With the development of society, people have mastered more and more knowledge, and the number of invented items is also increasing. Take clothes for example. In the past, clothes were of a single color. As long as they can keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter, it is

With the development of society, people have more and more knowledge, and the number of invented items is also increasing. Take clothes for example. In the past, clothes were of a single color. As long as they can keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter, it is a good piece of clothing.

But now people's ideas have already changed. In order to adapt to people's changing needs, all kinds of clothes continue to appear in front of people every year. People also choose different clothes according to different needs. But some people's clothes are obviously not suitable for them. For example, the protagonist of our article attracted everyone's attention because he wore clothes with too little fabric. So what is the difference between her dress and others?

The hot summer has arrived, and many people who are intolerant to heat have put on cool short-sleeves to let themselves feel the cool breath. This is a perfectly normal thing. But what some people wear is so cool that it’s even hard to understand.

If a man wears this, or goes shirtless, many people won't have much of a problem with it. But if a girl wears clothes that are too cool or too strange, she will attract everyone's attention and discussion, and most of the time, the comments of ridicule and contempt are higher than the comments of support.

Some people even think that some girls are targeted by bad guys because they wear too cool or too strange clothes. This is entirely because they are luring those bad guys, so fundamentally speaking, even if those girls are targeted by Any harm is the result of their own doing.

But in fact, bad people are bad people. No matter how girls dress, their bad hearts will still urge them to commit crimes. As a girl, dressing up is her own business. As long as it does not affect others and she exercises her rights correctly within the scope of morality and law, then she cannot be blamed for all this.

On the streets of a city, a girl dressed coolly appeared. Compared to what most people wore, her clothes were indeed too avant-garde and it was too easy to attract others' attention. First of all, the upper body. The only fabric could only cover her key parts. As for the lower body, although she is wearing a skirt, it is also a miniskirt, and two very eye-catching ropes appear on her waist.

Seeing this, many passers-by were very curious about the girl's dress, and even took pictures with their mobile phones, wondering if they wanted to share this with their friends. Of course, the large number of photographers also attracted the girl's attention. The girl knew that she had become a different scene in other people's lenses. But she was not shy at all. Instead, she smiled generously at the camera and expressed her greetings to the photographers.

In fact, through the video, we can see that this elegant and coolly dressed woman is not actually a peerless beauty. She has an average figure and average appearance. She can be said to be a very ordinary person. As long as she is placed in a sea of ​​people, Ken may not be found by anyone, but what she wears makes her unique.

And there is another thing that is very surprising, that is this woman's performance in front of the camera: calm, confident and generous. Although she didn't say any words, the way she looked at everyone and the moment she looked at the camera seemed to be telling others her point of view. That is, dressing up is everyone's freedom, and she also has this freedom. So she didn't do anything wrong, and she didn't need to bear the strange eyes from others.

Many netizens expressed their affirmation of the woman’s self-confidence and also agreed with the view of women’s freedom in dressing. But some netizens also said that freedom of dressing is right, but there are certain prerequisites.Dressing like this in public still affects others, so considering the feelings of others, the woman should not dress like that in public. If you like it, just wear it when you go home.

Indeed, there are no regulations that require women to dress up, but in this society where everyone lives together, we cannot only consider ourselves and ignore the feelings of others, so for the sake of other people, and in order not to have a certain impact on minors, still I hope this woman pays more attention to her dress so that she can feel comfortable and others can feel comfortable, and you can have fun with me and everyone can have fun, isn’t it great?

Also, a girl’s pursuit of beauty shows that she has noticed herself, learned to love herself, and show herself to others. However, this kind of beauty must have certain standards and limits. If everyone does not consider the feelings of others and does not abide by basic norms, then the society will become a mess and people's lives will undergo unpredictable changes.

Therefore, I hope that before doing something, everyone can think carefully about whether what they are doing is appropriate and whether it will have a bad impact on others and society. After all, collective interests are higher than individual interests, so you must not look at the world by your own standards, otherwise problems will inevitably arise.