There are various "eighteen kinds of weapons" for anaerobic exercise and stretching at home, such as abdominal wheels, arm strength machines, dumbbells, barbells, yoga mats, stretching belts, etc., but every time I do anaerobic exercise, I only try it lightly. , my favorite sport

text/has become Xiaoqiang

In my spare time, I like studying and fitness. There are various "eighteen kinds of weapons" for anaerobic exercise and stretching at home, such as abdominal wheels, arm strength machines, dumbbells, barbells, yoga mats, stretching belts, etc., but every time anaerobic exercise I have only dabbled in exercises, and my favorite exercise is still aerobic exercise.

Some of the fitness equipment I have at home

Brisk walking and jogging have been my main ways of exercising for many years. I usually do it before breakfast and after dinner. I exercise twice a day, about five kilometers each time. Those anaerobic and stretching exercises are shorter in duration.

When I reached middle age, insomnia affected my physical condition. I could only walk about five kilometers a day and could not run. Instead of making any progress, I regressed a lot. For a long time, I was very depressed every day, as if I was in a dream.

I felt that it was impossible to continue like this, so I made up my mind to return to the original state.

html When I went for a walk after dinner on June 9th, I suddenly felt like a teenager and wanted to surpass myself. Is it possible to complete ten kilometers in a running state? So I turned on the music on my mobile phone and started jogging at the same speed as my usual walking. After jogging for a thousand meters in the park, I was out of breath and exhausted and wanted to stop. I immediately warned myself, no! Stop and it's useless again! So I slowed down again, gritted my teeth and persisted and just ran! Slowly, my body seemed to adapt, and I was able to speed up a bit. Because my right leg was injured, I could only focus on my left leg. I didn’t care about my running posture. There was no way I could care about it. I just wanted a result.

Most of the people in the park were walking. I shuttled through the crowd with an unbalanced posture. When the gentle voice in the Baidu map told me that I had run ten kilometers, I felt happy. flower! I managed to outdo myself! I only remember that when I was in high school, I ran a winter marathon that my school had to participate in. I didn’t know how many kilometers I ran, uphill and downhill, with more than 1,300 students. I finished 83rd and was awarded a prize. A plastic notebook.

This time I ran not in the previous mode of fast walking and jogging, nor was it the state where I could only walk five kilometers during this long period of time. I was in super jogging mode and ran ten kilometers in one go! I first took a screenshot to record this special moment, and then started to walk slowly for one kilometer to relax, and then stretched and leg press . After returning home, I did 20 abdominal wheels and 20 dumbbells. These are normal and unobstructed. Aerobic exercise.

This is my first time jogging for ten kilometers. My feeling is that my left leg is stressed too much and the muscles in both legs are sore. This should be normal.

My first ten-kilometer ultra-jogging on June 9th

The next evening, half an hour after eating early, I went to the park and continued jogging. This time I downloaded the professional Gudong exercise. I can’t just look at the average speed. We also need to look at the speed of a certain section. This ten-kilometer run was relatively easy, and I also did several accelerated runs during the run. In order to protect my healthy left leg and let my right leg also exercise strength, I ran a few laps clockwise and then a few counterclockwise, and the effect was good. After running and stretching, I came home and did those anaerobic exercises, but I felt that my waist and legs were very painful and stiff. After a night's rest, it seemed to be relieved a lot.

I started running with Gudong on June 10th

From then on, I started the journey of "super jogging". By the end of June, I had run more than 200 kilometers. I am very Buddhist, I just go with the flow and do whatever I want. Sometimes I jog three or four times and then walk quickly when I feel tired. Sometimes I jog twice a day, ten kilometers in the evening, and another five kilometers after dinner. Everything depends on my physical condition and mood. I know that I can defeat myself with strong belief, and that is enough.

Going too far is not enough, things must be reversed at the extreme. Exercise and fitness must be moderate. It is necessary to strengthen exercise without excessive exercise.Although ultra-jogging and brisk walking are about the same speed, and sometimes even slower than brisk walking, jogging has a stronger physical exercise effect than brisk walking. For the same mileage, running consumes more calories than walking, and running can enhance body muscles and muscular endurance. Enhance the body's reaction speed. There are advantages and disadvantages. Running and walking are two different forms of exercise. The movement of running can easily impact the knees and increase the pressure on the knees. Therefore, running or walking should be based on your physical condition. As long as your body allows it. , it is better to run slowly.

