Don't tell me, everything is quite "bald". According to statistics, on average one in 6 people will suffer from hair loss. One in four adult men will suffer from hair loss.

Don't tell me, everything is quite "bald". According to

statistics, on average one in 6 people will suffer from hair loss. One in four adult men will suffer from hair loss. Probably 10 out of 10 of us medical students suffer from hair loss.

Most people suffer from seborrheic alopecia.

What is seborrheic alopecia?

Overflow alopecia is a type of hair loss caused by excessive seborrhea. It is often accompanied by increased dandruff, greasy scalp, and obvious itching. It mostly occurs in young adults with strong sebaceous gland secretion.

The hair is thin and soft, and some are accompanied by seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp. Hair loss begins gradually from the top of the head and spreads to the forehead. The scalp is greasy and bright red, with yellow oily scabs.

Most of the shampoos currently on the market for seborrheic alopecia contain ginger ingredients. Are ginger shampoo products reliable in preventing hair loss?

Ginger has antibacterial, anti-allergic and antioxidant effects. It can promote blood circulation, nourish hair nutrition and stimulate hair growth.

uses the pharmacological effects of ginger to slow down or inhibit the reproduction of bacteria and mold on the scalp, thereby achieving antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-itching and anti-dandruff effects without any side effects, while nourishing hair and stimulating hair growth.

Therefore, you must choose a shampoo that removes oil and refreshes the scalp. It is important to help us balance water and oil.

In terms of ingredients, if there are treasure herbal ingredients that have anti-hair loss effects - Platycladus orientalis leaves, as well as synergistic ginger and Polygonum multiflorum, which can effectively prevent hair loss. At the same time, the oil-controlling ingredient B vitamin-pyridoxine is the best.

At the same time, you can choose shampoos endorsed by the "National Cosmetic Special Brand" certificate.

So you can choose the shampoo that suits you based on the ingredients introduced above!