As we all know, people's standards for defining perfect women will change over time. In the past 100 years, what Americans think of rational women has also undergone tremendous changes. For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Gibson Girls became It became a fashion

As we all know, people’s standards for defining perfect women will change over time. In the past 100 years, what Americans think of rational women has also undergone tremendous changes. For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Gibson Girls at that time It has become a fashion, and many girls will imitate it. Around 2010, with the popularity of Kim Kardashian , her figure and dress quickly became popular and were sought after by young people. So according to In this regard, the editor would like to share how Americans’ standards for “perfect women” have changed over the past 100 years.

1, Gibson Girl

What is Gibson Girl? It is an image of the perfect American woman created by the artist Charles Dana Gibson during the 20 years of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States. It first appeared in 1890. At that time, the girls painted by Gibson were all tall and thin-waisted. , slender neck, big curly hair and the image of a corset, this image quickly became the embodiment of the perfect American woman. At that time, many girls dressed themselves up to look like Gibson girls, forming a fashion trend !

2, "flapboard" figure

According to historical records, women's pursuit of neutrality began as early as the 1920s. At that time, young women in European and American countries, in order to promote their individuality and pursue gender equality, chose to The figure is made like a man's, using tools to tighten the chest and buttocks, making the figure look like a baffle without any convexity. In addition, he has short hair, so from an image point of view, he is indeed very androgynous. change.

3, more feminine

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, most of the United States suffered economic difficulties, which meant that the fashion pursued by women at that time was more about simplicity, and simple tailoring to protect fabrics had become a trend at the time. As mainstream, previously more accessible materials such as silk become less common, nylon will be used as a replacement for clothing such as stockings.

In addition, the "Siren Suit" is a boiler suit-style structure that can be quickly put on ordinary clothes to protect them from the dirt of the air raid shelter. Of course, in terms of some detailed design, it still has a certain fashion and fluffy shoulders. , flared legs and fitted hood, and the female figure has returned to "normal" and become more feminine!

4, big wavy hairstyle

Regarding the fashion of the 1940s, it was deeply influenced by World War II . Due to wartime restrictions, utilitarian clothing was most common among ordinary women, and the focus was no longer on glamor. and femininity, the new value lies in functional and practical clothing, and with the end of World War II , American Hollywood female stars began to lead women's fashion trends, such as shiny wavy hairstyles became the fashion trend of that era, makeup Trends became less dramatic, tanned skin was seen for the first time as a sign of class, and women began to choose foundations that were closer to their natural skin tone.

5, "Hourglass" figure

The "Hourglass" figure is defined by a woman's body size. It refers to having a wide chest, a narrow waist and wide hips. This body type is named after its hourglass shape, around 1950. , this kind of figure has become popular in the United States. Famous female stars such as Hollywood Marilyn Monroe have a typical "hourglass" figure. In order to have such a figure, some women usually choose to take weight-gaining drugs. Supplements to increase curves.

6, super slender figure

The 1960s was an era of prosperity in the United States, with rapid economic development. Women's standards for a perfect figure have also undergone certain changes. For example, there is no waist outline, especially those with slender thighs, abdomen and arms. The body shape has become the ideal body shape for women. This body shape looks relatively neutral, and it also reflects that women of that era were more willing to express themselves and hoped to be treated the same as men.

7, hippie culture

Hippie culture was very popular in the 1970s. Women wanted to be treated equally with men and empower themselves through self-sufficiency, and walked out of the kitchen and into the workplace, wearing slim and slim silhouettes. bell bottoms , which are unisex hippie style , in addition, women's exaggerated waves and natural makeup show a mix of hippie ideals of beauty and early disco trends, bronzed skin, shiny The double lips and layered feather hairstyle completely changed the beauty of women and became the perfect image for every woman at that time.

8, fitness body

Although the image of a slim woman remained mainstream until the 1980s, there was an increasing emphasis on a strong, athletic, and toned body as the fitness craze began in the United States, with jogging and aerobics becoming the trend. Because of this, slender figures have gradually lost their market. More young women are pursuing a strong and healthy figure. In fact, the popularity of this figure can be realized from the Hollywood female stars of that era. !

9, slim appearance

Since the 1990s, American women have begun to pursue a kind of "morbid beauty", which looks thin, weak, pale, and the overall image is particularly haggard. It is understood that the leader of this fashion It's British supermodel Kate Moss . She looks very weak. Her slender legs, angular bones and clear chin give people the impression that she is lacking in nutrition. However, this slender image was very popular at the time. In the United States, it is sought after by many young women.

10, yoga body

The perfect female figure in the early 2000s, looking long and thin, body conditioning exercises became more and more popular, because during this period yoga and Pilates became women's favorite sports, because these sports mainly exercise The body does not grow muscles, so after a long period of exercise, a female figure will become slimmer.

11, Kardashian body

Since 2010, many women in the United States have begun to pursue Kim Kardashian’s figure, which has wide breasts, wide hips, and a thin waist. It is a typical "hourglass" figure. Although this This kind of body type does not seem to be good-looking to us Easterners, and feels very strange. However, in the United States, this kind of body type is considered to be a perfect body shape with graceful curves, and is liked by many women. It can be said that Kim Kardashian is successful. Leading the fashion trend in the United States.