#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it like this # The classic elements can stand the test of time. The element of plaid is timeless and you can choose from many fashionable clothing styles. Find the figure of grid.

The plaid pants are fashionable and not ostentatious. They can be paired with any style of pastoral and fresh style. They look quite individual. The characteristic of plaid pants is that it presents a more casual state , and this casual state is controllable.

When paired with more formal clothing, it can also become into formal . When paired with daily clothing, the casual feel of plaid pants will be displayed to the greatest extent. This is the more special part.

A pair of plaid trousers is the most affordable this summer. They are simple, fashionable and easy to match, and the temperament is quite fresh. Plaid pants are relatively easy to obtain for most people, because the price is relatively affordable.

After choosing a pair of plaid pants , the styles that can be matched are diversified . It will be more fashionable when paired with a suit, and it will feel more refined when paired with suspenders.

classic combination

  • look1: suit

Fashionable suit is a good way for you to try an element that you are not familiar with, because the matching combinations of the suit are all and , which can allow you to find your position as quickly as possible.

The common plaid element is displayed through denim fabrics. The light denim color can show the youthful fashion status. is suitable for young or younger girls to try. The checkerboard grid style is full of handsomeness.

The elements of the plaid are roughly divided into two main types, one is the checkerboard pattern, and the other is the conventional plaid pattern , in order to create different effects with plaid pants.

You can use subtle techniques such as distributing according to color and grid size when matching, so that your suit looks different as a whole. The grid sizes are different in width and width, and have the dramatic fashion of .

  • look2: Plaid pants

Plaid pants have better fashion tension if they are presented separately. The styles of plaid pants are generally and relatively loose . They are suitable for girls whose leg lines are not very advantageous to hide their imperfections. Very nice leg lines.

If you have a good figure, then it is recommended that you try a tight-fitting design . The black tight-waisted top can reflect the contours of your figure.

Plaid trousers are paired with refreshing summer colors that have a girlish agility . Blue is a color that many people can control without any baggage.

So when you wear blue plaid trousers, you can use a tight suspender design for the top part. When the tight suspenders and loose plaid trousers are matched together, the contrast will look good. I use the blue color scheme of all over my body. is clean and tidy.

Color-blocked blue plaid trousers are very beautiful because of the richness of the colors. For plaid trousers with brighter colors, it is best to use -based colors for your tops.

For example, white or black can form a good contrast effect with colorful plaid pants. It is also to make your matching better highlight the main items and beautify the visual aesthetic.

  • look3: Colorful plaid pants

colored plaid pants are challenging . If you are a girl who pursues youthful effect , then the color system can help you achieve this.

The most recommended color system for plaid pants is orange color , which looks more youthful compared to the red color. When orange and green dark colors are spliced ​​together, is more natural, , and the color of the small suit The plaid suit is eye-catching.

Orange can also be regarded as the main color for your matching. The method of choosing colors based on the orange tone will give your fashion flexibility and a good display.

In the spring and summer seasons, choose chiffon or shirt fabrics with plaid pants. The casual state is advanced. The pattern of dense plaid pants arrangement brings you the tight line effect of .

  • look4: workplace style

If you want to match the plaid trousers with a workplace style flavor, it is recommended to match them with a suit jacket. At this time, your plaid trousers should choose nine-point pants with a strong vertical sense. , which shows the spirit and sophistication of .

Small girls can also match it. Choose a high-heeled shoe style appropriately. Bright-colored high-heeled shoes paired with low-saturation plaid pants create a bolder color scheme, and workplace style is more versatile.

This is the end of the matching methods of plaid pants. Girls who like the above matching should boldly try it.