Can I buy an AJ1 with a budget of 500? Of course you can, these two pairs of AJs today are super cost-effective!

Can I buy AJ1 with a budget of 500? Of course you can, today’s two pairs of AJ are super cost-effective! One pair is AJ1 low tie-dye, and the other pair is AJ1 white and gray. They are both very suitable for this summer. First of all, the low-top version is very breathable and cool. The low-top version can also modify the shape of your legs, making you look like you have a pair of long legs in the summer. Legs~~

——A pair of AJ1low denim denim tie-dye, very beautiful, because tie-dye is used, so each shoe is unique, with different patterns, all shoes are denim denim The fabric is very thick and rough to the touch, but the creases of this fabric will be much lighter than the fabric after being worn for a long time. The appearance is not to mention, the haze blue swoosh and outsole are low-key but Very eye-catching color palette.

- One pair is AJ1 white gray. Most of the materials used in this pair of AJ1 white gray are suede materials that feel more resistant to the touch. The heels, eyelets, toe caps, and a large area of ​​suede are spliced ​​and polished. Leather, I was surprised to find that the leather on the mesh of the toe actually turned out, which is a very innovative design. The fabric used on the waist of the shoe is not suede or smooth leather, but engineering mesh. The suede Nike logo is stitched on, and there are orange stitching embellishments on it, which echoes the orange insole! Very designed.

——Shoe size selection: normal sizes are enough