Everyone who likes coffee knows that drinking black coffee will not darken your skin, but it is the best skin care product. Coffee is rich in various effective beauty ingredients, which can help reduce pigmentation, improve skin gloss, and play a role in beauty and skin care. Ins

Black coffee

Everyone who likes coffee knows that drinking black coffee will not only make your skin darker, but it is the best skin care product.

Coffee is rich in various effective beauty ingredients, which can help reduce pigmentation, improve skin gloss, and play a role in beauty and skin care. Institutional research has long shown that.

1. Antioxidant elements in coffee.

We all know about antioxidants, but few people know the principles of antioxidants. Antioxidant is the abbreviation for Antioxidant Free Radicals. free radicals can destroy healthy cells, make the body's immunity worse, and breed various diseases. For our facial skin, free radicals can destroy the elasticity and flexibility of cell membranes, causing skin aging, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity and luster.

In fact, the human body has a set of mechanisms to reduce the damage of free radicals to cells, but in today's air pollution, computer radiation and fast-paced life, relying solely on self-immunity is not enough, and additional antioxidant supplements are needed.

Among common antioxidant foods such as milk, tea, tomatoes, and red wine, the antioxidant content of coffee exceeds.

1. Chlorogenic acid : According to statistics, every 200ml Arabica coffee , which is considered the largest source of plant phenolic antioxidants for humans, contains 70~200mg of chlorogenic acid.

2. Protein melanin (or melanoidin) is a powerful antioxidant produced when coffee beans react with Maillard during the roasting process, with a content of up to 25%.

3. Flavonoids : can effectively remove free radicals in the body, are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging. Especially the anthocyanin component, its antioxidant activity is more than 10 times that of vitamin E.

2. Coffee with powerful skin care effects.

As the soul ingredient of coffee, it can be said that half of the legend of coffee is created by it. It not only has the effects of refreshing, burning fat, losing weight, eliminating edema, diuresis, etc., but also has a powerful skin care effect, which cannot be underestimated.

Skin protection: It has antioxidant effect, can remove free radicals, protect the skin from ultraviolet damage, improve skin dullness and fine lines, and delay aging.

calms the skin: high antioxidant activity, which can relieve the symptoms of skin redness and swelling.

Eliminate edema: Helps remove excess moisture from the skin, making the skin firm and delicate.

activates the skin: promotes metabolism, stimulates cell vitality, and makes the skin full of vitality.

Coffee yin is among the ingredients of some big-name eye skin care products. Due to this good effect, it is often included in the list.

Seeing this, many friends have become fans of black coffee! However, I would like to remind you that although the coffee is good, don’t be greedy!