#WHAT TO WEAR TODAY # # attire red and black list # # I’ll wear it like this # Women’s love for skirts is like an innate nature, but many of the advantages of skirts are indeed something that women can’t refuse, like not Girls with less personality will prefer styles with a stron

Some popular elements of skirts can also well show the beauty of the female body curves. However, to achieve these ideal effects, women still need to have certain dressing or aesthetic experience. This time, the editor of

has sorted out the different styles of skirts worn by Chung Liti goddess. Zhong Liti has become more and more fond of unique clothing designs after entering middle age. The skirts she chooses are always attractive in style. People feel the wonderful design sense of . Recommended styles of

skirts -

  • Half-high collar sleeveless tight sequin skirt

Chung Liti is really full of charm. She wears a nude skirt with sequins and still has the slim figure of a fish beauty. Zhong Liti's figure is relatively plump . This figure is very suitable for various skirt styles full of details.

A thin, slim-fitting long skirt is a style that is more flattering . Women can try the half-high collar fishtail skirt with a more distinct layering, paired with a sleeveless design and sequin elements.

From the style point of view, skirts like this are rather than . The long skirt and slim design can optimize the figure, and the half-high collar design can also be pulled up when paired with a sleeveless style. Long body proportions. Although styles such as

are simpler than and in terms of cutting, they are still excellent in terms of fashion effects.

  • Deep V suspender wrap fishtail long skirt

Tube top skirt or V-neck skirt are more classic sexy style skirts, but this type of skirt will become more sexy if paired with a wrap design, The wrapping effect mainly relies on the feeling of wrapping.

Whether it is the strapping effect that comes with the material, or the effect of stacked cloth strips, it is very natural. Women can also try to use a wrap skirt with the suspender fishtail skirt design. Styles like

will change women's temperament from a single sexy and straightforward to a more advanced refreshing and neat feeling.

  • Carved see-through long-sleeved tube top gauze skirt

Gauze skirt is very suitable for matching with carved elements . Such decoration will use the skirt to have a three-dimensional visual effect, but the rich appearance design needs to be matched Here are some low-key basic skirt styles.

Slim-fitting long skirts like tube tops are very suitable for inner wear. Tube top skirts will have a more layered feel when paired with tulle carved overskirts. Women can also add some personality with gorgeous decorations. Designed with .

For example, asymmetrical necklines or cuff designs can make skirts more avant-garde. This kind of fine decoration will also make women's figures look more full and voluptuous.

Skirt Color Recommendation -

Nude Color

Women who like sexy style dressing must try nude color skirts. Nude color paired with light and thin materials will have a feeling that is indistinguishable from the skin. Nude color Like tulle itself, it is very suitable for matching with various decorative elements .

And for fat women or women with plump figures, nude color can also blur the detailed body lines to a certain extent, making the curves softer.


If women with mature temperament want to wear the most intuitive and elegant temperament, they can try dark blue skirts. Dark blue will have a more stable feeling than light blue, and will also be more elegant than royal blue . Low profile.

Dark blue and navy blue have the best modification effect on skin color. is one of the best among all colors. This color is very suitable for matching the simple and elegant style of .

Skirt matching recommendation -

  • Nude slim skirt + fish scale pattern sequins

Zhong Liti has a pretty standard figure, with flesh but not bloated. She looks slim and charming in a skirt.A nude long dress will look tacky if not paired with detailed designs and decorative elements.

This style and dress temperament are more suitable for some elements with sexy temperament . For example, when paired with fish scale pattern , sequins will have a sense of curve. Such arcs will also make Women's figure lines are more prominent.

  • Irregular puff shirt sleeves + slit slim skirt

Zhong Liti is more keen on eye-catching clothing styles, so her skirts are full of creativity in style, but although Zhong Liti’s skirts are relatively designed Avant-garde .

But her own figure and temperament can support these designs. Styles such as puff sleeves and lantern sleeves are very suitable for adding styling to skirts.

This kind of design is more suitable for matching with shirt style . Women can also try to use handsome long slit skirt or sexy fishtail skirt with cuffs.