As the best shoulder muscle-building exercise, whether it is a seated dumbbell shoulder press or a barbell shoulder press, one small detail that needs to be paid attention to is the angle of the seat back.

As the best shoulder muscle-building exercise, whether it is a seated dumbbell shoulder press or a barbell shoulder press, one small detail that needs to be paid attention to is the angle of the seat backrest.

Many friends will choose chairs with backrests perpendicular to the ground. This is actually not conducive to exerting force. MAX recommends that you adjust the backrest to 75°~80° (as shown below)

This way, you can push heavy weights better. The upper chest will be used to lend a little force, but it is not a serious problem, and it is also friendly to the mobility of the shoulder joint.

We can first not think of deadlift as an action mainly based on pulling, but first think of it as an action of stepping on the ground.

Push your feet hard on the ground in the first half of the step, pull the barbell to the level of your knees, and then at this point, start pulling up the weight.

You can see that the first half of this movement focuses on stepping to stand up, while the second half focuses on pulling.

Really practice using your legs during the first half of the deadlift. The greater the leg drive, the greater the force of the leg drive will greatly help increase the strength of the deadlift.

The deadlift is a very good movement. It is very helpful for the explosiveness and strength of the lower body. It is recommended to do it mainly with a weight of 6~8RM.

Many novices think that eating after exercising is equivalent to practicing in vain...

I want to say that if you don’t eat, your training is in vain!

Because the muscles after exercise are in a damaged state and need to be repaired, we need to eat some food, repair the muscles, and then rest well, so that the muscles can perform better next time.

Not eating will only make you thinner and thinner, lose more muscle, and make the whole person more flabby.

So we need to drink some protein powder after training, or eat a few egg whites, and a banana are both good choices.

These things are quickly absorbed and easy to digest, so they are very suitable for supplementation within 30 minutes after training.

If you occasionally eat a big meal, eating it after training is also the least likely to gain weight. Have you learned it?

Free weight means that the direction of resistance is always vertical to the ground. The most representative ones are barbells and dumbbells. There is even a saying: As long as I have barbells and dumbbells, I can train all parts. This is absolutely true.

Free weights do not have any fixed trajectory, but there seems to be only one correct trajectory for everyone, so requires the trainer to maintain concentration and control throughout the movement, and ensure that the posture is correct.

Moreover, almost all free weight movements require tightening the core in advance, which virtually strengthens the stability and growth of many deep muscles, which is very beneficial in the long run.

Putting aside aesthetics, a strong neck can definitely make you stand out from the crowd.

Even no one dares to approach within a radius of 5 meters.

Whether it is Johnson

or Statham

, their thick and powerful necks will make people think that they look more manly, stronger, more resistant to fighting, and more majestic.

In addition, MAX found that everyone seemed to only think about "wide shoulders" and fuller deltoid muscles during training, while ignoring the training of the trapezius muscles.

You must know that the trapezius muscles and plump shoulders complement each other. The absence of either will lead to an imbalance in the proportions of the upper body.

Today I will teach you two trapezius muscle training movements that MAX will use on shoulder training day!

First, dumbbell shrug: Hold the dumbbells on both sides of the body, and use the force of the contraction of the trapezius muscles to displace the dumbbells. The arms do not exert any force during the whole process, just bend slightly.

Do 3 sets of 15 times each.

Second, barbell shrug: Hold the barbell plate on both sides of the body, move forward and backward in circles to contract the trapezius muscles. Not only can the trapezius muscles be trained, but some rotator cuff and back muscle groups can also be involved.

3 groups, each group can be done 20 times.

Hurry up and join your training plan and become the strongest man in the gym