Is the flashback hair washing method that little hs mentioned useful? I can only say that the first person may not understand it, and the people behind it just follow the trend because of its popularity. Let’s just say that the person who wrote this thing is not selling shampoo a

The flashback hair washing method mentioned by little hs, is it easy to use?

I can only say that the first person may not understand, and the people behind are just following the trend because of the popularity.

First, let’s take a look at what the so-called flashback hair washing is:

Dry hair first, apply conditioner and rub it, then wash it off - wash your hair with shampoo - apply conditioner again, rub it and wash it off - dry your hair Apply hair care oil - Blow dry your hair for eight minutes and then apply hair care oil again

Let’s just say that the person who wrote this thing is not a seller of shampoo and conditioner, right?

Wash your hair and use it back and forth several times. If you have good hair volume, you have to use half a bottle, right?

I have oily skin, thin and soft hair, and my scalp tends to get oily. I basically only use shampoo, conditioner and minoxidil (gel, and occasionally ) for my scalp. hair mask ).

I adhere to the principle of "use less and make fewer mistakes, use more and make more mistakes". After all, they all contain chemical substances, and not necessarily which one will make your hair worse. People in the past could not afford to use shampoo, and there was no hair left after washing their hair with water. How bad is it?

First of all, conditioner only makes your hairline close, making your hair look smoother and more supple. The reason why it is placed after washing your hair is because the process of shampooing your hair will open the hairline, which may be a problem for people with oily hair. , Maolin has closed again by itself. People with dry hair can use conditioner to repair it.

Moreover, the conditioner can only act on the surface and has no effect on the hair. Repeated use will not only have no effect, but may lead to clogged pores due to improper cleaning, and eventually hair loss will become more serious.

If your hair becomes softer, or to know the correct order of care, you can read the previous article on my homepage, which has a detailed introduction. Let’s stop squirting today and continue another day.