When I was young, I didn’t have any requirements for shoes when walking and running. Even when I was hiking, I wore casual shoes or sandals. Think about the fact that our soldiers train very intensively, and the shoes they wear are not running shoes. There are many reasons for not wearing running shoes. One of them should be that they are not only exercising their physical fitness, but also their willpower and adaptability.

Ordinary people walk and run just for fitness, so it is necessary to have a suitable pair of shoes. Shoes are not about quality, but about fit and comfort. I remember that all the sneakers I wore when I was young were bought at the market. Later, when the economic conditions improved, I bought shoes at the mall. But if there is no promotion in the mall, I will not spend several hundred yuan on a pair of running shoes at the original price. Now in the era of developed Internet, I usually buy brand running shoes with missing codes from the subsidies of certain brands, commonly known as "picking up missing shoes", which are as much as 2/3 cheaper than the same shoes in the store.

I have lived a very poor life since I was a child, and I know how difficult it is to borrow money without money. It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. I have always been diligent and frugal, I have an eye for discovery, and I am good at digging for gold in the sand. When I buy anything, I always pursue high cost performance, and I only buy the right ones, not the expensive ones. The best combination of low price and good quality is my favorite. Of course, sometimes I buy the wrong thing. I like the semi-cushioned running shoes of a certain degree, and I also like to wear the running shoes of a certain step. They are light, elastic and breathable. Although these two brands are not very high-end, they have been in the sports industry for many years and are trustworthy. Of course, I am relatively unsophisticated, and there are many expensive brands. I have never heard of the names or worn shoes, so I have no say. But I usually just walk and jog slowly, as long as I feel comfortable wearing them. Okay, it seems there is no need to buy those professional running supplies.

I remember one time I bought some running shoes from a certain brand because of my gullibility, and they didn’t feel good when worn. Because this brand mainly makes outdoor products, the outdoor climbing products they make are quite good. So when buying something, you can’t just look at the brand, you have to look at the brand’s main products.

After jogging for 20 days, I feel that my physical fitness has improved significantly. One time, I suddenly remembered my old bicycle that I had not ridden for a long time. It was the Giant bicycle that I bought for more than 400 yuan after I started working. It has accompanied me through ups and downs for more than 20 years. The longer the time goes by, the deeper the feelings become. Even though I have changed parts many times, I still think it is the best. A long time ago, I used to ride bicycles as part of my spare time, sometimes with my mother and sometimes with my children. After buying an electric bicycle in recent years, this bicycle has become a means of transportation for my children to go to school. It’s summer vacation, and I wanted to ride a bike for a walk on the road, but I felt very strenuous while riding, and my knees hurt. It’s really not what it used to be, and running can’t replace cycling. So I immediately spent more than 200 yuan on the Internet to buy a light bicycle. I will ride and exercise in the future, trying to get back to my previous riding state.

comes to mind from running and cycling. No matter what a person wants to do, such as learning a skill or knowledge, he should try and take action. He should take the first step bravely, have perseverance and perseverance, and go for it. Persistence will give you the possibility of success. Fitness exercises such as walking, running and cycling are the simplest and most basic exercises that do not require a lot of effort. As long as your body allows it, you can exercise scientifically and persevere. As for other jobs, some require a lot of hard work and concentration, especially challenging jobs, which require all-round abilities and an interest in always exploring and learning.

Life is a process of continuous exploration, continuous progress, and continuous growth. In this process, there will be failures and successes, so there will be troubles and joys, all of which are normal.I remember studying a text a long time ago, it seemed to be "Speaking and Doing" or "Thinking and Doing", I can't remember clearly. I feel that no matter what kind of work you do, as long as you have an idea in your mind, you should implement it immediately. If you have difficulties, you must find a way to overcome them, no matter what the result is. Don't think in vain, just think in vain every day. Today is the same as tomorrow. How many tomorrows are there? If you are tired by tomorrow, everything will be wasted! Therefore, people’s execution ability is particularly important. The process of execution is a process of exploration, progress, and growth. In the process of implementation, we only focus on hard work and do not care about harvest, but God will always reward hard work, and there will always be gains more or less. Such a life is a meaningful life.

# Riding the Wind and Waves of Life#​