Many people with hair loss usually wear wigs in order not to affect their appearance. Firstly, they are not expensive, and secondly, they are as convenient as wearing a hat. It’s okay to wear a wig for a short period of time, but why wouldn’t I recommend wearing a wig for a long

Many people with hair loss usually wear wigs in order not to affect their appearance. Firstly, they are not expensive, and secondly, they are as convenient as wearing a hat. It’s okay to wear a wig for a short period of time, but why wouldn’t I recommend wearing a wig for a long time?

1. The scalp will swell, which will also lead to poor blood circulation.

Before wearing a wig, you need to wear a mesh hair bundle. This hair bundle is very tight. Wearing a wig for a long time will cause poor blood circulation in the scalp, leading to The hair follicles cannot receive sufficient nutrients and oxygen, and the hair cannot grow healthily at this time, thus aggravating the phenomenon of hair loss.

In addition, if the wig is worn too tightly, this external force will cause swelling of the scalp and cause scalp discomfort.

2. The scalp is more likely to be oily, itchy, and allergic.

Wearing a wig for a long time will seal the air in the scalp. Especially in summer, when the weather is hot and humid, the scalp will also heat up, sweat more, and secrete more oil. Causes metabolism to speed up. At this time, the scalp cannot easily perspire and breathe, which may clog the hair follicles, causing itching, allergies, etc.

3. It is recommended to clean wigs frequently

Everyone cannot wash wigs every day like their own hair. Basically, they just pick them up and wear them. In this way, the oil, sweat, dust and chemicals on the wig may repeatedly come into direct contact with the scalp, causing itchiness, allergies, etc.