Wash your hair in reverse order, YYDS! No one would find it troublesome to wash your hair in reverse order! It is really much simpler than other hair care methods. Different from the usual hair washing, I only apply conditioner one more time, but the feeling after washing is real

Wash your hair in reverse order, YYDS! No one will find it troublesome to wash your hair in reverse order!

It is really much simpler than other hair care methods.

What is different from normal hair washing is that I apply conditioner one more time.

But the feeling after washing is really much better than usual!

At the beginning, I thought it was just one more step, how much better could it be!

I didn’t expect it, it smells so good.

The approximate steps are: air cushion comb - conditioner - shampoo - conditioner

Let me talk about the small details that need to be paid attention to!

At the beginning, you need to use an air cushion to comb it, and then when applying conditioner to dry hair, be careful not to apply it to the scalp. There should be a certain distance. I usually only apply it to the ends of the hair, and don’t use a towel to apply it after washing. Wipe it and wrap it with dry hair cap . If you use a hair dryer, remember to blow it at a constant temperature. You can also blow it on both sides when blowing. This will make it fluffy. Speaking from experience!

The steps are very simple! Those little details are of course meant to make the hair look better!

Finally, it is really good to wash your hair in reverse order! ! !