"Friends" Logically speaking, I don't wear makeup on weekdays. Threading on my eyebrows is the greatest respect I have for my face during workdays. But when senior Dan, whom I hadn't seen for three years, came back, I was the first friend he met in Wuhan. I had to put on makeup f


Logically speaking, I don’t wear makeup during working days. Thinning my eyebrows is my greatest respect for my face during working days. But when senior Dan, whom I hadn't seen for three years, came back, I was the first friend he met in Wuhan. I had to put on makeup for both reasons and emotions.

The makeup I put on in the morning would be worn out in the evening, so I hurriedly found my makeup bag and put in foundation loose powder and mascara. After thinking about it, I threw in an eyeliner. Well, I put on makeup after get off work. The configuration is very solemn. !

The next step is what to wear.

I opened the wardrobe and immediately found that the clothes I bought in the past two years were too unstable. Last year I bought a bunch of suspenders, and this year I bought a bunch of suspenders. It's really nice to take pictures, but when I meet my seniors, I always feel that I owe some dignity.

does have an expensive and solemn half-sleeved skirt. The material is good, but when you put it on, it feels like a business attire. Pass. Although I am a working class worker, I still have to look like a "school girl" when meeting my seniors! (The senior has just graduated from graduate school, so technically he is still a student)

An elegant green dress?

No, this is suitable for meeting the boy you like for the first time or on a blind date. It can leave a fresh and elegant impression. Straight men like it, but I am not going on a date, I am meeting friends, pass.

Yellow square neck long skirt?

No, this one is not too revealing, but if you look around, there are ten or eight girls on the subway wearing similar clothes, which cannot highlight my personal characteristics...

Hey, dressing up is really a science. I remembered the concept in a dressing book I read. Dressing is decided based on "What kind of impression do you want to leave on the other person?"

So what impression do I want to leave on the seniors?

First of all, it must be good-looking . At least it cannot be too different from the selfies I posted on my friends circle; this kind of good-looking should also be different from the good-looking of students. It needs to be more refined than students (dressing➕accessories). Some social people The atmosphere is not too social (lightly familiar, not old-fashioned).

Secondly, you must show a little femininity under the solemn premise. You must be happy to meet your senior, but you must have vanity. Such trouble must be obtained A compliment! My style this year is sexy➕feminine, the theme color is red, the style is Hong Kong➕retro, I especially like pearl necklaces, red ear clips, and black leather shoes.

But for straight men like seniors. It is said that retro can easily be equated with being old-fashioned, so you can’t wear a pearl necklace. The red earrings are a bit faded and unrefined, so replace them with small single pearl earrings.

Just choose red!

took out a red suspender skirt and paired it with a cardigan. After thinking about it, I still felt that the occasion was not right (suitable for a love date), so I put it back in the cabinet angrily.

finally decided on a perfect outfit, a rose skirt and a red top with a square collar, feminine and red. It’s a collection of my favorite elements, it’s distinctive, and it’s not too revealing.

But after finalizing it, I realized that the red top was thrown into the dirty clothes basket and hasn’t been washed yet…

Okay, let’s step back. Secondly, go retro, with a top made of imitation black velvet, a rose skirt, the earrings are still small pearls, the necklace is a low-key rose gold hoop, and the bracelet is completed with small retro gold diamonds

~ Try not to pay attention to the small stains on the top. Maomao.

Not to mention, the process of choosing clothes is really exhausting and troublesome. Senior, I really broke my heart just to see you, hahahaha, look at how much I value friendship (and my own image).

It’s just that. After choosing, I found that I have some experience in matching clothes, and I know what kind of myself I want to show to whom on what occasion. It can be considered that the countless money spent on clothing in the past two years has paid off.

See you tomorrow, Dan~

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About the author:

Awan, born in 1998, is a subway ecological observer and a rookie translator.

is losing weight for the Nth time and has a mildly hard-working personality.

Focus on the one most important thing.
