As an indispensable skin care product in our lives, facial mask can actually be regarded as an "emergency product"~ But applying a facial mask is not that simple, and it is also very particular about the time of application. Let's take a look!

"Allergic? Apply a facial mask~ The makeup doesn't fit well? Apply a facial mask~" This is a common conversation between girls about applying facial masks. As an indispensable skin care product in our lives, facial mask can actually be regarded as an "emergency product"~ But applying a facial mask is not that simple, and it is also very particular about the time of application. Let's take a look!

The correct way to use the mask

1. Before applying the mask, be sure to remove makeup and cleanse thoroughly, and exfoliate if necessary, which is beneficial to the absorption of the mask and can also prevent dirt and dust from entering the pores.

2. After cleansing the face, wet the hot towel on the face for three minutes, and then massage for three minutes to completely open the pores and improve the effect of the facial application.

1. It is best to apply a facial mask before going to bed 21~23:00

Before going to bed 21~23:00 . At this time, the skin's metabolism is at a relatively strong stage, and it is also the time for the skin to repair itself, and the absorption will be very good.

Applying a facial mask at this time can not only repair skin damage, but also protect the skin. Because when we sleep, the skin's immunity is reduced, and applying a facial mask just forms a protective effect. Regardless of men or women, it is correct to apply a facial mask at this time.

2. Applying a facial mask after bathing

This time is also doubly effective, because after bathing, the pores of the skin can be opened to a large extent. If we apply the mask at this time, the skin can quickly and effectively absorb the nutrients in the mask. Let the absorption enter.

The opening of pores is also the best way to clean, and our skin is in the best condition. The effect of applying a facial mask can also be maximized. It can be said that applying a facial mask at this time will allow you to achieve twice the result with half the effort! It won't affect sleep either.

However, there are a few things to pay attention to when applying a facial mask:

1. Do not apply a facial mask before makeup.

Many people say that applying a facial mask before makeup can instantly increase the moisture content of the skin stratum corneum and make it look delicate and translucent, making it easier to apply makeup later. It will be particularly docile and beautiful.

However, when the skin is filled with water, the stratum corneum structure will become loose, the skin barrier will become weaker, and harmful substances in makeup will enter the skin more easily.

2. Apply facial masks in moderation.

Many people mistakenly believe that applying facial masks every day will take better care of their skin. Doing so will only damage the skin. No matter what you do, you must have a certain degree, because the absorption capacity of our skin is also relatively limited.

If you apply a facial mask every day, too many nutrients will burden the skin. Not only will it not be able to absorb nutrients better, but it will also damage the skin. Therefore, it is enough to apply it 3 times a week at most, and arrange it scientifically.

3. Remember to lock in moisture after applying the mask

No matter what kind of mask, it only temporarily replenishes moisture. If you go to bed after applying the mask, everything will return to the state before applying the mask within 10 minutes.

If you delay the use of skin care products, the previous work of applying facial masks will be in vain. The face that has just applied the mask is the most hydrated, so don’t wait too long. Within 5 minutes after applying the mask and cleansing, apply some lotion or cream with a strong moisturizing effect.

The secret to keeping facial skin young is simple, that is, just apply a facial mask every week. Today I will give you a hyaluronic acid freeze-dried powder hydrating mask.

The biggest highlight of this facial mask is that it uses hyaluronic acid and freeze-dried powder, which can improve the "thirst" condition of the skin, replenish moisture to the skin, achieve deep hydration, and rescue dry skin, especially for those who are suffering from acne. For older women, it has a significant hydrating effect.