeveless A skirt style.

  • Leg of mutton sleeves, polka-dot waist, shiny long skirt

Classical style clothing is also very popular in modern society, such as long skirts with leg of mutton sleeve elements or fishtail skirts with shoulder pad design etc. The style that women prefer.

When choosing a specific design, women can try shiny long skirts with polka dot elements. The polka dot design is more classic and elegant, and it also matches the temperament of the leg-of-mutton sleeve skirt. Styles like

are more suitable for women with slim waist or shoulder proportions that are narrow .

Skirt Style Recommendation -

Casual and Sexy Style

Qin Lan’s facial features and appearance are actually more classical temperament . Generally speaking, such women will be very suitable for elegant and classical outfits, but Qin Lan’s many daily The outfits are all very bold.

She is also very suitable for casual and wild style. For example, some sexy slim skirts when paired with personalized jackets and shoes are very personalized .

Simple and refreshing style

The refreshing cutting and design are not only suitable for women who like simple style dressing, but also very suitable for women who like sexy style dressing. This style is very neat in appearance.

Women can also add some favorite elements to the specific design. Designs such as silk scarves or straps are very creative when matched with skirts.

Recommended matching of skirts -

  • Slim-fitting knitted skirt + contoured leather jacket

Qin Lan dresses like a girl. The striped knitted skirt shows a flat waist, and it is not old-fashioned when paired with a leather jacket. Qin Lan's matching is not only bold, but also has a very online aesthetic.

She chose a handsome silhouette leather jacket when matching the knitted skirt. This combination can actually shorten the length of the skirt visually, and can also make the figure look slimmer.

This effect is very suitable for horizontal stripes and knitted skirts that are easy to make look fatter, and the handsome and neutral temperament of a leather jacket will make more attractive when paired with a sexy and casual knitted skirt.

  • Sleeveless hollow vest + long lace gauze skirt

The sleeveless vest design is a very good style to match whether it is in a dress or in daily wear. Women can try to add hollow elements to the vest.

Such a design can make women more sexy, and will also add a lot of design sense to the look. When paired with a lace gauze skirt, it will also make the figure look more slender.