Messi, born in 2000, is the granddaughter of the first lady of the United States, Jill. She is the most unique among the sisters. Although she is not very beautiful, her dressing style is quite unique. Every time she appears on the scene, she does not take the usual path, just li

00后Messi is the granddaughter of the first lady of the United States, Jill. She is the most individual among the sisters. Although she is not very beautiful, her dressing style is quite individual. Every time she appears on the scene, she does not take an unusual path. Just like the daughter of singer Faye Wong Dou Jingtong , she likes to adopt a neutral style!

Gil has four granddaughters, and Messi is the third. She is very casual when taking photos with her family. Her shoulder-length hair is permed and curled very fashionably. She is wearing gray clothes and hugging her younger brother who is wearing a white sweater. The family is having a good time. There is no heavy makeup or heavy makeup. No matter what luxury brand clothes you wear, it will always make you feel comfortable!

Recently, the 21-year-old Messi went to Spain with her grandparents. She was dressed up to attend the royal dinner. She changed her past style and wore a skirt. She wore a silhouette suit with a skirt on the upper body and a 50-50 skirt suit. He lost his gentleness and walked beside his sister, chatting animatedly all the way. From a distance, the tomboy he used to be looked a bit like a girl.

How should girls dress? In fact, there is no definition. Messi is a very casual girl. She is not outstanding among the four sisters. She can only choose a neutral style to distinguish herself from the sisters. As expected, her move is impressive and unusual. Lu's "first granddaughter" became the focus of heated discussion in the media, and the melon-eating public also remembered her.

She is not the first lady, nor is she the first socialite, but she is the first granddaughter of a great country, and she is not the only granddaughter. If you want everyone to remember her, you really can’t do it without some caution. You can only rely on high IQ. It left a deep impression on everyone. For example, she rarely appeared in a dress at a dinner held by the Spanish royal family. Her pure white dress made people shine. This was her uniqueness and made everyone remember her as the first granddaughter.

I went shopping with my sister and grandma a few days ago, and my neutral style outfit made me look even more eye-catching! I saw my sister wearing a halter skirt that looked very feminine, but she was dressed as a boy, wearing a striped pullover, shorts, black leather shoes, a man's outfit and a baseball cap. If you don't look at the face, He can really be mistaken for a handsome guy!

As the first granddaughter, Messi has her own opinions and ideas. She is not ladylike if she doesn’t wear a skirt. On the other hand, her androgynous style is very special. On the other hand, her look at the dinner is much more feminine. At least she wears a skirt. Compared to her sister’s dress Not so sweet, and looks more intellectual and capable.

Her masculine and androgynous style makes people remember Messi. However, when she met the Queen of Spain, she was not so over the top. Instead, she wore a gray sweatshirt and trousers. The casual look was acceptable. After all, she was a girl. It was too inappropriate. If you are like that, it will make people laugh; in fact, if you dress up beautifully like your sister and grandma, it will not be easy for people to remember. Maybe this is what makes Messi outstanding!

21-year-old Messi rarely wears a skirt! Wear a silhouette suit with a skirt to attend the dinner, and finally look like a girl! However, most of her previous looks were neutral, and she wore suits and dressed in a masculine style. This unconventional personality also made her grandpa admire her. She was taken to various events and has become a celebrity!

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