In this era of visual age, everyone wants their visual age to be younger than their real age. Is it possible to do this by simply applying paint?

In this era of visual age, everyone wants to have their visual age be younger than their real age. Is it possible to do this by simply smearing? That’s not the case. The following actions combined with your skin care products will make you younger and younger. If you don’t believe it, you can try [呲呲]

1: Wash your face

First of all, choose a mild amino acid face wash when washing your face. Milk , its ph value is close to the human body and is less irritating. Secondly, wash your face with warm water. The water is not too hot or too cold. If the water is too hot, it will easily cause the pores to expand. Over time, the pores will become enlarged and red. If it is cold, the excess oil from the skin cannot be removed and the cleaning requirements cannot be met. Finally, it is time to wash your face. For normal skin and acne-prone skin, you should use facial cleanser to cleanse your face in the morning and evening. For ladies with sensitive skin , a day You can only use facial cleanser once, at night, and just wash your face with warm water in the morning. And the facial cleanser should not stay on the face for too long, just ten or twenty seconds, which can reduce the irritation of the facial cleanser on the skin. , thereby better protecting our skin barrier

2: Facial massage at least twice a week

Note: It is a facial massage, not a slap in the face. Facial slap is to gently slap the face with the fingertips of both hands. Pat it directly, or you can apply toner while patting. This can accelerate blood circulation, reduce the occurrence of wrinkles, and absorb skin care products very well. If you don’t believe it, you can try it. Be sure to remember, It’s a pat, not a slap in the face.

Three: Sugar control and sun protection are equally important.

The two biggest killers of skin are ultraviolet rays and sugar in the body. Beauty-loving ladies have already developed good sun protection habits, so they must also learn to avoid sunscreen. Mouth, reduce your sugar intake in your daily diet. Eat less or no sweets, biscuits, milk tea, drinks, etc. If you persist for a period of time, your skin will get better visibly. Controlling sugar is really important. Learn how to do so. Controlling sugar can not only make you thinner, but also make you more beautiful.

Four: About Blackheads

Blackheads are mostly found on both sides of the nose. As long as you have large pores, blackheads will inevitably appear. Blackheads cannot be cured.It is just like our hair. As long as we live, it will not disappear, so don’t start various treatments as soon as blackheads appear on your face. Either apply blackhead paste or apply blackhead liquid. These actions are not useless. It only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. If you want to cure the root cause, do deep cleansing of your nose regularly, hydrate your nose more, maintain the balance of water and oil in your nose, go to bed early and get up early, eat more mild food, and blackheads will be cured. A lot, so don’t get too entangled.

Five: About eye cream and eye essence

Is eye cream and eye essence useful? The answer is yes. Girls who love to smile can use eye cream or eye essence appropriately after they are twenty years old. Because the skin around the eyes is relatively thin, you must be gentle when applying it and touch it carefully. Don't be too violent, otherwise you will easily develop fat particles or wrinkles. The eyes are the place that easily reveals your age. The eye essence is used to dilute dark circles, relieve eye bags and replenish moisture. The eye cream is used to dilute fine lines, lock in moisture, and resist aging. Both together. Use it, it will make your eyes discharge [呲呲]

6: When removing makeup, use less cotton pads and to apply it back and forth

Girls with sensitive skin, thin cuticles, and red bloodshot eyes should see clearly, for makeup removal Don't use a cotton pad to apply makeup remover back and forth, just wipe it gently. Applying it hard for a long time will increase the friction on the skin, damage the cuticle of the skin, and make allergies more likely.

Seven: Apply skin care products What is the phenomenon of mud rubbing when you are prone to it

The reason why mud rubbing occurs is, firstly, because your skin has poor ability to absorb skin care products, and secondly, when you apply skin care products, the time interval between each product Short, before the water is absorbed, you quickly apply the essence. Before the essence is absorbed, you start to apply cream again, causing the skin care products to be superimposed on each other and not absorbed, so there is a trick to apply skin care products without mud.

1: Regularly deep clean the skin to improve the skin's ability to absorb skin care products.

2: When applying skin care products, wait a minute or two between each product and wait until the skin is almost absorbed. Then apply the same product

Three: When applying the cream, you can first emulsify it by making circles with your fingers, so that it is easier to absorb.

Eight: Exercise more and drink more water.

Life lies in exercise. Maintain a certain amount every day. The amount of exercise can speed up the body's detoxification and metabolic functions. It is non-toxic and light-weight, and the skin condition will be much better.

Hydrate the skin, not only apply a facial mask, but also drink more water. When the body is adequately hydrated, the skin will naturally have more moisture and look very transparent.

Aging is a process that people must go through in their lives. We must look at it rationally. No one can turn an eighty-year-old person into a ten-year-old. What we can do to make ourselves age slower is to look like an eight-year-old. Since we can’t look like seventeen or eighteen years old, wouldn’t it be good to keep looking ten or eight years younger than our actual age? Let’s be honest. Mentality, don’t put so much pressure on yourself, don’t put so much pressure on your skin, don’t use skin care products indiscriminately, and don’t mess with your skin, then your skin condition will definitely get better and better