As the temperature rises, our sebum excretion rate increases. Coupled with our lifestyle of staying up late, working overtime, watching TV shows, and playing games, our skin is prone to various problems under the stimulation of high temperature environments. Many people think tha

As the temperature rises, our sebum excretion rate increases. Coupled with the lifestyle of often staying up late and working overtime, watching TV dramas, and playing games, the skin is prone to various problems under the stimulation of high temperature environments. Many people think that lotion is enough in summer. However, if you don’t apply facial cream in summer, the water on your face will evaporate too quickly, which will cause your skin to secrete more oil. So, even in summer, facial cream is a must! Phil's First Look Lactobacillus Facial Cream can not only relieve summer greasiness, but also comprehensively repair the skin barrier to help you overcome summer skin care problems.

The relationship between creams and lotions

Under normal circumstances, the texture of lotions is relatively thin, and the moisturizing ability and time are relatively limited. If you only use lotion to moisturize, it will not last long. Over time, the skin will gradually enter a state of dehydration. But adding a layer of cream behind the lotion will greatly reduce water loss. The cream is like a cup lid. In a cup with a cup lid, the water inside will evaporate very slowly. Therefore, be sure to apply facial cream to lock in moisture to your skin. If we don’t use facial cream to lock in moisture, no matter how expensive or good the essence or lotion we use, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Why should you apply face cream in summer

Ultraviolet rays are strong in summer, and the skin is prone to sunburn. Face cream can protect the skin barrier. The hotter the weather, the more natural oils secreted by the skin. Refreshing face creams are needed to regulate skin oils, otherwise the water and oil imbalance will occur. It leads to various skin problems; the skin is exposed to the sun during the day, and the skin needs to be repaired at night. Facial cream can moisturize the skin.

How to choose a face cream in summer

If the texture of the cream is like cheese, then the oil content will not be very high. If it is thick and shiny, like butter, then the oil content must be high. It is not easy to choose heavy texture creams in summer. If your skin condition is very poor and you have not found a suitable cream, you might as well let Fils First-Facial Lactobacillus Facial Cream repair your skin. Although it is a facial cream, its texture is as soft and waxy as yogurt, easy to apply and absorb. You even have a cute name, "Yogurt Fatty".

Phils Lactobacillus Facial Cream not only repairs the skin's physical barrier, but also acts on the skin's immune barrier and microecological barrier. N-palmitoylhydroxyproline cetyl ester, stearic acid , and rapesterols can simulate lipid bilayers and fill in the damaged barrier structure; bisabolol, ginger root extract, and bellflower Leaf/vine extract can reduce vascular reactions and improve anti-irritation capabilities; yeast fermentation products, yeast lysates, and lactobacillus fermentation products can improve skin quality, activate cell renewal, and balance the skin microenvironment .

If you have dry or oily skin and are looking for the best care for your skin, then Phil's Prime Lactobacillus Facial Cream is your best choice this summer. Let the good mood of every morning be evoked by Fils Lactobacillus Facial Cream.